Yao Wenyuan "On the Social Basis of the Lin Piao Anti-Party Clique" Peking Review #10, 1975 "If we do not act in this way, but instead call for the consolidation, extension and strengthening of bourgeois right and the partial inequality it entails, the inevitable result will be polarization, i.e., in the matter of distribution a small number of people will appropriate increasing amounts of commodities and money through some legal and many illegal ways; stimulated by 'material incentives' of this kind, capitalist ideas of making a fortune and craving personal fame and gain will spread unchecked; phenomena like the turning of public property into private property, speculation, graft and corruption, theft and bribery will increase; the capitalist principle of the exchange of commodities will make its way into political and even into Party life . . . . When the economic strength of the bourgeoisie has grown to a certain extent, its agents will demand political rule, demand the overthrow of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system, demand a complete changeover from socialist ownership, and openly restore and develop the capitalist system." [Why the above was right: Mostly it described what was already happening in Brezhnev's "Soviet Union." What was really stunning about this quote is that it also predicted what would happen in China under Hua/Deng/Jiang Zemin if China did not follow the course Yao was talking about. The following year, the capitalist-roaders staged a coup against Yao and put him in prison to begin the process Yao predicted with regard to capitalist restoration. Furthermore, Yao's essay correctly predicted that a move for open capitalism would occur as with Gorbachev and Yeltsin 11 years after the publication of Yao's document. We can also refer to most of the student movement in China in 1989 that wanted open capitalism.]