This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 1
MIM Notes
October 1, 2003, Nº 288
The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
INSIDE: Kucinich * Mideast Plan* Under Lock & Key * Una Página en Español...
According to the BBC of September
12: "The authorities say five rebels and
three security personnel have died over
the past two days."(1)
Even more indicative, the BBC is
fretting. The People's War has "a sense
of real fear among members of the elite,
who feel that they could be the next
Meanwhile, something called is reporting that the
Maoists are going to set up a radio station
on the FM 95.1 dial.(2) An unscientific
poll of users says that
65% favor the king's return to cooperation
with the parliament which he dissolved.
The question phrased the king's options
as limited because of an upsurge in the
People's War.
As usual in the world, the United $tates
is not on the side of "democracy" and
calls the Maoists "terrorists" one step
short of being placed in the same legal
status as Osama Bin Laden--this despite
the fact that the Maoists are fighting a
monarchy. This should have been clear
when King Gynendra dissolved parliament
completely in June 2002 and kicked out
the premier Deuba in October 2002 to
assume power for himself(3)--not that
MIM is saying the people the King sacked
did not deserve it.
There is no history of a country making
major progress in a situation like Nepal's
without massive violence to change the
feudal system. It always took revolution
or at least outside military intervention to
break the back of the landlord class
holding back industrialization and
modernization. The lack of revolution is
the reason why Nepal is one of the
poorest countries in the world.
MIM gives a fraternal salute to all
In the early morning hours of August
28 two pipe bombs exploded outside
Chiron, a pharmaceutical company in
Emeryville, California. A group calling
itself "Revolutionary Cells" claimed
responsibility for the attack in a written
communiqué: "This action came about
because Chiron has continued their
murderous connection with Huntingdon
Life Sciences even though they have been
September 6, 2003
Brooklyn, NY
hants of "Black Power!" filled
the air this sunny afternoon and
Black Panther Party imagery
surrounded the speakers on their platform
at the "Million Youth March." MIM
handed out 500 copies of MIM Notes 287.
An organization calling itself the "New
Black Panther Party for Self-Defense"
was much evident at the Million Youth
March. Speaking of a "united front" the
new Black Panthers worked with the
Nation of Islam, which furnished at least
one speaker.
Both the secular and Nation of Islam
speakers devoted much time to fighting
the patriarchy. One speaker said: "We
shouldn't be fighting each other. We
should start fighting the system. Stop
domestic violence! Stop violence against
women and all violence in this
Another speaker asked, "what is it
about us Black men. . .Black men, why
can't we control our anger?" In parallel
sequence he also asked about white men.
The Nation of Islam (NOI) speaker put
forward a strong line on monogamy as
did others. Speakers called on the
audience not to have children unless they
were prepared for a permanent economic,
social and spiritual commitment.
The NOI speaker and others also said
wimmin should not be taking care of
Black men as if they were babies. He
said it does not help the young men being
treated that way who need to grow up to
all their responsibilities beyond sex.
Another speaker said that we also have
to get a handle on the question of sex in
our organizations. When women go to
meetings and the men say they want
"peace; you don't know if he wants
`peace' or a `piece'" [of wimmin].
We at MIM especially applaud that the
Nation of Islam speaker devoted a large
portion of his speech to wimmin's issues.
Other speakers did also. The speakers of
the day nailed down oppressed-nation
nationalist feminist revolution. All that was
lacking was a consciously communist
speaker; although one speaker said
"Black people shouldn't be afraid of
revolution. Revolution is just change."
Many speakers also emphasized that
the white power structure controls through
influence on the Black people's brains.
Revolutionary feminist nationalism
Million Youth March brings forward
progressive Black nationalism
exposed numerous times as some of the
most egregious animal killers in the
industry."(1) The statement was signed
"for animal liberation through armed
struggle, the Revolutionary Cells --animal
liberation brigade" There were no injuries
and only minor property damage reported.
Chiron contracts with Huntingdon Life
Sciences (HLS), an international animal
testing firm, for the animal tests required
by the FDA for approval of their drugs.
MIM condemns these actions as they put
the lives of animals above the lives of
humyns. While we expect that under
socialism the torture and killing of so many
animals that are used for unnecessary
and wasteful food and cosmetics will be
eliminated, we do not value the lives of
animals over the lives of humyns. The
"Revolutionary Cells" don't even bother
to explain how Chiron is using animal
testing in their brief statement.
As we explained in the MIM party
Black Panther imagery at the march (MIM photo)
`Animal libbers'
bomb big pharma
Continued on page 5...
Continued on page 6...
Continued on page 7...
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 2
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
Editor, MC206; Production, MC12
MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
ISSN 1540-8817
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
Notes is the official Party voice; more complete statements are published in our journal,
MIM Theory. Material in MIM Notes is the Party's position unless noted. MIM Notes
accepts submissions and critiques from anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit
submissions unless permission is specifically denied by the author; submissions are
published anonymously unless authors insist on identification (prisoners are never
identified by name). MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its
comrades in order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically
been directed at communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades,
are members of the Party. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) is an anti-
imperialist mass organization led by MIM (RCs are RAIL Comrades). MIM's ten-point
program is available to anyone who sends in a SASE.
The paper is free to all prisoners, as long as they write to us every 90 days to confirm
their subsciptions. There are no individual subscriptions for people outside prison.
People who want to receive newspapers should become sponsors and distributors.
Sponsors pay for papers, distributors get them onto the streets, and officers do both
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Mail), $3,840; 900 (8-10 days), $2,200. To become a sponor or distributor, send
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Most back issues of MIM Notes are available free on our web site. The web site con-
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MIM grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason, as
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For general correspondence, contact:
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MIM defends Abe
Lincoln for his day
Dear MIM:
There was an article in regards to Abe
Lincoln in one of your back issues of
MIM notes. A lot of Africans as well as
other individuals like to believe Abe freed
the slaves or better yet the Africans
because he was a kind and just man. But
that's not true. He simply saw this as a
good strategic move to save the Union.
One must set the record straight once and
for all. There's no reason why the next
generation of Africans here in the United
Snakes should remain ignorant of these
true facts. Please read this letter written
by Lincoln himself in trying to justify his
A letter from Lincoln to Horace
Greely's New York Tribune, August 22,
"If I could save the Union without
freeing any slaves I would do it, and if I
could have it by freeing all the slaves I
would do it, and if I could save it by
freeing some and leaving others alone, I
would also do that. What I do about
slavery and the colored race I do because
I believe it helps to save the Union, and
what I forebear, I forebear because I do
not believe it would help to save the Union,
I have here stated my purpose according
to my view of official duty, and I intend
no modification of my oft-expressed
personal wish that all men everywhere
could be free..."
Source: Lies my teacher told me, by
James Loewen replies for MIM:
That is correct. Lincoln told people he
put the Union above the principle of ending
slavery. For that matter, Lincoln was a
politician and MIM warns people not to
try to take politicians' jobs when we need
a movement to pressure those politicians
and make change happen. Politicians do
not make change happen: they only
express it and at most broker it.
As you can imagine, no hard-core
abolitionist ever had a chance of winning
election in the United States, but Lincoln
nonetheless ended up bringing about
abolition. He offended the South enough
to cause it to attack at Fort Sumter and
he divided whites enough to keep the
North on the other side.
In addition, Lincoln's legal authority for
war is something that the South
questioned. If he said he was fighting the
war for slavery, he would have faced legal
problems. Those kinds of political
pressures we believe were best
understood by the people of the day who
understood the crazy thinking of the
people of the day.
We hold Lincoln in high regard as did
Karl Marx. The union he [Marx] served
as the writing secretary for said: "The
workingmen of Europe feel sure that, as
the American War of Independence
initiated a new era of ascendancy for the
middle class, so the American Antislavery
War will do for the working classes. They
consider it an earnest of the epoch to
come that it fell to the lot of Abraham
Lincoln, the single-minded son of the
working class, to lead his country through
the matchless struggle for the rescue of
an enchained race and the reconstruction
of a social world."
Speaking for Lincoln, the ambassador
of the United States said, "It is in this
relation that the United States regard their
cause in the present conflict with slavery,
maintaining insurgence as the cause of
human nature, and they derive new
encouragements to persevere from the
testimony of the workingmen of Europe
that the national attitude is favored with
their enlightened approval and earnest
In fact, not many know that Lincoln
and Marx exchanged correspondence and
Marx said his organization was the only
one to get more than a formal reply from
Lincoln for the congratulations of election
victory. In fact, Marx ended up believing
that the American Civil War was the
greatest example of class struggle in his
day: "at the time of Lincoln's election 3
1/2 years ago it was only a matter of
making no further concessions to the
slave-owners, whereas now the avowed
aim, which has in part already been
realised, is the abolition of slavery, one
has to admit that never has such a gigantic
revolution occurred with such rapidity. It
will have a highly beneficial influence on
the whole world."(2)
Today, we have to realize that
throughout the civil war, especially at the
beginning, white politicians in the North
were plotting to bring an end to it. Lincoln
managed to hold firm and get through--
thanks also in part to the minority of
whites more radical than him pushing and
the Blacks who fought for themselves.
There is also a white academic trend
today that we have to avoid called post-
modernism. This post- modernism
detracts from Lincoln because it believes
all truth is relative. For them, Lincoln was
the same as the whites who wanted to
end the Civil War too soon and the whites
who wanted slaves but said the issue was
tariffs. The same people are likely to say
the Civil War was unnecessary and the
violence involved evil. The problem is that
within white people, Lincoln represented
whatever positive thrust there was at the
time. Since that time, the white nation
developed imperialism and consolidated
its genocidal views and it lost all its
progressive thrust. It is very doubtful that
even the smartest politician today could
get elected and trick the whites into
international/iwma /documents/1864/
marx/works/1864/le tters/64_11_29b.htm
For Marx's refutation of common myths
about the war, see "The North American
Civil War," October 1861.
