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The pro-life movement is splintering with Pat Robertson going to Giuliani,(1) another section going to Thompson(2) and others going to Huckabee(3) in the race for the Republican Party nomination. Since Thompson did work for the pro-feminist "choice" movement and Giuliani is pro-choice, by Amerikan standards, Huckabee is the logical choice for family values voters. It's time for the anti-war movement to point out the obvious-- that the campaign against so-called "Islamofascism" is not compatible with family values.
It is the united $tates and its Satanic allies sending the most females into combat. Once in Abu Ghraib, females like Lynndie England act just like pornographic men. Sending females to combat has to do with appeasing the blue states (states which vote for Democrats).
Now the crafty Yale-educated Pat Robertson(4) sees that the Iraqi insurgents have made war an unpopular topic in the united $tates. The Amerikan public opposes a conventional war with Iran expanding from Iraq(5) and only 52% so far support a war to get Iran's nukes.(6) Within public opinion, the blue states are more opposed to the war, and the red states are wobbling too. Ron Paul is making gains among the military families.(7) Instead of sticking with pro-life family values, Pat Robertson moved to endorse Giuliani.
The reason for this is that the bottom line is Iran and such places are more pro-life than the Republican Party. So then the question is why the pro-life movement is lining up with these parties opposing "Islamofascism."
Saddam Hussein, Ahmadinejad--pretty much any politician of the Islamic countries is on average more opposed to pornography and Hollywood than the Republican Party.
The Republican Party held together when the Soviet Union was the main enemy. The Soviet Union had a more pro-feminist stand on abortion than the Republican Party. Hence family values and attacking the Soviet Union seemed to go together. Now that the Iraq War is going badly, the means of stitching together pro-war public opinion have to change. Iran and Afghanistan are not the Soviet Union.
MIM is working against colonialism and imperialist war every day. We invite the pro-life movement to join us.
1. http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/elections/elections111007.html
2. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/nation/stories/DN-righttolife_14nat.ART.State.Edition1.d44586.html
3. http://www.earnedmedia.org/tg1114.htm
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Robertson
5. http://www.pantagraph.com/articles/2007/10/27/news/doc4723d277d876c363683513.txt
6. http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1379
7. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/17323345/ron_paul_a_republican_takes_the_lead_against_the_war