This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

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| xx xx x xx xx   xx x x  x  x  x   x       Issue #8       |
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| x   x x x   x   x  x x  x  x  x       x   01/12/85       |
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|    Newspaper of the Maoist Internationalist Movement     |


  The Azanian People's Organization led demonstrations in
South Africa that exposed Sen. Edward Kennedy. Chanting
"Kennedy, go home!," the APO said that Kennedy "'must be
informed that the oppressed blacks of Azania are not his
ticket to the presidency and that our enemy includes the
imperialists of the United States.'" (Detroit Free Press,
1/6/85, p. 6A)
  The South African regime, which does not tolerate
political activity by Blacks sent police to physically
attack and arrest the demonstrators; even though, Prime
Minister Botha says that he and Kennedy are in hopeless
  The fundamental unity between the U.S. Government
including Kennedy and the apartheid regime became readily
apparent through the actions of the Black demonstrators.
Unfortunately, Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu
chose to play the role of mediator and negotiator for the
Black people by apologizing to Kennedy for the Black people:
"'We are sorry that you may discover that those of our
community who have disagreed with the invitation we made to
you will indicate their opposition. I am sorry.'" (Ibid.)
Tutu has a part to play in his country's liberation, but as
a leader he has served as a tool of Kennedy and the West.

  U.S. troops secretly fly missions in Nicaragua and
Honduras transporting armed troops, including wounded ones--
most likely Nicaraguan Contras. The father of one Warrant
Officer Donald Alvey was told "'if he ever failed to return
from one of those missions, the Army already had a story to
make up for his and his crew's disappearance.'" (Detroit
Free Press, 12/16/84) Don died in 1983 in a supposed
helicopter crash off the coast of Virginia.
  U.S. officials have already acknowledged that the CIA
directed attacks on oil pipelines and storage tanks in
Nicaragua. Don Alvey may have crashed while training in
piranha boats--the same type used in the CIA raid.
  Troops like Don give the Army permission to make up
stories about their death. Survivors either claim they don't
know anything or that what they know is top-secret. "'I
don't want to go to jail,'" said one survivor obviously
aware of the military's power to discipline him.
  The troops are equipped with bribe money in case they
crash, unofficial weapons, no uniforms, only civilian
clothes, a credit card and explosives to blow up their
vehicles. If they get in trouble, the U.S. Government leaves
the troops on their own rather than acknowledge embarrassing
secret operations.
  The emphasis on secrecy occurs because the government does
not want to stir up public opinion, especially by violating
the War Powers Act, which requires a declaration of war for
prolonged combat activities. One high ranking Defense
official said "'It would not be unusual for things to be
done that I would not know about.'" Reagan himself is cagey.
He says "'we are complying with the law.'" Still he admits a
U.S. role in disrupting "'supply lines which are supplying
the guerrillas in El Salvador.'" (Ibid.)

  U.S. backed counter-revolutionaries have killed almost
5,000 Nicaraguan people according to the Council on
Hemispheric affairs. The counter-revolutionaries called
"Contras" are trying to overthrow the Sandinista government
in Nicaragua.
  Over 2,000 civilians have been kidnapped and taken out of
Nicaragua. Those that refuse to join the Contras are "'often
brutally killed.'" This includes more than 880 noncombatants
killed after capture. (Chicago Tribune, 12/31/84)
  As politically desperate and unpopular as the Contras, the
government of El Salvador killed 45,000 noncombatants since
1979 according to the Council. The U.S. backed Salvadoran
government and the Contras have thus demonstrated their
anti-people nature. The minority of wealthy people in the
U.S. and Central America must attack the masses of people to
defend their privilege to hire cheap disciplined labor.