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 3
This MIM activist was approached by
an alleged Dennis Kucinich supporter
while tabling at a local peace event. She
was adamant that Kucinich represents a
progressive break from Amerikan politics
as usual. She agreed that there's no
difference between the Democrats and
Republicans, going so far as to say that if
Kucinich doesn't get the Democratic
party nomination she would not be voting
because there would be no point. She said
"I'm practically a communist" trying to
explain that she expected MIM to like
Kucinich's platform. (MIM does not
know if this persyn is really a Republican
trying to bait MIM or not, but we would
like to discuss the issues raised anyway.)
While Dennis Kucinich is considered
a long shot for the Democratic party
nomination, it is particularly important for
MIM to talk about candidates like him
who gain the support of activists who
share some or even many of MIM's
goals. These candidates are sometimes
more dangerous than the right-wing
reactionaries because they pose behind
progressive-sounding rhetoric while
misleading well-intentioned people into
supporting the imperialist system. For this
reason MIM kicks off our 2004
presidential campaign coverage with a
review of Dennis Kucinich.
Dennis Kucinich opens his 10 point
platform ("The Kucinich Platform: 10 Key
Issues") stating "It's time for America to
resume its glorious journey." This
statement pretty well summarizes MIM's
fundamental disagreement with Kucinich.
Amerika's glorious journey began with
the massacre of indigenous people on the
land now called the United $tates, moved
on to importing and enslaving Africans,
Asians and Latinos to use their free labor
to build the wealth of the country, and
then expanded outward to take control
of the resources and labor in other
countries through military force. All of
2004 Amerikan presidential race watch: Dennis Kucinich
On September 7, Stephen Funk, a
Marine reservist and activist in the anti-
war movement, was convicted of leaving
his unit without permission and sentenced
to 6 months in prison.(1) After completing
basic training, Funk refused to report to
duty when his unit was activated for duty
in February for the Iraq war. Instead he
applied for conscientious objector status
and attended anti-war rallies to speak out
against the war.
Funk is 21 years old and was convinced
to join the Marines during a period of
depression and lack of direction in his life,
after a recruiter told him the Marines
would give him purpose and discipline.
The military takes advantage of kids,
particularly those from oppressed nations
with few options out of high school, making
the military attractive and offering money
for college, without giving them the full
picture of what they are expected to fight
for and the possibility they might die. Funk
has since devoted time to speaking to high
school students explaining why they
should not join the military.
The charges filed against Funk were
unusually harsh for an AWOL case. He
was found innocent of the more serious
charge: "desertion with intent to shirk
important duty."(1) Funk's is the only
conscientious objector from the recent
Iraq war to be prosecuted so far.
On April 1 Funk turned himself in to
the Marines after 47 days absence. He
took his case public, holding a press
conference which received world wide
media attention. Funk was transferred to
New Orleans along with more than 20
other Conscientious Objectors. None of
the rest of them were prosecuted. In
addition to the 6 month prison sentence,
a jury of four marines recommended that
he be given a bad conduct discharge,
which means Funk will lose his military
benefits. Lt. General Dennis McCarthy,
commander of the Marine reserves, must
still approve the sentence.
At a rally to free Stephen Funk in San
Francisco a few days before his trial a
conscientious objector from the first Gulf
War, Amy Ellison, spoke out about the
importance of COs stepping forward to
take anti-war stands. She pointed out that
he was the only soldier to be activated
and refuse to go. She has devoted many
days to work on Funk's case, raising
public awareness and funds for his
Stephen Funk is a pacifist who opposes
violence. This is the basis for his
conscientious objector status. But he did
not take the easy way out. As he stated
"In the face of this unjust war based on
deception by our leaders, I could not
remain silent. I spoke out so that others in
the military would realize that they also
have a choice and a duty to resist immoral
and illegitimate orders."(2) It is because
of his vocal opposition to the war and the
Amerikan military that the Marines are
trying to make an example out of Funk.
In a country like Amerika that is built
off the plunder of resources and
exploitation of labor outside its borders, a
huge military is needed to maintain
conditions friendly to this plunder and
exploitation. As we now see in Iraq, the
people of the world won't accept
Amerikan imperialist domination without
a fight. President Bush recognizes this
and he is seeking an additional $86 billion
for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan
and elsewhere around the world.(3)
This is what the Amerikan military is
fighting for: continued imperialist
domination for the United $tates and
continued wealth for the citizens within
U.$. borders. MIM applauds Stephen
Funk and other military resisters and
former military personnel who realize this
is not something they want to fight for
and who instead devote their time to
fighting Amerikan militarism.
1. The Times-Picayune, September 7, 2003.
2. Written statement by Stephen Funk prior to
3. Bush Presidential address, September 7, 2003
Iraq war conscientious objector sentenced to prison
Reply of the Russian Maoist Party
to the Call for the Anti-Imperialist
Camp 2003: "Resist the Attack of the
New American Fascism"
The Russian Maoist Party sincerely
greets all the genuine revolutionary, anti-
imperialist, progressive and democratic
forces that have gathered in Assisi, Italy,
this September to take part in the Anti-
Imperialist Camp 2003. At the same time,
we regret to state that we are unable to
sign the Call for this Camp and, therefore,
to take part in this international forum.
The declaration "Resist the Attack" is
based on the most harmful delusion of
the allegedly "peace-loving" nature of the
U.N., as well as of some imperialist
powers: France, Germany, Russia, etc.
In reality, all of these are as integral a
part of world imperialism as the United
States. This truth is not invalidated and
cannot be invalidated by the fact that, on
the issue of the war in Iraq, they have
taken a position that is in many respects
the opposite of the American one. The
imperialism of European countries or
Russian imperialism is no better and no
worse than their U.S. counterpart. The
fact that U.S. imperialism acts as the main
imperialist predator on the planet today
can in no way serve as a justification for
France, Germany or Russia. It is
sufficient to recollect the atrocities of the
Russian army in Chechnya, perpetrated
with the tacit approval of the European
Marxism-Leninism has long ago and
quite convincingly proven that inter-
imperialist contradictions are caused by
the objective laws of economic
development. Differences between
imperialists in dividing up the world are
nothing but quarrels in the camp of our
enemies. These differences can never
become a basis for a truly anti-imperialist
movement for peace. That is why those
pacifists who are trying to base the
strategy and tactics of the peace
movement on differences among the
imperialists are making a big mistake. The
same mistake was committed by many
Social-Democrats during World War I,
when they came out in support of "their
own" bourgeois governments.
The imperialism of the U.S.A. is indeed
one of the most powerful enemies of the
proletariat and the peoples of the world.
But communists must never allow
themselves to be fooled by bourgeois
propaganda and they must always
remember the words of Karl Liebknecht
that the principal enemy of the workers
is in their own country. These words were
true 100 years ago, they are still true today.
A similar mistake is the fetishization of
Zionism--the imperialism of the Israeli
state. While such feelings can be
understood in the Arab national liberation
movements, they can never be laid as a
cornerstone of the politics of an
international movement that is marching
forward under the red flag of proletarian
We must state that the slogans of
abstract, "non-class" (in reality, bourgeois)
anti-Americanism in Europe and Russia
are the rallying cry for the most
reactionary forces in those countries.
These social-chauvinists are trying to turn
the proletariat away from the path of class
struggle and onto the path of struggling
for redividing the world in the interests of
the local imperialists.
In these condition, putting forward a
declaration that accuses exclusively U.S.
imperialism and thereby absolves and
whitewashes the policies of the European
states and Russia means playing into the
hands of the bourgeoisie, confusing the
proletariat, renouncing Marxism-
Leninism. We regard the slogan of uniting
"all those fighting against the new
American fascism" as a
counterrevolutionary one, as these ranks
include the fascists and the bourgeois in
our countries.
In conclusion, we would like to express
our sincere regret that this document has
been signed by some genuine
revolutionary forces, first and foremost
our comrades of the Irish Republican
Socialist Party (IRSP) and the Philippine
BAYAN. We also hope that the Camp
organizers will bring our critique of the
declaration to the attention of all the
member-organizations of the Anti-
Imperialist Camp. Down with U.S.
imperialism! Down with imperialism of
all brands! Down with capitalism! Long
live the red banner of Marxism-Leninism!
On behalf of the Central Committee of
the Russian Maoist Party,
Chairperson of the RMP
Moscow, September 1, 2003
The Call for the Anti-Imperialist Camp
2003 can be read here:
w w w . a n t i i m p e r i a l i s t a . c o m / e n /
v i e w . s h t m l ? c a t e g o r y = 3 7 & i d
Russian Maoist Party struggles against Euro-chauvinism
Continued on next page...
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 4
this has resulted in a country whose
wealth is matched by none and whose
murder, exploitation, oppression and
terrorism against the peoples of the world
is also matched by none. There never was
any "glorious journey" for Amerika unless
there is glory in global imperialist
Kucinich never states clearly what
"glorious journey" he thinks America was
on in the past, but he is pretty clear in
outlining his vision for this journey in the
future. Out of his ten key issues, nine
focus on increasing the wealth, freedoms
and services to Amerikan citizens. These
are a good summary of Kucinich's politics
and MIM's disagreement. Below we will
address each point individually.
1. Universal Health Care with a Single
Payer Plan. Socialized healthcare in and
of itself is not a bad goal. However,
Kucinich never addresses why it is that
only "industrialized nations" provide
national health care (as he notes). He is
concerned that the U.$. lags behind on
this service to its citizens, but does not
address the appalling health care in the
Third World where people die from easily
preventable diseases. This is just the first
glimpse of Kucinich's Amerika-first plan.
A glorious Amerika which provides for
its citizens with its bountiful wealth.
Wealth Kucinich seems to think is a god-
given right of the country rather than
something stolen from the oppressed
people of the world.
2. Full Social Security Benefits at Age
65. This is another social issue that will
have great appeal with Amerikans but
which misses the internationalist point.
Kucinich's administration will make this
possible "through a progressive tax
structure and reordered national
priorities." Again not addressing where
all that money being taxed comes from
to allocate to national priorities.
