Oppose the expanding war in Yugoslavia: Amerika increases troops and money flowing to the war effort by MC45 As MIM Notes goes to press, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has agreed to increase its total number of soldiers on the ground around Yugoslavia to 50,000. This move will increase the number of Amerikan soldiers there to 7,000, and will likely spawn great disagreement within NATO over troop allocations. This expansion in the imperialist war will undoubtedly lead to more deaths of the Yugoslavian people and increased flight out of Kosovo and Serbia leading to great health crises. The trade off is militarism for the sake of the imperialists retaining tight control over Yugoslavia at the expense of the lives and self-determination of the people of the region. Throughout its history the U.$. has demonstrated that it is willing to sacrifice the lives, health and welfare of the majority of the worlds people to ensure its position of global domination. It is crucial that we build a peace movement to oppose this imperialist militarism, not just for this war in Yugoslavia, but for the on-going out-breaks of the imperialist World War III in Iraq, Latin America, Asia, Africa and around the globe. Support of the NATO military chief's calls for more soldiers on the heels of more than two months of u.$.-led bombing has earned President Klinton this joke Serbs are telling: "Q: How can you tell Bill Clinton will be the next President of Yugoslavia. "A: He has succeeded in uniting the Serbs and destroying the Albanians."(1) NATO Commander Wesley Clark officially requested the increase to 45,000 to 50,000 ground troops on the borders of Kosovo on May 20. Arguing for the build-up, Clark said "if you prepare for ground forces, among other things, you make Milosevic contemplate the consequences of not going along with the political objectives."(2) With Clark's request approved, we can expect to see 50,000 troops in the region by mid-June.(8) The NATO commander's rhetoric highlights the grotesque militarism of the people running this war. MIM would say that the odds are Mr. Milosevic has been "contemplating the consequences" of non-compliance with imperialist demands since before the u.$. and England started bombing his country under NATO auspices. Trying to make the increase in ground troops more palatable, a Pentagon spokespersyn, the Defense Secretary of England and u.$. Secretary of State Madeline Albright have all referred to the build-up as "planning for success" - referring to NATO's presumed success in getting Slobodan Milosevic to welcome so-called peacekeepers into Yugoslavia.(3) This war - in defense of imperialist hegemony over the planet - is supported most fiercely by the u.$. and its English lieutenants. Internally, the u.$. government faces pressure to run a zero-Amerikan- casualty war. So part of the story of putting troops into a ground war has been making this action seem justifiable; and the more "righteous" the imperialists can make the war look, the more options they close off for ending it. Most recently, the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands declared Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to be a war criminal. The tribunal has issued warrants for his arrest to all U.N. member states for the crimes of "murder, forced deportation and persecution of ethnic Albanians."(4) This list of offenses has particular resonance for those of us organizing from within the largest settler state on the planet. At the war's beginning, Amerikan citizens of Serbian descent were quoted on the television news pleading their home-country's cause. They argued that Amerikans should be sympathetic to Serbia, because after all the notion that Kosovo would break away and be independent was akin to the idea of this country giving back California and Texas to Mexico. MIM agrees this is a very important point to raise, and we believe that Amerika is guilty of murder, forced deportation and persecution of the people of Aztlan and in no position to judge Serbia. Amerika's formation out of a history of genocide and appropriation of land from the Indigenous nations is only the beginning of its development into an advanced capitalist and ultimately imperialist state. The small minority of liberal members of congress have made several public statements to u.$. President Bill Clinton, arguing that Amerika should not be at war in Yugoslavia for various reasons. The most recent volley took place on May 26 when 26 members of the Congress filed a motion in u.$. district court, attempting to halt the bombing via court order. The congress members asserted in their motion that the War Powers Act of 1973, which allows a President to wage war for 60 days without approval of congress, has now been violated by the now more than 60-day war against Yugoslavia.(6) While MIM puts no stock in elected officials of the Amerikan government to stop that government from pursuing its overall program of imperialism, it is always good to see pockets of public dissension within the government that activists can use to their advantage. While we acknowledge the small differences among u.$. government officials, we note that the principal character of the u.$. government is unity in this war against the Yugoslav people. In mid-May, the senate approved twice Clinton's requested budget for fighting this war and the beginning of a raise for Amerikan soldiers.(7) Imperialism is an economic and military system - the highest stage of capitalism. Developing out of the tendency of capital towards ever greater monopoly ownership, imperialism represents international monopolization of capital. So capitalism in the imperialist countries relies on unfettered access to the economies of the oppressed nations. This access supports the standard of living in First World countries from mass transit, to eating out-of-season produce year-round, to cheap prices on consumer goods. This reliance on oppressed peoples to support the wealth of a few privileged countries will not fundamentally change by virtue of the rules of war. Notes: 1. The New York Times 21 May 1999. 2. The New York Times 21 May, p. 1. 3. The Washington Post 26 May 1999. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/stories/nato052699.htm 4. The New York Times 28 May 1999. 5. See MIM Notes 186 or MIM's website http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/mn/kosovo/fascism.txt for an article on the importance of identifying where fascism is and isn't in imperialist wars. 6. The Washington Post 26 May 1999. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/stories/nato052699.htm 7. The Washington Post on the web. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/politics/daily/may99/emergency21.htm 8. NATO Adding Troops in Balkans, The Washington Post, 26 May 1999. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/stories/nato052699.htm Article edited by MC17.