Nation of Aztlán web page

Neo-Nazi ideology at

At first glance, there is much to unite with on the Nation of Aztlán web page--strong resistance to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, pointing out that Bush & Kerry belong to the same Yale fraternity and petitions to cut U.$. aid to I$rael. After getting all this right, we wonder how the people at are possibly not communists.

We can even agree that yes, indeed, Jews have been caught staging hate crimes against Jews-- graffitti for instance. Diaries of Zionist prime ministers suggest that much worse crimes have been staged against Jews by Jews.

The reason: "has to do with the personal payoff for victimization, i.e., attention, sympathy, a sense of importance, feeding persecution fantasies, and material payoffs. The second has to do with advancing a political or social agenda, as in the case of hoaxes intending to create support for regulations or legislation, or to help create a climate sympathetic to specific interest groups."(1)

This is actually important to understand. The Nation of Aztlan web page should see that this is a general problem. In fact, it's only when we talk about the strategy suggested on the Nation of Aztlan web page that we start to see a systematic disagreement. It seems has taken a cue from some in the Nation of Islam and seek media attention for sensational claims about Jews. The root word there is "attention." It's wrong, because it relies on the imperialist media to spread the word and anything relying on the imperialist media ends up getting twisted.

"The re-conquest of Aztlan is not going to be the result of bloody revolution or illegal coup d'etat, such notions will only encourage the anti- Mexicanism that is promoted by the jew media and lead to the further persecution of our people. The Revolution will involve a process which is legally done as a result of the will of the people."(2)

To a certain extent, we agree with the point about "persecution." The oppressed nations within u.$. borders may not be ready to handle all the moves of the oppressor just yet. At the same time, we believe this above shows a basic lack in confidence in the struggle of the oppressed and exploited. Now we ask "how are you doing anyone in Iraq a favor by suggesting such weakness in the face of the enemy?" If Aztlán with all its tens or hundreds of millions of potential backers in the background can not stand up tall, how is a country of 25 million going to fight u.$. imperialism with its high-tech and 290 million? Anyone who has less than global confidence is going to end up selling the struggle short. That's how Iraqis end up serving in the lackey regime, serving as puppets for Uncle $am-- because they figure they can't win. Some Palestinians even go into service of the MOSSAD. We have to figure out why. It's not just money. It's that they sold themselves short.

When anyone targets Jews as the enemy in a tail wagging the dog story about u.$. imperialism, the bottom line problem is a lack of strategic confidence in the oppressed nations--selling oneself short and assuming that the deed of taking down both the dog of u.$. imperialism and its tail of Zionism can't be done. It's easy to see who benefits from that--the dominator white nation of u.$. imperialism. The reason some neo-Nazis prefer that strategy is that they seek to sacrifice the Jews for all the parasitism and oppression of the white nation. If the oppressor nation can fool the oppressed into thinking it's really the Jews doing it all, then the neo-Nazis figure their oppressor nation gets a free pass--after stealing land and looting the whole world. But whose nation is funding, arming, spying for and even fighting for I$rael? Whose nation is attacking Aztlán? It's one and the same white oppressor nation.

The web page goes on to sing the praises of Hitler and his strategy of nationalism aimed at the Jews. The story goes that because Jews lodge every where, they benefit most from internationalism. Of course, that is wrong now that a solid portion of Jews lives in I$rael and another in New York. "Through Nationalism we preserve all that jewry wishes to destroy,"(2) says. Zionists definitely do not benefit from proletarian internationalism even while dispersed Jews do and five billion of the world's oppressed do.

What is doing in practice if not "internationalism"? Why is petitioning against u.$. aid to I$rael and fighting for the Iraqi people if not internationalism? The struggles of Iraq and Aztlán are united. It's not some Jewish conspiracy to link them. Nor is it a Jewish conspiracy to link them to the Blacks as has also done. Mao explained it this way: "In wars of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism." Both the Zionist oppressor and Uncle $am lose the most from internationalism, real internationalism.

Mao had the help of Koreans, Tibetans and many other nationalities fighting alongside the dominant Chinese ethnicity, the Han people. When you buy into the neo-Nazi ideology, you are sending the message that you don't want Salvadoran, Guatemalan and even Brazilian help with Aztlán. Are you saying those peoples would not be welcome in Aztlán? Whose interest is it to keep the Chicanos from welcoming other peoples from Central and South America? Did you not see the web pages spoofing Aztlán only to turn out to be neo-Nazis advocating shooting of Mexicans at the U.$. border? And what about working things out with the First Nations? Is it not the dominator white nation that benefits from leaving that all out?

That's why the Black Panther Party always said, "Black power for Black people! Brown power for Brown people! Red power for Red people. Yellow power for Yellow people!" So why are you saying: "Jewry wishes to subjugate the Aryan, African and Aztec tribes and dictate to those tribes its wretched lies."(2) You left out some people and you named the wrong oppressor--again doing no favors for the Afghan and Iraqi fighters who face U.$. troops.

The dominator white nation wants to keep everything a "one-on-one" fight as much as possible. For the neo-Nazis stuck in a pickle, this is also why so many whites choose Liberalism. They benefit from one-on-one fights, because they've already set up a system of plunder that they want to keep. That's why we Maoists want a joint dictatorship of the proletariat of the oppressed nations over imperialism. That would be like a United Nations to run the united $tates, except it would be a United Nations with communist scientific leaders of each oppressed nation instead of the bourgeois diplomats tied into u.$. imperialism we see today.

Granted, even now with U.$. troops there in Iraq, there is a huge Arab bourgeoisie that talks as if I$rael were the problem and not the united $tates. The problem is that these Arab billionaires have their money invested in the united $tates. They can't bear to launch an attack on the country that has to do well for their own investments to pan out. That's why we have to take the viewpoint of the international proletariat--people without investments in the oppressor nations. The flabby Arab and Aztlán bourgeoisie will never do the whole job. They only want to take on a piece of it.

That's why we have to distinguish between the nothing-to-lose proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The reason the white nation is not a trusted ally is that its people benefit from super-profits too much to be trusted; even though there is a small minority of white scientists who can see that in the future peace requires justice. Most minimum wage workers live in families where other bread-winners make more than minimum wage. Nonetheless, the minimum wage in England is so high that an adult living alone and making minimum wage in England ranks in the top 10.1% of the world by income. It's not genetic. It's not even cultural mainly. It's economics. To know who we can rely in struggle and who is not reliable we have to look at economics. Combined, the workers and oppressed nations can sweep away U.$., British, French, Zionist oppression. The workers of the oppressed nations and their allies in other classes of the oppressed nations have a self-interest in doing so.