3. Withdrawal from NAFTA and WTO.
Kucinich's main complaint is "Companies
leave the U.S. in search of low wages,
low commodity prices, anti-union climates,
and lax environmental laws. NAFTA has
been used to whipsaw workers at the
negotiation table, forcing wages and
benefit concessions under threat of
moving jobs overseas." This position
underscores MIM's problem with the
anti-NAFTA and anti-WTO movements
in general. They focus on the Amerikan
workers getting a bad deal because jobs
are going to other countries where labor
is cheaper. This position fosters national
chauvinism, telling workers here they
deserve to keep their jobs at high wages.
MIM says the capitalists need to be
stopped from exploiting Third World
workers, but it is not trade agreements
that are causing this, and we certainly
don't think Amerikan workers deserve
better jobs and higher wages than the rest
of the world. Kucinich falls just short of
calling for sealed borders to protect
Amerikan jobs from those damn
immigrants. As a "progressive" candidate
he is walking dangerously close to the
2004 Amerikan presidential race watch: Dennis Kucinich
Continued from previous page...
extreme right protectionist wing of the
bourgeoisie on this question.
4. Repeal the Patriot Act. This is
Kucinich's most progressive point and
MIM agrees with him 100% on this one.
5. Right-to-Choose, Privacy, and Civil
Liberties. This point is also progressive
in that it would reduce imprisonment and
protect abortion rights and expand the
rights of gays and lesbians. Interestingly
though Kucinich's record on abortion
rights was abysmal until recently: he
consistently voted against abortion rights
in Congress for years before suddenly
changing his position with a brief
explanation that he was persuaded by
many dialogue with many wimmin on this
6. Balance between workers and
corporations. Kucinich expands this point:
"American workers are working longer
and harder for less pay than 20 years ago.
What's needed is a resurgence of
organized labor" This is very misleading
and incorrectly focuses on labor within
imperialist Amerika rather than taking an
internationalist view.
MIM did a 20 year analysis of the
conditions of workers in the year 2000
based on similar statements from the anti-
WTO movement at that time. We refer
readers to that article (MIM Notes 201,
Jan 1, 2000.) The bottom line is that white
workers in particular have not suffered
over the last 20 years; their wealth
increased. Black men did show a decline
and were the hardest hit of legal workers
in this country.
As MIM concluded in that article "All
of these workers are making head-and-
shoulders above the great majority of the
world's workers. Who's up and who's
down may have an effect on political
consciousness, but MIM does not look at
any of these pay levels and conclude that
these workers are being exploited on a
world scale. Inequality and oppression do
exist in the U.$., but economically
everyone who's got a legal at least
minimum-wage job is not exploited in our
As MIM has explained at length, the
majority of the workers in this country
are benefiting from the exploitation of
workers around the world. Giving them a
bigger piece of the imperialist pie is just
shifting around the superprofits. These
workers are not creating the wealth they
are sharing in and this parasitism needs
to be eliminated along with the capitalists
who perpetuate it. (See MIM Theory 1
& 10 and "Imperialism and Its Class
Structure" on our web site, for a more
thorough explanation).
7. Guaranteed quality education pre-K
through college. This is another good goal
in the abstract with the same problems
as points 1 and 2.
8. A renewed commitment to peace
and diplomacy. This is the only point out
of the top ten that addresses international
issues in any depth. And right away
Kucinich reveals his imperialist ignorance
(or willful blindness) as he opens his
explanation of this point: "America will
return to its role as the most admired--
not hated--nation." Amerika has not been
the most admired nation for over a
hundred and fifty years, since it fucked
up reconstruction and set out on a whole-
hearted imperialist path. The majority of
the world's people have only hatred and
anger for the country that has brought
and reinforced on them poverty, disease,
military dictatorships, and exploiting and
polluting corporations. Amerika may be
admired by the leaders of other imperialist
countries seeking to emulate it's
international terrorist ways that steal such
great wealth, and by the people of those
countries who seek to share in the
superprofits like Amerikan citizens do, but
it is not admired by the world's oppressed.
Kucinich goes on to proclaim that he
will promote non-violence "as an
organizing principle in both domestic and
international affairs" investing in domestic
programs rather than the military. With
this view of international affairs Kucinich
could never succeed as president of
imperialist Amerika. He seems to really
believe that the wealth in this country
comes from this country. He misses the
fact that the Amerikan military is needed
to maintain global hegemony and ensure
continued flow of superprofits into
Amerika. All that wealth he wants to
redistribute to the Amerikan citizens rests
on imperialist militarism.
Kucinich also misses that it is not just
the Amerikan military that is violent, it is
the many foreign governments that
Amerika has financed to keep in power
so that they could serve Amerika's
interests. This "aid" would also have to
be eliminated to truly pursue a non-violent
foreign policy.
Of course if Kucinich could really get
policies like these passed they would
benefit the oppressed of the world
because it would give them the
opportunity to rise up against their lackey
governments who would be deprived of
the needed financial and military backing
of the U.$. to keep them in place.
However, Amerika is not run by just one
man, and presidents get elected because
of the interests they will serve. Capitalist
corporations have tremendous power in
picking who will run the country that helps
maintain their wealth, and they will not
let that person threaten their wealth in
any way. Those corporations won't let
someone like Kucinich get elected any
more than they will let Patrick Buchanan
get elected.
The above analysis is taking Kucinich's
pacifist rhetoric at face value. But a quick
look at his voting record in Congress
demonstrates that he is not really about
promoting non-violence. Under President
Clinton, Kucinich voted for the "Iraq
Liberation Act of 1998" which declared
that it should be the policy of the U.$. to
remove Saddam Hussein's regime from
power. Further, on his web site Kucinich
reprints speeches in which he declares
his support of the state of Israel in its
terrorist war against the Palestinian
people. And of course, like all the other
good imperialist governing officials in
congress (with the sole exception of
California Democrat Barbara Lee),
Kucinich voted for the September 14,
2001 resolutions authorizing the
administration to use nearly unlimited
force in response to the September 11
attacks. In practice Kucinich is like every
other member of congress, participating
in and supporting the imperialist system.
9. Restore rural communities and family
farms. "A Kucinich administration will
Willie Nelson supports Kucinich.
Continued on next page...
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 5
break up agricultural monopolies and
restore a strong, independent family farm
system with fair prices for farmers and
healthy food for consumers." This
position is similar to the others that intend
to help the Amerikan people get a bigger
piece of the pie now being hogged by the
corporations. But this one also has it's
own distinct chauvinism in missing the role
that Amerikan agriculture plays in
decimating the agricultural systems of
Third World countries, and the role that
cheap agricultural products imported from
the Third World play in subsidizing
Amerikan kitchens. Once again Kucinich
demonstrates his limited vision of the
world which seems to stop at the U.$.
10. Environmental renewal and clean
energy. This point addresses the need for
stronger environmental policies and
greater use of sustainable energy within
the U.$. It does not address the
environmental devastation caused by
Amerikan corporations in Third World
countries. Kucinich does claim that
"Globally, the U.S. will become a leader
in sustainable energy production and a
partner with developing nations in
providing inexpensive, local, renewable
energy technologies." But he doesn't tell
us how the U.$. will get there. And as
history has demonstrated, the U.$.
Five migrants who died of heatstroke
of dehydration were found in early
August near the Mexican border in the
Arizona desert.(1) These five people
were traveling separately across the
border and were found dead in Arizona
and Texas. In mid-August another three
migrants were found dead in Arizona. A
Brazilian man died while crawling through
an underground drainage tunnel in Texas
and another man was found dead in the
Franklin Canal in Texas.(2)
August is typically a bad month for
Latinos attempting to cross the border
between Mexico and the United $tates.
The immigrants cross the border seeking
livable wages, better living conditions, and
money to send back to their families. But
because the U$ militarized its border to
protect the wealth in this country,
immigrants face a difficult journey which
for too many proves fatal. The heat of
the summer makes the crossing
particularly difficult as temperatures rise
above 110 in the Arizona desert.
The deaths reported here are only a few
of the hundreds who die every year. So
far this year, at least 120 migrants died
crossing into Arizona alone. Most of these
deaths occur in the summer months. Last
year 145 people are known to have died
crossing into Arizona.(3)
As U.$. immigration intensifies its
crackdown on the border, people must
seek more and more difficult crossing
points, leading to more deaths. These are
deaths clearly attributable to capitalism.
The border between the U.$. and Mexico
serves capitalism by keeping cheap labor
readily available to Amerikan
corporations across the border, and
protecting the wealth these corporations
bring home to imperialist country citizens.
In reality borders are an artificial
creation. What is now known as the
southwest in Amerika is land stolen from
Mexico. The border is now used as a tool
to keep Third World workers in a
situation of brutal exploitation. And even
undocumented workers who do manage
the dangerous crossing are forced to
work for sweatshop wages because of
their illegal status in the country.
An open border would provide a
semblance of capitalist free trade, but few
capitalist free-trade advocates support
this action. This is because the advocates
of free trade hope to open up more
opportunities for exploitation of the people
and resources of other countries. Open
borders with Mexico would give all the
people in Latin America, exploited by
Amerikan corporations and suffering from
environmental devastation from polluting
corporations, the chance to take
advantage of at least some of the wealth
stolen from them. But it would also push
to equalize the wages internationally
among workers, which means Amerikan
workers wages would drop. These
deaths on the border are a human
sacrifice to keep Amerikan labor
aristocracy wages high.
1. Immigration News Briefs, Vol. 6,
No. 33 - August 15, 2003, published by
Nicaragua Solidarity Network,
2. Immigration News Briefs, Vol. 6,
No. 34 - August 22, 2003
3., August 12, 2003,
Arizona State College.
Eight workers die crossing border into the United $tates
out People's War, local concerns should
be paramount.
MIM's position may change as we
obtain information on the consolidation of
the Maoists into one party. At the present,
we do not believe it is possible or wise
for imperialist country comrades to do
w e b n e w s / w e d / a b / Q n e p a l -
Continued from page 1...
Militarism is war-mongering or the
advocacy of war or actual carrying out
of war or its preparations.