  The AFL-CIO's American Institute of Free Labor Development
endorsed Salvadoran military dictator Napolean Duarte:
"'Duarte is definitely a progressive man who wants to
conduct needed reforms'" according to El Salvador director
Bernard Packer.
  Packer heads a thirty member U.S. labor delegation in El
Salvador. In addition to lending the legitimacy of U.S.
labor to the junta, the team is training Salvadoran labor
leaders in negotiated sell-out--"everything from negotiating
techniques to political philosophy." (USA Today, 12/12/84,
P. 5A)

  Alan Berg, who spoke out against anti-Semitism and white
supremacy was probably killed by neo-Nazis according to the
Chicago Tribune. The Nazis machinegunned him in Denver.
Ballistic experts matched the gun captured from Nazis with
the one that killed Berg. (New York Times, 12/27/84, 11)
  The White American Bastion is heavily armed with
explosives and automatic weapons--some of which have been
discovered. The Nazis have been robbing armored trucks.
  The Nazis split off from a church called the "Aryan
Nation." The group has an advanced interstate computer
network reaching into Canada and a mailing list of 6,000.
(Chicago Tribune, 12/30/84)

  Cal Thomas, a vice-president for communications of the
Moral Majority asks "Bombing Abortion Clinics: It's Violent,
but Why Not?" in a recent newspaper editorial. Jayne Bray of
the Pro-Life Nonviolent Action Committee said, "'I am
personally opposed to the destruction of property, but I
respect the right of people who do it where babies are being
slaughtered.'" Both people are uncertain about the tactical
benefits, but both are trying to make the most of the
publicity from the bombings and expect (promise) more
bombings if abortion continues.

  The Pentagon, NASA and MIT professors are building the
yacht that the U.S. hopes to regain the America's Cup that
Australia won in an upset in 1983. The $40 million is
justified by patriotism: "'It's up to the people of this
nation, a matter of national pride'" said the director of a
NY yacht club coughing up $12 million. "'By God, if anybody
can do it, we Americans can.'" (Ann Arbor News, 12/9/84, p.
B1) Nothing better demonstrates the ridiculous lengths--even
manipulating "amateur" sports--the upper classes will go to
evoke patriotism. The Pentagon, NASA and yachting
millionaires all have an interest in rallying the people to
their side with spectacles like the yachting race. They hope
the masses of people will not notice what priorities this
country has.

  Daedalus Enterprises president Alan Parker said that its
corporation used multispectral scanners to detect
underground water reservoirs five years ago in Libya. He
blamed the African region including Ethiopia for lack of
$10,000, political stability and awareness of the technology
that could have discovered water and prevented Ethiopia's
drought. What the corporate head proves is that
multinational corporations are to blame for the famine. (Ann
Arbor News, 12/9/84, 1)

  The Ethiopian regime is not allowing food aid to reach the
Tigre or Eritrea--two countries fighting a war of liberation
against Ethiopian military domination. According to relief
agency Grassroots International and the Wall Street Journal,
Ethiopia is trying to starve out the people of the two
countries to drain their support for the guerrillas. The
Tigre People's Liberation Front said 1,500 people die a day
in the Tigre from starvation. (USA Today, 12/12/84, p. 5A)
("U.S. to Increase Secret Food Aid for Ethiopians," Wall
Street Journal, 12/17/84)
  Rather than panic its already shallow support, the
Ethiopian regime does not even admit that Eritrea and the
Tigre have independent guerrilla forces with base areas
outside Ethiopian control. "'These attacks are just the work
of scattered groups of bandits or terrorists.'" "'We can
reach any village we want.'" (Christian Science Monitor,
1/4/85) In reality, the EPLF--Eritrean People's Liberation
Front--controls 80% of Eritrea and the desperate Ethiopian
regime uses napalm and cluster bombs on crops and livestock
to leave a "scorched earth." The Ethiopian Dergue's
desperation is underscored by its loss of a food aid camp to
rebels. The Eritreans have a history of fighting both U.S.-
backed and now Soviet-backed regimes in Ethiopia. The
Soviets have bombed the Eritreans from the sea and air.
Their reality tears to pieces the idea that it is impossible
to fight both Soviet social-imperialism and U.S. imperialism
even in the face of famine.

