MIM Notes 186 May 15 1999 U$ re-uses rhetoric to further war against Iraq by MC206 The western imperialists are trying hard to sell the bombing of Yugoslavia as the "democratic and humanitarian" action of a "world cop." Recent developments in Iraq show that they plan to use this story once again to cover their attacks on an oppressed nation. According to the London Independent, the u.$. is "considering a radical expansion of its role" in northern Iraq "by giving a full military guarantee to the whole of Iraqi Kurdistan." Currently u.$. and English planes patrol north of the 36th parallel to keep Iraqi planes out of the area. The u.$. wants to use Iraqi Kurdistan as a base for military action by the Iraqi National Congress(INC), a u.$.-backed movement opposed to the current Iraqi regime. Leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) say they will only allow this if the u.$. can turn the current "no-fly zone" into a "no fly and no-drive zone." This could involve giving the KDP heavy weapons, using u.$. aircraft against Iraqi tanks, and conceivably even some form of u.$. ground presence. Supporters of the INC basically admit that they are dependent on the u.$. and have little support on the ground. The recent congress which reconstituted the INC and fired its former leader was held "under U.S. auspices." In true, narrow bourgeois fashion these bootlickers are cheering on the u.$. war in Yugoslavia, hoping that they might mooch off of Amerikan "successes." As one INC supporter put it, "If NATO succeeds in Kosovo it will be good for us; otherwise we will have to think again." The utter hypocrisy of the united $tates can be seen in its actions in Iraq. It claims to be for the rights of the Iraqi people, while at the same time it bombs sewage treatment plants and enforces sanctions which have caused the deaths of close to one and a half million people, mostly children. It once again plots for a war in Iraq to install a clique of its own choosing with questionable local support, all in the name of "democracy." And while the U$ uses the plight of the Kurdish people in Iraq to justify offensive measures in its war on Iraq, it openly supports Turkey's war against the Kurds. Turkey's war has left tens of thousands of people dead. On 8 April, Turkish troops once again crossed into Iraq allegedly pursuing Kurdish rebels, without so much as a peep from the u.$. Behind all the rhetoric about "humanitarianism" or "respect for international law" or whatever flavor of bullshit they are pushing this week, the u.$. imperialists are driven to war by their own needs and desires. They need to protect current investments, secure future investments, burn off some military surplus, and sell some new military toys in the process. This planet will not be free of war until the economic system which requires the subjugation of entire peoples is wiped off of it. Note: London Independent, 14 April 99.