While true pacifists condemn all
violence as equally repugnant, we
Maoists do not consider self-defense
or the violence of oppressed nations
against imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism
is the highest stage of capitalism--
seen in countries like the United
$tates, England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not to let capitalists risk
our lives in their ideas about war and
peace or the environment. They have
already had two world wars admitted
by themselves in the last 100 years and
they are conducting a third right now
against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
"partnering" with "developing nations"
has meant environmental destruction,
economic collapse, agricultural
devastation, and poverty and suffering for
the people.
Dennis Kucinich is a Democrat and
currently a member of the House of
Representatives for Ohio. He claims to
have opposed Bush's war on Iraq and
led anti-war opposition in the U.S. House.
This is one of Kucinich's more positive
points recently: his opposition to the war
in Iraq. But as is explained above,
Kucinich only opposes imperialist
intervention in certain circumstances.
The fact that Kucinich is running as a
Democrat illustrates nicely MIM's point
that you have to be a part of one of the
imperialist parties to win the presidency.
Kucinich may be a long shot for
president, but he recognizes who has the
power in this country. And in the end, even
if someone elected to president suddenly
changed their mind about supporting the
issues and positions of all their financial
and political supporters and decided to
oppose imperialism, still they would not
be able to take any effective action. The
country is run by the imperialists. And
the imperialists will not give up power
without a fight.
This is why MIM is a revolutionary
party. We know what it takes to bring
comrades waging People's War and
upholding Mao and the Cultural
Revolution in Nepal. In India and Nepal,
MIM recognizes no particular leadership
or party, because among parties carrying
out the universal and internationalist duties
of upholding Mao, the "Gang of Four"
and the Cultural Revolution and carrying
down imperialism, and it is more than
words. We don't run candidates in the
imperialist presidential election because
we see that as defeatist. We know we
can't win that battle right now. And we
don't want to legitimize the system by
running a candidate as if our candidate
would be able to implement a revolutionary
agenda if s/he won.
If you want to work for real change in
the Amerikan government work with
MIM and join the struggle on the side of
the oppressed people of the world.
Continued from previous page...
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 6
This resolution passed at the 2003
MIM Congress.
Setting a goal
Right now we are getting 1000 different
people a day [at our website], 30,000 a
month taking 2.3 web pages each on
average, excluding graphics. At it's height,
the Black Panther Party had a newspaper
circulation of 100,000. Probably, the Black
Panther readers read more than three
pages on average per month. Amongst
bourgeois papers, "the Nation" is the
respectable mainstream "left" at about
100,000 readers and only papers like the
USA Today and Wall Street Journal can
cross the 1 million mark in print.
At 500,000 we come into range of the
elite like the New York Times in print.
The really big news websites like CNN
and still come in at the
less than 10 million mark. I believe it is
safe to say that at 500,000 we become
huge by 1970s print journalism standards
and something that cannot be ignored by
21st century standards.
The impact
For some of us, having MIM at the
500,000 circulation level would have
obvious impact. Today when the
mainstream papers want to venture into
an exotic discussion of opinions, they likely
mention "The Nation," which is a tired
old social-democratic publication. We had
a complete rarity recently when both the
New York Times and the Washington Post
mentioned the Workers World Party,
because of the demonstrations against the
war in Iraq.
Today when the government wants to
spin or cover up something, the officials
give "special" access to a handful of
selected journalists who in turn dutifully
put whatever angle on a question seems
needed by Uncle $am at the moment. Yet,
with MIM at 500,000 readers, the risks
to the rulers start to enter a whole new
realm, and the bourgeois media will be
the first to feel the heat. The bourgeois
The Five Year Plan for web traffic
media may choose to cover something a
certain way, but the risk will be that MIM
will make the public notice.
The details
At 100% annual growth, which MIM
has experienced at some periods, MIM
would obtain more than 500,000 readers
in four years. For this reason, even under
optimistic assumptions of steady work,
we are making this plan a "Five Year
If growth is only 50% annually which
is what we have seen at our low point
these past two months, it will take us 7
years to reach our goal. Of course, that
is using the past as a guideline and not
assuming a huge political acceleration of
events. Someone with real money could
make all this happen much quicker.
Otherwise, a timeline of 4 to 7 years
seems realistic for our goal.
To achieve our goals, I would also like
to break down how many users we might
see by department each month.
Art--320,000 users
RAIL--50,000 users
Agitation--100,000 users
Notas Rojas--50,000 users
Bookstore--100,000 users
Countries page--100,000 users
Languages other than English and
We will also need some completely
new ideas, such as discussion forums and
famous bloggers. Hopefully we will
improve our work with a number of areas
ranging from discussion of the
A.L.K.Q.N. to Confucianism and its role
or non-role in economic development in
Thus far, the "big ideas" that are a
success are having an art page, a RAIL
page, a movies page, an agitation page, a
Chinese page, a Spanish page, a
bookstore, and a Black Panther archive.
If you have any "big ideas" or ways of
assisting an increase in MIM's
readership, please contact us.
Summary statistics comparing August 2002 and August 2003
This month had weak traffic as usual in August. Traffic was even worse than usual, because of various technical
difficulties and the fact that many could not reach the website for several days thanks to the historic blackout.
August, 2002 August, 2003
% change
Number of different computers MIM served
Avg. MIM pages served per day
MIM data transferred (Mb/day)
MIM Notes (English) printed copies compared with pre-911=100
All language newspapers printed copies compared with pre-911=100
MIM prison circulation averaged over two months Jan 2002=100
Number of Art page users
Number of different MIM web page files actively chosen from
Amazon visitors sent from web page
*This report excludes all art, and most robots and developer hits for 2003 but not 2002.
congress vote in 1999 on Veganism and
"animal rights": "There is no meaningful
non-religious view that holds the `rights'
of animals to be similar to those of humyns
with regard to `murder.' `Deep ecology'
is often just deep religion."(2) MIM
approaches the issues of the environment
and "animal rights" from the standpoint
of the group of people in the world with
no property, with `nothing to lose but their
chains:' the proletariat. MIM is thus
unabashedly anthropocentric--but we
recognize the value of environmental
protection for humyn health reasons.
Ironically, the "Revolutionary Cells"
compare their struggle to those of
oppressed people around the world:
"From palestine to euskal herria, from the
jungles of colombia to northern ireland,
the struggle will continue until all of the
oppressive institutions are destroyed!"
MIM finds these comparisons offensive.
The oppressed and exploited peoples of
the world are fighting national liberation
struggles against their imperialist
oppressors. While millions of people are
`Animal libbers' bomb big pharma
dying around the world at the hands of
imperialism the "Revolutionary Cells"
focuses it's energy on animal deaths for
the research of one pharmaceutical
company which is researching drugs to
fight cancer and infectious diseases.
MIM is under no illusions about
capitalist pharmaceutical companies.
They research drugs that benefit a small
minority of wealthy people who live long
enough to suffer from diseases such as
cancer. And they patent their drugs and
restrict access to those who have the real
need in Third World countries, allowing
people to die so that profits won't be
threatened. Chiron is no different than the
rest. They research TB and HIV but have
taken no initiative to distribute their drugs
or screening procedures to the Third
World where they are most needed but
Only under socialism will we be able to
resolve the contradictions between
humyns and their environment. Only then
can we ensure an end to animal research
for luxury production and access to
needed food and drugs for all of the
worlds people.
2. The resolution on veganism and
"animal rights" also states: "The party will
not guarantee an end to animal research,
but it will guarantee an end to animal
research in luxury production. Extending
life and health of humyns is not luxury
production. Cosmetics are luxury
"The Maoist emphasis on the applied
nature of scientific advance will also
ensure that many types of scientific
research carried out strictly for the profit,
bureaucratic or turf interests of certain
scientists will be abolished. Resources will
be re-allocated to other scientific
endeavors. ... "The dictatorship of the
proletariat will abolish luxury production
of animal furs and other animal products."
For the complete resolution, see: http://
We constantly update MIM's
coverage of the U.$. war on
our web site, with news and
opinion, agitation materials,
articles in English, Spanish,
French, Chinese and
Read and distribute the
newspaper -- and get the
latest: Politics/MIM
Continued from page 1...
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 7
This passed at MIM's 2003 Congress.
The United $tates and England should
shoulder the blame for the Mideast crisis
today. England is to blame more for the
period leading up to the formation of
I$rael in the Mideast as the colonial power
there and the United $tates is more to
blame since then. Without the $100 billion
in aid from the United $tates since 1967,
I$rael would have ceased to exist. The
Jewish people would have been too afraid
to settle there and fend for themselves
against the world without U.$. aid.
The Soviet Union's leader from 1924
to 1953, Stalin attempted to establish a
Jewish state on Soviet territory, but the
one currently occupying Palestinian land
was more popular. Non-Zionist Jewish
nationalists considered the Soviet territory
and other places outside of Palestine.
The question of the Zionist vs.
Palestinian conflict is one of locating a
few million people. While tens of millions
of Arabs and billions of Third World
people look on in anger at I$rael and
sympathy with the Palestinians, the root
problem is only a few million people.
With the U.$. military and economic aid,
the I$raelis have been encouraged to look
at Palestinians as First Nations people
who need to be pushed off their land, by
murderous force. Every Amerikkkan
today who says he or she would have
opposed killing off the First Nations
people for their land in North America
should also oppose U.$. aid to I$rael.
Contrary to many foreign comrades
with an unrealistic view of the facts, the
United $tates is not run by a Jewish mafia.
If a Jewish mafia were running the united
$tates, it would have taken much more
than $100 billion in aid since 1967. $100
billion -- about the damage to the World
Trade Center-- sounds like a lot, but
having a realistic view would mean
considering that the U.$. economy runs
in the several trillion a year and could
expand further if prodded.
