J.V. Stalin "Report to the Seventeenth Congress" Subsection "The Growing Tension in the Political Situation in the Capitalist Countries" January 26, 1934 Buy a book by Stalin with this speech in it "The bourgeoisie need have no doubt that the numerous friends of the working class of the U.S.S.R. in Europe and Asia will endeavour to strike a blow in the rear at their oppressors who have launched a criminal war against the fatherland of the working class of all countries. And let not Messieurs the bourgeoisie blame us if some of the governments near and dear to them, which today rule happily 'by the grace of God,' are missing on the morrow after such a war. . . . "It can hardly be doubted that a second war against the U.S.S.R. will lead to the complete defeat of the aggressors, to revolution in a number of countries in Europe and in Asia, and to the destruction of the bourgeois-landlord governments in those countries." [Why this quote is right: The U.S.S.R. did defeat the aggressors. The U.S.S.R.'s Red Army moved into eastern Europe, overthrowing pro-Nazi regimes as it went. It then installed governments that prepared the conditions for socialism. In China, World War II provided Mao his final push toward power, with final success in 1949. Likewise, in Korea and Vietnam, bourgeois-landlord regimes were well on their way down. In Albania and Yugoslavia, serious armed struggle brought to power new governments and in Czechoslavakia, Marxists won elections. Colonies around the world felt the grip of imperialism loosen and the next 25 years after World War II saw the colonies liberate themselves.]