  "'56. The usefulness of the United Nations is threatened
  A. There are too many nations in the Assembly
  B. Yassir Arafat was allowed to address the Assembly
  C. The Middle East Crisis threatens it
  D. It is located in New York City.'"
  This question is in the Barron's book Prepare for College
Board Achievement Tests: European History and World Cultures
(2nd ed.). The supposedly "correct" answer is "B." (AAUG
Newsletter, 10, 11, 12/84, 16)
  The blatantly political answers in standardized tests
concerning politics, history and the social sciences are
designed to sort out proletarians--people with the "wrong"
opinions. The problem with U.S. education is not
standardized test scores. The problem is that the ruling
class only has so much room at any time and must justify its
rule through standardized tests.

  Recent months have seen multimillion dollar trials of the
media. The Westmoreland case against CBS is hopeless in
proving that CBS intentionally libelled Gen. Westmoreland
about his conduct of the Vietnam War. However,
Westmoreland's multimillion dollar trial is an attempt to
gain sympathy for "venerable Southern gentlemen" and others
who conducted the Vietnam War. In trying to paint a
subversive media, Westmoreland and his supporters are trying
to reverse the American public's verdict on the Vietnam War.
  The same is happening in Gen. Sharon's case against the
Time magazine corporation. Sharon would like to further
limit exposure of Israeli terror against Palestinians and
  This all amounts to an internal struggle of the
multimillionaires, generals and government officials who
control the media. Perhaps the most blatant demonstration of
this is Senator Jesse Helms's organizing efforts to buy
stock in CBS to change CBS's "'liberal bias.'" Helms' group
called "Fairness in Media" threatened to buy out CBS if its
managers did not agree to its proposals. (New York Times,
1/11/85) The organized conservatives want to "'become Dan
Rather's boss.'" (Ibid.) Right now, 24,000 people own all of
CBS's 29.7 million shares at $73 a share. One person alone
owns 6.55%. Helms' bid reminds one and all that the
capitalists own and dominate the means of communication.
Anybody have a million dollars to give to this newsletter?

  Workers laid off within the last five years from the U.S.
Steel Corporation have suffered a nearly one half loss of
income. (New York Times, 10/31/84) The median household
income of laid off steelworkers was about $12,500 in 1983.
  Of course, the exploitation has hit minorities and women
hardest. 30% of the laid off white workers are still
unemployed, but 60% and 47% of Black and Hispanics remain
unemployed. Men averaged 44% and women, 63%. (Ibid.)
  U.S. Steel reported a $153 million profit third quarter
1983. U.S. Steel bought Marathon for its oil and gas
operations. Meanwhile, the steel operation is relatively
neglected and runs at 53% of capacity. (New York Times,
10/31/84, Business section)

  The ICA collects money for various charity efforts. Only
41% of the money goes to charity projects though. The rest
goes to administration and advertising costs and evangelical
and religious programs. (New York Times, 1/11/85)
  While the group has sent out pamphlets on Ethiopia to
solicit funds, it has not sent one cent of aid to Ethiopia
or groups working there. (Ibid.) Unfortunately, charities
that are not run by the victimized themselves are at best
inefficient, hopefully not outright fraudulent and in most
cases destructive in creating dependency power relations
especially of one country over another.

  Reports in the Western press that China has openly and
honestly given up Marxism even in words and not just action
are greatly exaggerated. (For example, Detroit News "China
Rejects Marxism as 'Obsolete.'") There may be a campaign
going on within the Chinese Communist Party to give up
Marxism, but to see the conflict one would have to read
between the lines of official statements like "we can not
expect the works of Marx and Lenin at that time to provide
solutions to our current problems." Another example is
Marxism is "'far from enough" to solve China's problems.
"'The major problem that classical Marxism sought to solve
was the problem of socialist revolution, but the major
problem we wish to solve is the problem of socialist
construction.'" (Christian Science Monitor, 12/31/84, 2) We
wish these honest authors campaigning for the repudiation of
Marxism luck, but for now, the latest Chinese press releases
state nothing but the usual polemics against "dogmatism" and
"ultraleftism." (See MIM lit. list for books on how China
abandoned Marxism in practice but not in words with the
revisionist coup in 1976.)

For the real thing, twelve to sixteen pages of tabloid
newsprint, including revolutionary art and photos with
professional lay-out, subscribe to MIM Notes now.  Back-
issues also available in original release for most issues.

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