If all Jews are bankers like many
deluded people seem to believe, then
those Jews surely know that $100 billion
is nothing, especially given the power to
print money and create credit under
capitalism. $100 billion would only be a
difficulty in a world with no unemployed
people. Creating that much credit on
paper or printing that much money for
the future to do some work with people
currently unemployed or moved from
other jobs--such a feat is actually trivial,
even within capitalism. Immigration and
economic expansion only angers the out-
of-luck "loser" minority of the labor
aristocracy hankering for closed borders
and an exclusive relationship with u.$.
monopoly bankers.
Although the United $tates is not run
by a Jewish mafia, it is true that aid to
I$rael surpasses the aid to any other
country. It is precisely the historical extent
of this aid that necessitates that the United
$tates go the extra mile for peace in the
The truth is that the United $tates also
backed the despicable apartheid regime
and related settler regime "Rhodesia" in
southern Africa ruled by former Nazis
and Nazi-sympathizers. In those regimes
white minorities ruled African majorities
without even granting those Africans the
usual capitalist or "democratic" rights.
There is nothing new about support for
I$rael and other settler societies: it's quite
Amerikkkan, and has nothing to do with
a Jewish mafia.
The example of I$rael contributes to
international instability and increases the
likelihood of a species-ending disaster. In
the back of their minds, even the most
apathetic Amerikkkans believe that the
Mideast could be the world's undoing,
even as they favor I$raeli imperialism.
The example of I$rael encourages all
nations in the world to catch the eye of
the united $tates and then take land from
people not lined up with Uncle $am's
interests in oil or other resources. The
example is receiving billions in rewards
each year for carrying out land-grabbing
war in the name of fighting "terrorism"
or other bugaboos. Such an example sends
the wrong message globally. What may
not have resulted in nuclear catastrophe
when President Andrew Jackson led
genocidal raids against the First Nations
might very well end the species in the
year 2003.
The economical, technological and
military level of development now enjoyed
by I$rael is artificially kept up from
without--for the most part by direct aid
from united $tates, as well as by I$rael's
participation, as an imperialist nation, in
the super-exploitation of the Third World.
I$rael would be incapable of sustaining
that level by itself.
The I$raeli state, as well as thinking
and practices of the majority of its citizens,
are based on the vicious ideology of
Zionism which, in its present form, may
or may not qualify as full-fledged fascism,
A real Mideast peace initiative owed by united $tates
"Black knowledge is Black power," said
one speaker. Another speaker said, "I
don't want to know what kind of furniture
you have in your living room. I want to
know how many books you have on your
There was a positive mention of the
Azanian struggle in Soweto. A speaker
said that the struggle is not going on with
the ANC in South Africa anymore. While
referring to Nelson Mandela as a "great
man," the speaker made it clear that
"putting a Black man in charge of a white
Million Youth March brings forward
progressive Black nationalism
power structure" is not going to solve
Black people's problems.
Speakers opposed the war in Iraq and
activists with tables passed out literature
opposing the war. One speaker demanded
reparations and to "stop this unjust, unfair,
immoral war in Iraq."
One of the very last speakers addressed
student organization. He asked students
that if their Black student union is only
organizing parties and social events, "then
you need to get another one!" Likewise,
another speaker said there was no
excuses, because "if you don't like any
of the organizations you see here, then
make your own."
On hand in addition to the NOI and
New Black Panther Party for Self-
Defense were the newspaper sellers for
the International African Militant, Nation
Time: The Voice of the New Afrikan
Liberation Front and People's War
Magazine. This last magazine devoted
much space to hip-hop. The Ghetto
Liberation Political Party provides its
political leadership and has issued joint
statements with MIM in the past.
Continued from page 1...
but is certainly as genocidal, authoritarian
and oppressive a form of bourgeois
ideology as there could be. We should also
note that I$rael does not even qualify as
a full-fledged bourgeois democracy,
insofar as it is not a secular state--it
privileges Judaism as a state religion.
We call for the unconditional stoppage
of military deliveries to I$rael by any
foreign countries. We also envisage a
thorough de-Zionisation of the country
under international control. As we have
no illusions about the present-day
international community, we envisage this
international control as a military
dictatorship over I$rael by the exploited
and oppressed, similar to what happened
to Hitler's Germany under Soviet
occupation after the Second World War.
It is the best thing the I$raelis could hope
for to move forward their own thinking
as a people. We encourage individuals to
think about what Germans had to face in
1945 and 1946 and how a change of
thought had to come about.
We refuse to acknowledge the
terrorism charge levied against the
Palestinians. They only fight for their
nation the way they can against occupiers.
We also believe that indiscriminate
violence by the Palestinians and other
oppressed people against I$raeli citizens,
as well as all Zionists irrespective of their
citizenship, cannot be condemned by
Communists at the present time.
However, indiscriminate violence or
pogroms against Jews who are not
citizens of I$rael or Zionists, for the simple
reason that they are Jews, is anti-
Semitism and continues to be as
reactionary as it always has been. On
another count, we are opposed to
politically anonymous violence, such as
the bombings of apartment houses in
Moscow in 1999. We mean attacks for
which no political organization or group
has taken responsibility. As a good general
practice, we recommend revolutionaries
to attribute any terrorist attack for which
no one has claimed responsibility to the
efforts of the secret services, such as the
CIA, the Mossad or the Russian FSB.
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 8
As the ex-Soviet Union continues in its
second decade of "freedom," I went to
check on what it all means to the Russian
community in Brooklyn and some of the
most politically correct communities in
North Amerika containing ex-Soviet
people. Something I hadn't noticed in
Brooklyn before was the "Baku Palace."
It looks new.
On the outside, the Baku Palace is the
snazziest building in Brighton Beach, the
Russian-speaking community. Water
flows down the side. Outside, wimmin in
dresses and high heels and men in suits
stand around smoking. The operative rule:
if you have money, flash it. If you don't
have money, pretend that you do and flash
it anyway. I didn't dare go in and that
was part of the point for riff-raff like me.
The next stop is a Russian bookstore in
Montreal. I find myself surrounded by
alternative healing, psychic reading, aura
photographing and sex-life-improving
manuals. Between them here and there
are some cheap detective novels. Naively,
I asked the shopkeeper if by chance they
have Lenin's full oeuvre. "What, what,
what?" -- she uttered in utter surprise
and disbelief. I repeated my silly request.
"God forbid, who needs him... Here is a
good book. Very popular. `How to decode
inner voices speaking in your head.' Trust
me, this is what you need. This is what
everybody needs." I left the store
wondering if she just offered me the local
best seller or assumed that something is
wrong with my head.
Next I checked a CD store in Brooklyn.
My degenerate eyes turned toward a
whole section. What was it, I asked
myself. Was Russia now exporting CDs
filled with pornographic images? Just
imagine how much could fit on each CD
with modern technology. And how many
wimmin could be employed in a
profession disallowed by Stalin, in his
obviously economically inefficient ways,
but then I wondered how they would be
able to pay the thousands of models all
fitting on one cheap piece of plastic. As I
was pondering this mystery of pay for
Russian porno models, I figured, out, no,
it's just that Russian singers know even
better than Britney Spears and Beyonce
that a direct pornographic pose on a CD
jacket will do more to sell than anything
else. So I was in the "free" music section.
I can see it already, the liberation of
teenage boys and the teenage boy in
everyone--brought about by the open
return to capitalism in the Soviet Union.
There should be a day of memorial just
for that. We had October Revolution
holidays in the past and now we can have
"Long Live Britney Spears Day!" and the
Russian equivalent of course.
The high point of my investigation was
the newsstand in Brooklyn--the wonders
of freedom. "New Russian Word" is the
most serious of the newspapers available.
It's filled with hatred for various targets,
including some ignorant discussion of
"affirmative action" in recent years. It
seems that the "New Russian Word"
wishes to speak for all those downtrodden
and exploited whites of Eastern Europe
wishing to replace Blacks in Amerikkka
if only they could get the green card. If
only the Amerikkkans would push down
the Blacks, Latinos and others some more,
there'd be more space for the whites or
something like that. In point of fact, in
real freedom, there'd be freedom of the
borders, and everyone would live in
Brooklyn, perhaps with some overflow
into Florida.
However, I digress. It's not just "New
Russian Word." Heavens, everyone
knows you might disagree with one
newspaper, but freedom will protect us.
There are stacks of papers--testimony
to the greatness of Western-style
freedom. Each one of them brings
something "diverse" to Liberal society
especially now that Russians have tasted
freedom for so long, the product is
especially rich.
This week, there was no contest. All
the papers offered standard pornographic
covers and headlines, but one scooped
all the rest: "Elena Proklova running naked
in the street after husband." (Elena
Proklova is a well-known Russian
actress.) This made me feel quite
optimistic about Russia and the future of
all humynkind. Two or three generations
ago, Russians had to fight to defeat Hitler
and build rockets. Now they can relax
and enjoy themselves with Elena
Proklova, because capitalism has
liberated the media to compete for our
money. Who would have known about
Elena Proklova's talents for entertaining
us this way without a free press? What
could any of Lenin's or Stalin's
newspapers say to that?
Then I think of the writers employed in
such trade publications as did not exist in
the bad old days of Leninist censorship.
Not only was Elena Proklova entertaining
all of us, but she was bringing such
meaningful employment to writers, not
previously allowed under the inefficient
economic system of Lenin and Stalin.
Next I turned on the radio in Brooklyn.
It just so happens the Russian language
radio station was talking about a heroic
escape of a Soviet Jew to the United
$tates. The hero of the story, the Soviet
Jew expressed his appreciation of one
those who contributed to his successful
escape in the following terms: "He was a
very nice man. Even though not a Jew.
Well, it happens sometimes."
What with such freedom of the
individual to speak, it will be a matter of
just a few years before we achieve
harmony of the nationalities, probably
starting with the richest ones in Amerikkka
first, before Liberalism penetrates the
thick skulls of the ex-Soviet Union some
generations hence.
Lest anyone think that it is only the
Jews making contributions to the good
Liberal society to come, I have found that
other nationalities contribute 10 times
more. I visited a church where former
Soviet Armenians had the following
discussion. It was about the difference
between life in one part of Armenia
versus another--separated by a distance
about the diagonal length of Brooklyn. It
turns out that one type of Armenians was
so foolish as to live too far away from
the center of Armeniadom, and they were
now known as "whores of the Muslims"
not "true Armenians," because they had
"mixed with them" and don't even have
the "right accent."
