Premier Zhou Enlai July 19, 1971 "Chairman Mao tells us that one must rely on one's own efforts. We cannot impose on you, nor can you just mechanically copy from us. You can see the American youth are gradually raising their political consciousness. According to our experience, it is always intellectuals who start out, because it is easier for them to accept revolutionary theory, and revolutionary experience from books. But for the movement to succeed you must go among the workers, because in the United States the working class is the great majority of the people, and the peasantry is quite small. And so to do that, you must go into them deeply. We have only our experience, but we are not at all well acquainted with your situation. So that must depend upon your own efforts. . . . Self-reliance proceeds from independence, and taking the initiative in your own hands. Yes, one must go through some arduous process." Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, China! Inside the People's Republic (NY: Bantam Books, 1972), p. 361. "Chairman Mao himself has paid attention to the American situation and he has also asked us all to note the fact that it can be said that the United States is now on the eve of a great storm. But the question of how this storm will be developed exactly is your task, not ours. We can only tell you about something of our hopes." (Ibid., p. 347) [ adds: Formally speaking, it was Zhou Enlai's job to meet foreigners if the dictatorship of the proletariat's top officials thought it important enough. We are thankful that Zhou Enlai gave the informal interview, because it no doubt helped sell many copies of the Bantam Book that resulted. Today's modern revisionists justify ignoring study of imperialist country conditions by quoting Mao on those conditions. They leave out how many times Mao warned against copying outside advice without knowing one's own conditions. In fact, one of the first two line struggles in the Communist Party of China centered on this problem. We provide the above quote, because the revisionists take advantage of the most backward people who cannot see the general principle when expressed in Chinese conditions. Although the statement is not official, it echoes something Mao said countless times and it was Zhou Enlai's job to say it countless times as head-of-state meeting many foreigners--that Beijing can't do the best scientific job with regard to India, never mind distant places like the united $tates that are not semi-colonial and semi-feudal. The above was a statement to a group of Amerikkkans visiting China as a part of getting themselves educated about socialism, Vietnam and the Cold War. Zhou Enlai was a highly talented persyn able to follow centralism in many situations where he did not agree with the line. For those who would downgrade the above quote, we would point out that Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan were there when Zhou Enlai made the statement. It was not a case of Zhou Enlai trying to pass a secret message about his real persynal line. Also, at the time of this conversation with Amerikkkans, Progressive Labor Party had broken ties with Mao to go down the crypto-Trotskyist road and the u.$. imperialists had smashed the Black Panther Party. In the whole conversation, Zhou never mentions any U.$.-based party and instead makes it clear that China would like to be in contact with various people from the united $tates from various nationalities. Of course, we now have a disagreement with Zhou Enlai, because having looked into this, the u.$.-based communist movement has stated that we have to accept that Germany in 1945 may be the relevant parallel and experience. So for the leaders of the Chinese proletariat to say it is not their job to bring down u.$. imperialism is understandable but not correct. Unfortunately, thanks to the uneven development of the communist movements in various places, there was no MIM to have this debate out with Mao and his comrades.]