There was one ex-Soviet perysn I met
that confessed to not being able to make
contributions to the good Liberal society
to come. In a third Amerikkkan haven of
political correctness, I sat in a cafe with
a well connected Azeri from Azerbaijan.
It seems that some Amerikkkan Christian
missionaries have sought permission to
spread their views in Azerbaijan. The
local police chief would not allow it even
after an order from the national
government. Then a congressman from
the United $tates got involved. Everyone
thought that now Azerbaijan was going
to see the light of liberty for sure.
However, the police chief insisted that if
he allowed Amerikkkan Christians to
preach, he would have to let the others
preach as well and in a region with
Georgians, two types of Muslims and even
some Jews, this was going to result in a
virtual civil war, because they were that
close to killing each other anyway.
Not to worry though, because the
Azerbaijan man assured me that it was
the older generation who had some
reference point in handling the
nationalities. In the future the young "hot-
heads" will simply not know how to deal
with each other at all, and the various
nationalities will kill each other off. They
will exercise the freedom of speech and
elections (voting to kill off the other side).
Then the remainder that survives will
grant itself rights that all Amerikkkans
hold dear--just like that great model of
freedom, the Wild West.
How silly it was for Stalin to force all
these people together in his brutal
dictatorship in one economic system. In
time though, we can forget about him, and
think of him as a quaint relic, because by
airing our diverse differences we will
come together. We will live a life of great
freedom and diversity. Yes, as long as our
children grow up in an atmosphere where
they can turn on the Jewish radio station
or go to the Armenian church, they will
find the final solution to the nationalities
question that Stalin never could have.
Freedom in action for ex-Soviet peoples
Taking a tour of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn
What questions do YOU have?
Wasn't Mao a butcher? Why do you spell it "Amerika"? Shouldn't you try
non-violence first? What is internationalism? Isn't hating white people reverse
racism? Why don't you leftists work together? Why don't you tone it down?
What is a cardinal principle? What is your program? What is necessary to
join MIM? What concrete actions can I take? How do I write articles for
MIM? What is your copyright policy?
Go to
and get real answers to these and other questions.
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 9
The Quiet American (2002)
Phillip Noyce, dir.
Starring Michael Caine, Brendan
Faser, Do Thi Hai Yen
Bloody Sunday (2002)
Paul Greengrass, dir.
Paramount Classics
MIM recommends both of these films
as artistic portrayals of real-life events.
The Quiet American, based on the
Graham Greene novel of the same name,
is a stylized account of early Amerikan
intervention in Vietnam. Although
fictionalized, the characters and events
are based on real people and events, and
the film manages to convey under-the-
surface truths in a powerful way. Bloody
Sunday , on the other hand, is shot quasi-
documentary style, and effectively
captures the feeling that anything was
possible at the height of the civil rights
movement in the early 1970s in British-
occupied northern Ireland.
Both films have contemporary
relevance. The Quiet American shows
how the Amerikan CIA used Vietnamese
middlemen to carry out terrorism to
further its own, ostensibly "democratic"
ends. These tactics ultimately convinced
many Vietnamese (and their friends) that
the Amerikans and their quislings were
enemies of the Vietnamese people. Faced
with overt and covert violence, the
Vietnamese took up arms to defend
The march at the center of Bloody
Sunday was to protest the British policy
of internment, which gave the army and
police the authority to hold people without
trial. Similar measures are part of the
USA Patriot Act. Again, rather than quell
dissent or stop the nascent movement for
armed struggle in British-occupied
Ireland, the abusive internment policy
sparked an anti-internment mass
movement--and the murderous
crackdown on this movement led many
to conclude that only armed resistance
could be effective.
The Quiet American. The central
conceit of this film is the conflict between
the idealistic Amerikan Pyle (Brendan
Fraser) and the jaded English journalist
Fowler (Michael Caine) over Fowler's
lover, the Vietnamese womyn Phoung
(Do Thi Hai Yen). Pyle--who is in fact a
CIA agent--presents himself as a medical
aid worker who cares too much about
the people of Vietnam not to get involved.
Fowler claims he never gets involved and
just wants to live his life in peace. The
central scene in the film is an act of terrible
violence which pulls down Pyle's "caring"
façade and convinces Fowler to take
action on behalf of the Vietnamese--in
the right way and for the right reasons.
The scene is moving in its own right and
noteworthy because it says so much
(correct) about Amerikan rhetoric,
motivations, and actions in Vietnam as
well as the Vietnamese response--all in
about five minutes. It conveys the kernel
of what we Maoists call rational or
theoretical knowledge about the war in
Vietnam through art, rather than though
journalism or history.
The character of Phoung is the weak
link in the triangle. Both as a womyn and
as symbol for Vietnam she is far too
passive and dependent on Western
support--although one could take this as
a criticism of Vietnam's colonial status at
the time.
Bloody Sunday. Often historical films
portray the past as something monolithic
and mechanical, as if history were a train
chugging along its set course. Bloody
Sunday avoids this temptation. It evokes
the feeling that no one (outside perhaps
of a very few army officers) knew that
January 30, 1972 would end with a
massacre of unarmed marchers by the
British army. It also manages to portray
history as a struggle. There is a struggle
between the Irish and British camps, and
there are struggles within each--between
pacifists and radicals among the
marchers, and between "moderate"
officers who preferred to quietly arrest a
few leaders and aggressive officers who
wanted (and got) a wide-spread
crackdown. Aside from its artistic merits,
Bloody Sunday deserves credit for
popularizing what is now known about the
British army's plans that day and the
subsequent cover-up.(1)
Although shot in a realistic style, using
hand-held cameras and few
professionally-trained actors (former
marchers and soldiers play themselves),
the filmmakers put a lot of thought into
exactly which events to portray and how,
so viewers get a sense of the causes
underlying the events of the day, even
while they experience some of the
confusion that always accompanies
political struggle and military action.
On the protestors' side, Bloody
Sunday focuses on Ivan Cooper of the
Social Democratic Labor Party, a
supporter of non-violence. As is clear
from the film's ending and the DVD
commentary, the filmmakers share
Cooper's analysis that Bloody Sunday
was the high-water mark of the non-
violent civil rights movement; after the
British army's crackdown prolonged
armed struggle was inevitable. Cooper
concludes the film saying the British
army's "Bloody Sunday" massacre was
the IRA's biggest victory, in the sense that
it was a crackerjack advert for the IRA.
MIM agrees with Cooper on this point
and has often said similar things in the
past, namely that the brutality of the status
quo and its defenders does more to create
allies for MIM's revolutionary cause than
MIM's eloquence alone ever could.
However, there is an implicit criticism in
Cooper's stance, to the effect that armed
struggle is always an impetuous mistake
with particular appeal to the youth. While
this is true in particular circumstances--
MIM does not advocate armed struggle
in Amerika today and is critical of groups
like the Amerikan Weather Underground,
who made armed struggle a point of
morality, rather than an issue of strategic
effectiveness--it is not true in general.
When non-violent struggle to eliminate the
everyday violence of hunger and poverty
is consistently opposed with violence, the
oppressed must consider all of their
options. There is no moral value in using
an ineffective weapon. Historically,
violent struggle to overthrow the
oppressors has done more to end violence
than appeals to God the oppressors
conscience--witness the Amerikan Civil
American, Sunday effectively dramatize relevant history
Did you know?
There are more
than 200 back
issues of MIM
Notes available
on the MIM
website? Not only
can you browse
more than 15
years of the
newspaper, you
can also keep up
with the very
latest on MIM
prisoner news, all
the latest on the
U$ war, and much
more. MIM's
website is an
indispensable tool
for the
movement. Get
Get the new issue of MIM Theory, #14, and read the latest
theory on building the movement to overthrow
imperialism once and for all, in 174 pages. Articles include
MIM congress resolutions, history from the Spanish Civil
War to Puerto Rico, Kenya, and Stalin -- plus international
documents, reviews, and much more. Send $7.50 to the
address on page 2.
War and the great gains in life expectancy
in the Soviet Union and China after their
successful socialist revolutions.(2)
Both of these film are out on DVD as
of July 2003. The many extras on
"Bloody Sunday" are full of historical
details that deepen the viewer's
understanding. For example, the
director's commentary includes an
interesting discussion on the
relationship between the armed
Republican movement and the
marchers--which was not one of 100%
agreement, but neither was it
antagonistic. The extras on "The Quiet
American" are shallow and can be
skipped, except for the comments of
the Vietnamese filmmakers on the
central bombing scene. Interested
viewers can check out further reading
on Vietnam at MIM's bookstore: http:/
/ w w w . e t e x t . o r g / P o l i t i c s / M I M /
1. For more on the background to
Bloody Sunday and the British Army's
cover-up, see our review of "Sunday,"
another docudrama.
2. For more on questions of armed
struggle, see MIM's Frequently Asked
Questions pages:
Politics/MIM/faq/violence.html and http:/
Michael Caine in The Quiet American.
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 10
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
Florida Latin Kings
May the Almighty bring the blessings to
the Latin King Queen Nation. This is to let
you know that Latin Kings here in Florida
struggle likewise. In the state of Florida Kings
are the most sought STG. The administration
tries to keep five members minimum in
population. As we are pinpointed it only
makes it worse. I feel for the Lord whose mail
and phone calls are monitored. . .
--a Florida prisoner, 24 August 3003
MIM replies: This letter highlights some of
the specific repression that organized political
prisoners face. This prisoner went on to offer
hope for a religious salvation from this
repression. MIM disagrees with this writer
that god will save the Latin Kings and Queens
and reminds our comrades that only sustained
political struggle and eventual revolution will
bring about real change for prisoners in
Staying in touch and
spreading the word in
I'm writing this letter in response to
concerns of my comrades. First off it's been
over a month since I last wrote and I would
really love to receive the MIM Notes and
anything else that will help me in the future.
I've also been doing what I can to spread the
word but it's rough. When you mention what
we stand for people get scared. Believe I
haven't given up the struggle and never will
as long as y'all don't give up on me. . .Keep
up the good work.
--a Florida prisoner, 18 August 2003
MIM responds: We know that a lot of our
comrades have been concerned that since
they may not have received MIM Notes in a
while that we have forgotten about them or
that they've been censored. We can assure
you we have not forgotten you, but our
mailing system has been irregular and we are
working on catching up. In the meantime, keep
spreading the word with the papers you do
have and keep us informed of censorship
notices you get.
Rhode Island
mailroom censors,
ignores its own rules
I received your letter dated 28 July 03 about
a week or so ago. In regards to receiving
notice about the Red Book [rejection]. No, I
was never given notice in writing as R.I. DOC
policy for mail 24 01-3 requires. I was not given
verbal notice either. Too, the mail policy does
not allow for the mailroom officer to send any
books back. An inmate is required to put in a
request form or grievance when mail is not
delivered, pending the decision it is supposed
to be kept with storage. If denied, which
usually happens, then it is on the inmate to
pay to have it returned to sender or have it
sent out with a visit.
This is part of a campaign by the prison
administration to harness me. Counting the
Red Book, this is the 6th time books were
sent here only to be rejected on security or
other frivolous grounds. I have been grieving
all of this only to be denied. The lawsuit with
the ACLU has yet to be filed. I think we
prisoners are getting jerked around by the
My mail in particular has been tampered
with both incoming and outgoing. All my legal
motions which I have sent to Providence
Superior court, which deal with me seeking to
be released from prison, the court clerk claims
they haven't received them. Between the
courts or prison, I'm being messed with.
--a Rhode Island prisoner, 11 August 2003
The oppressive
conditions at Georgia
State Prison
The oppression begins with the issuing of
food which has been poorly prepared. The
powder eggs carry odor that make them
impossible to eat. The beef gravy without the
beef, the watered down juice, the small
portions which is so often cold when trays
are delivered. This is an ongoing deprivation
of proper nourishment.
I'm limited to 1 bar of soap, 1 roll of toilet
paper and 1 tube of toothpaste a week.
Because prison officials have disregarded
their own policy of replacing hygiene items
on an as needed bases, and has trained its
officers to disregard the need for replacement
of hygiene items.
In the lock down unit in which I'm confined
to my cell 24 hours a day, "M-2" convicts are
not allowed to flush the toilets so they won't
flush from the inside of the cell, and officers
have control of flushing the toilets. We are
forced to live with body waste in the toilets
until the officers decide to flush them.
In this same lock down unit "M-2," we are
not being allowed to clean the cells out on a
regular basis. It has gotten so bad as once a
The laundry service is so poor that when
sending laundry out, you can expect it to be
half clean and dingy.
There are also no religious services of any
Although the policy states that I'm
supposed to be allowed one hour of outside
yard, 5 days a week, we are not allowed out
five days a week or given 5 hours a week.
There are no educational programs of any
We are not allowed to view the news or
newspaper provided. The library may deliver
books once a month and if they do, it's never
what I requested or close to it. The law library
is rarely open, and we are not being allowed
the 2 hours a week as the policy required.
The overall problem at this prison is the
oppression that's directed by prison officials.
It's also directed to stop the uplifting of fallen
humanity or any hope of rehabilitation and
supports the recreation of idleness and
--a Georgia prisoner, 19 August 2003
IMU in Oregon
I finally got my MIM Notes and I really
enjoyed reading about how you expose the
department of corrections dark side. Here in
Oregon you see a lot of human rights
violations such as: being placed in a program
called IMU (Intensive Management Unit)
without a probable cause, if your institution
feels you're a threat to them or the prison
population you're placed in this program, but
first you go to segregation for six months,
then you go to IMU and depending on what
DOC says you could stay there up to five
years. IMU is a max custody unit. But they
have made it out to be like segregation.
According to DOC if you're in a max custody
unit you're supposed to receive your
property in IMU. You have to earn it by doing
programs. Because you people expose such
acts and believe that it should be changed I
enjoy your MIM Notes.
-- an Oregon prisoner, August 2003
Letter to ULK
We are extremely fortunate that MIM Notes
has extended itself to open its pages to our
inside voices here in ULK. Therefore, we have
an obligation and should be mindful not to
diminish these few precious pages into mere
complaint columns. We must now take further
advantage of this revolutionary tool and use
ULK as a vehicle for organization,
mobilization, agitation and propagation of
strategic prison resistance, as well as a
monitor for these progressive activities such
as the National Plantation Psychosis
Awareness Committee is doing with its state-
wide and progressive 3-strike backlash
campaign to resist CDC's illegal practice of
FORCED double celling of which we
encourage you to support, promote,
propagate and participate in. For further
details on this state-wide e-strike Backlash
Campaign see ULK #271 "Fighting the 3-strike
law in California."
Our overall journalistic skills are well honed,
in that our conditions of deprivation,
degradation, etc. have been well defined and
documented throughout ULK. However, what
we intend or propose to do about these
conditions remain for the most part silent, un-
addressed and outright avoided, altogether,
which is a grave injustice to the full potential
of ULK and a disadvantage to our own
struggle. This brand of so-called "discretion"
of which we are currently practicing in ULK
is but a cover-up and fancy term for
revolutionary default, in that with each article
of oppression that we submit we must also
submit a proposed course of action to be taken
against these oppressions and follow
through with regular updates and
developments of these proposed courses of
If you don't know how to organize, mobilize
or agitate your environment into a collective
resistance against these oppressive
conditions of deprivation, exploitation, racism,
degradation and imperialism then I suggest
that you take further advantage of the MIM
Theory study group in California and sign up
for the upcoming course on political line,
strategy and tactics to further develop your
social/political skills in organizing and
mobilization. Remember, change is not an
issue, it is an ACTION.
In struggle, NPPAC-MOD, Sept 2003
MIM adds: We agree with our comrade
from NPPAC that it is not enough to just
describe the conditions of oppression, we
must go further to organize and make change.
Your ideas for action can include suggestions
for what people on the outside can do to help
with the struggle. And you can work with the
MIM-led prisoner organization, United
Struggle from Within (USW), to build a strong
movement against the criminal injustice
system. In addition to the study group for
California prisoners, MIM offers many
opportunities for political education and
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 11
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
struggle. So if you're not sure what you can
do to contribute check out the pages of MIM
Notes and write to us with your questions
and ideas.
Repression in Soledad
I'm in Salinas Valley State Prison (SVSP)
[in Soledad] "new" ad-seg building, and if
you haven't heard yet, it's the Department of
Corrections latest attempt to further
dehumanize the prisoners. The space is
illegally too small for the two men they cram
together. The urinal is literally less than 3 feet
away from the bottom bunk facing you. The 4
foot by 4 inch window at the top of the roof
barely provides anything more than
decoration. Sometimes when they find they
are bored we'll be allowed yard time, where
you and your cellmate are put in a dog-like
cage with a sink and toilet. I just got here but
I'll be here, maybe till November. Things are
getting worse every day.
- a California prisoner, August 2003
I am writing to let you know that the book
you have sent to me called "Bury my heart at
wounded knee" is here at the institution. I
have not been able to retrieve the book
because of a state of emergency lock down
which we have been placed on. A correctional
officer was seriously injured by an inmate with
a weapon on a totally different facility, but
yet those that are housed on other yards and
facilities are subjected to the same oppressive
treatment and lockdown as those on the
facility where the incident actually occurred.
Here are some of the conditions in which
we suffer at the present time. 1. We have been
locked in our cells since June 23 of this year.
2. We have not been given an hour a day of
exercise yard or had any fresh air or exposure
to the sun since June 23. 3. We are being cell
fed very small portions of half cooked food.
4. The administration is using the state budget
as an excuse for not providing the staff to run
any programs, that includes shower
programs, yard programs, education and
vocational programs, etc.
The administration and institutional staff
are ignoring the fact that most of the inmates
in SVSP need a trade in order to be considered
for a parole date. We are not being provided
with the opportunity to accomplish a trade or
a GED.
Salinas Valley State prison is quite
oppressive, and its agenda is industrial rather
than rehabilitating.
-- another SVSP prisoner, August 2003
I am a California state prisoner housed in
the illegal custody of Warden Tony A.
Lamarque here in solitary confinement
administrative segregation on non-
disciplinary charges since December 2002. I
was removed from the general population out
of retaliation for challenging an illegal
operational procedure. OP #23 requires
inmates to snitch on each other. I refused to
attend the illegal questioning of a crime in
which I had no involvement.
This is the justification the prison officials
used to lock me down in the Administrative
Segregation unit (ASU)... They claim that
because I refused to cooperate with the
interview process they were concerned that I
may be promoting violence against staff.
The prison officials and the director's of
corrections refer to an old incident from
September 1999 when I committed a battery
offense against a Lieutenant and since he was
assigned to work in the program area of the
facility, that's the reason I was removed from
the general population.
The day I was to be placed in ad seg
Correctional Lt Muniz informed me that I was
going to receive an administrative review by
Glenn Ponder who was now a captain. Ponder
was a LT at the time when I was charged with
a batter offense against him in 1999. I explained
to Lt Muniz that I did not want G. Ponder to
conduct the review, I alleged it was a conflict
of interest among me and him. This Lt. Muniz
was aware of the prior battery offense
because both of them worked together in
administrative segregation at that time and I
believe both of them conspired against me to
lock me up, but they did not play their cards
right. I saw through their weak tactic and now
other administrative officials are caught up in
their misconduct.
I assert they have lied, conspired, and are
illegally holding me in ad-seg going on 9
months. I am up for transfer but they said my
transfer is on hold pending resolution of court
proceedings in Monterey County Superior
Court. I have no court cases pending at all,
nor is it anything mentioned on my
classification choronos stating anything
about a court case pending. The warden and
those he supervises intentionally deprived
me of my constitutional rights while in state
I have a right to be free from cruel and
unusual punishment, right to due process of
law, and to be free from undo harassment and
ongoing retaliatory attacks while in Salinas
Valley State Prison.
--a third SVSP prisoner, August 2003
CSATF censorship
fight continues
I spoke with Sergeant Pugliese in regards
to the censorship of the MIM journal "A Spiral
Trajectory." I was informed that the MIM
materials were being returned because of your
using a non-profit org stamp on the envelope.
Currently this kamp has a rule that mail that
comes from non-profit organizations can be
returned without notice. I find this odd. But
upon obtaining the operational procedure
manual I saw it in writing. This I was told was
the only reason why they are being returned.
I know better than this though, because you
sent me a copy of the original envelope and
on it was placed stamps [and no non-profit
org stamp]. I believe that the letters to Darrel
G. Adams (Warden) advising that legal action
will be taken have helped.
The Sergeant has since advised me that he
will not obstruct the MIM materials so long
as a non profit stamp is not on the envelope.
Onward, upward! - a California prisoner at
CSATF, August 2003
MIM adds: We continue to experience
censorship at CSATF. Letters of protest do
help. Readers can send letters to the Warden
there demanding that they let books and
magazines in to prisoners: Warden Darrell G.
Adams, CSATF, PO Box 5246, Corcoran, CA
Corruption at
On July 3, 2003 I was assaulted by Officer
Morales who works in the SHU and was also
threatened with great bodily harm unless I
change my story that they stole my books
without a confiscation form and planted a
weapon in my cell. I found it and sent it to
Captain Means.
C.O. Morales did not like this so he slammed
my fact in to the door and my chest and side
of head against the wall several times. I wrote
a complaint to Associate Warden D.D. Ortiz.
But you know she will most likely not get it
and even if she does they will deny it and
cover it up. I told you last time this was going
to happen and they are not finished yet. I feel
it. They are going to do more. I was told to
quit filing 602s (complaint forms) which is not
going to happen. So the ass kicking is coming
up sooner or later.
On July 6, 2003 an inmate in this prison put
his arm out of the food port and asked to see
Sergeant White. The C.O. assaulted him,
grabbed both his arms and tried to pull him
out of the food port while twisting his arms. I
believe he tried to break this inmate's arm.
Enclosed is the latest on special purchase
and packages. Thought you might want to
see it. Beginning August 1 CSP-Corcoran is
implementing a mandatory vendor only
package program which requires prisoners to
purchase their own packages of supplies
directly from one of six approved vendors.
The packages can not be purchased for them
by anyone else and no packages can be
received from the outside. SHU and ASU
prisoners are limited to purchasing only from
Walkenhorst. This new policy is only so that
the CDC can get more kick back on money
from the authorized vendors. Everyone knows
this! Also a lot of people who owe CDC can
no longer get packages unless they first pay
what CDC wants them to which is mostly "you
have to pay us in order to pay us even more
- a California prisoner, July 2003
CDC tries to divide
oppressed nation
Here in the California DOC an injustice is
being carried out against people of color i.e.
Africans and Hispanics. Instead of equal just
opportunity, we are subjected to acts of racism
and unjust segregation. While white men are
treated as a white collective populace we are
divided into group segmentsBlacks: Crips,
Bloods, 415 (bay area), non-affiliate.
Hispanics: North-Mexican, South-Mexican,
Bulldog Nation, Mexican Nationals. By doing
so, the state creates division amongst the
masses, and instead of locking "us" down,
only some get locked down, leading to
hostility amongst people of color.
I myself am categorized as a Northern
Hispanic. Since coming to prison I've been
subjected to lockdowns for nothing more than
falling into the Northern Mexican category. I
have been subjected to 24-7 lockdown, no
general population yard, no access to
education or trades, no access to canteen
purchases (making me dependant on scarce
meals provided by the state, minimal access
to medical services, no access to telephones,
no visitations, no packages receivable.
All this is done to break the spirits of those
of us who more rigidly opposed to becoming
informants or victims of suppression. We are
those who strive for equality and just
treatment versus fear tactics and intimidation.
- a California prisoner at Folsom State
Prison, August 2003
MIM Notes 288 · October 1, 2003 · Page 12
Notas Rojas
oct 1, 2003, Nº 288 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis
¿Que es el MIM?
El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario
comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización
internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo;
es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo.
El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro,
naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una
realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su
esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial.
El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que
después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una
restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del
mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del
gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de
Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada "banda de los cuatro' en 1976. (2) El MIM
sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el
comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los
EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es
por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país.
El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos
tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por
la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido
clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal
dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti-
imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o
libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque
al nombre de MIM a esta dirección:
MIM · P.O. Box 29670 · Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
El lío en torno a las armas de
destrucción masiva en Irak: una
revelación para luchadores que llevan las
de perder.
Traducido por Células de Estudio
para la Liberación de Aztlán y
América Latina.
A menudo oímos la aserción que la
lucha política es inútil porque cada año
el Tío Sam gasta miles de millones de
dólares con el fin de espiar a todo el
mundo a través de satélites y
submarinos. Los medios de
comunicación árabes dijeron que el Tío
Sam sabía de qué color era la ropa
interior de Saddam Hussein. Hace poco
el sitio de Internet "" (1) dijo
que era posible identificar cada
computadora por medio de equipo
colocado en servidores remotos.
Semejantes argumentos apuntan a la idea
de que cualquier tipo de lucha contra el
Tío Sam es futil y que, por lo tanto, hay
que unirnos a la lucha propagada por el
Tío Sam y respetar sus reglas del juego;
sin embargo, el lío en torno a las armas
de destrucción masiva (ADM) revela el
fallo de asumir una actitud liberal hacia
el tema de la lucha y seguridad.
Diez meses antes del discurso
equivocado sobre el Estado de la Unión
en el que George Bush citaba pruebas
falsas sobre la supuesta venta de uranio
por parte de Níger a Irak, la CIA le dijo
a Bush que dicha información era falsa.
Aparte de la CIA, un embajador
también informó a la administración
Bush que esta información no era cierta.
Esto significa que hasta la posesión de
información correcta no garantiza el uso
de la misma. (2) La administración Bush
ha emitido un sinfín de otras
declaraciones falsas sobre la naturaleza
y la justificación de la guerra contra Irak.
(3) Basándose en fuentes de información
estadounidenses, Tony Blair declaró que
Saddam Hussein estaba listo para utilizar
ADM 45 minutos después de un aviso-
algo que jamás sucedió. (4)
Los estudiantes probélicos y los que
asumieron una postura neutral
desconocían el hecho de que el archivo
de inteligencia compuesto y utilizado por
el gobierno británico con el fin de
justificar la guerra contra Irak, provenía
en gran parte de un trabajo no citado de
un estudiante estadounidense disponible
para el público. (5) En nuestro periódico
MIM Notes 274, criticamos a un
estudiante quien asumió la típica postura
monárquica que justifica la apatía y la
falta de lucha contra la guerra. Según el
estudiante, "Basamos nuestras opiniones
sobre la política externa e interna en la
información que recibimos de coberturas
parciales de medios de comunicación,
opiniones de nuestros amigos y
preguntas de nuestros profesores. Bush
basa sus opiniones en datos secretos de
inteligencia obtenidos a través de
múltiples fuentes, estimaciones
nacionales de altos funcionarios de
servicios de inteligencia y consejos de
expertos. Si ni siquiera él tiene la
información completa, nuestro
entendimiento de la situación equivale a
una pieza insignificante del
rompecabezas". Resulta que a alguien
le entraron ganas de tomarle el pelo a la
administración Bush mediante una
falsificación de documentos sobre los
programas de armas nucleares de Irak;
éstos fueron utilizados por Bush con el
fin de promover su plan bélico contra
Irak diseñado antes del año 2000.
Resulta, por lo tanto, que la posesión
de inteligencia secreta fue un
impedimento más que una ventaja. La
mera posesión de la información
"completa" no garantiza el uso correcto
de la misma.
Los luchadores por la justicia que
llevan las de perder deberían tener en
cuenta que un acceso a todas las fuentes
de información no garantiza el uso de
las mismas por parte de los que los que
están en el poder. De hecho, el
capitalismo corrompe toda la producción
del conocimiento, desde el conocimiento
de medicinas cuyas ventas se someten a
fines lucrativos hasta los análisis de la
eficacia de sistemas de armas adquiridas
por el Pentágono. Como ya hemos
mencionado en la sección sobre la
seguridad en nuestra página web: "El
imperialismo estadounidense de ninguna
manera se puede permitir el lujo de filtrar
la información correcta y separarla de
la falsa." En este sentido, el MIM ha
señalado que la acumulación de
información proveniente de una fuente
no garantiza que el propósito de dicha
fuente so sea el de desviar información.
Los imperialistas buscan un
conocimiento que les otorgue ganancias
individuales. Como consecuencia, los
imperialistas jamás podrán alcanzar la
capacidad que tiene el proletariado para
encontrar la verdad. Aunque los gastos
monetarios de los imperialistas en
servicios de inteligencia sobrepasen los
del proletariado, los imperialistas son
incapaces de usar la información
obtenida, y si la llegan a usar, entran en
conflicto con otros imperialistas cuyos
intereses de propiedad y agendas
políticas son distintos. Por esta razón,
cualquier tipo de lucha que dificulte el
espionaje de los oprimidos y explotados
por parte de los imperialistas es siempre
justificado. Como ya hemos
mencionado en nuestra reseña del sitio, "Hay múltiples razones para
no someterse: 1) Existe la posibilidad de
aumentar el costo del enemigo ya que
cualquier forma de espionaje correcto
cuesta. 2) Una vez que se obtenga
información, el enemigo tiene que
separar la información correcta de la
falsa. 3) Puede que el enemigo no haga
nada. "
Fuentes consultadas:
también véase http://
3. Véase por ejemplo http://
4. Para leer el testimonio de un
exoficial de la CIA véase: http://
w w w . f o x n e w s . c o m / s t o r y /
0,2933,89923,00.html; véase también
El Tío Sam no siempre sabe