MIM Notes 188 June 15 1999 LOUISIANA GOV. FOSTER ADMITS CONNECTIONS WITH KLANSMAN DAVID DUKE The elected governor of Louisiana is considered a friend by David Duke, ex-Klan leader, Nazi sympathizer and Republican candidate for state offices in Louisiana. "'We have been friends for a long time,'" said David Duke on May 24th.(1) Gov. Mike Foster met with David Duke before and after the governor's race which put Foster in power in 1996. For his part, Gov. Foster refuses to renounce Duke: "'Mr. Duke has always treated me with respect and it is well-documented that I don't condemn and hate others.'"(1) Now the ruling class (IRS) is investigating David Duke's finances. Foster secretly paid $150,000 for supposedly exclusive use of David Duke's mailing list. House Rep. Woody Jenkins also paid $82,500 for the list in the Senate race of 1996.(2) Some believe it amounts to a pay-off to leave the race. David Duke endorsed Foster for governor and Foster won. MIM is not surprised, because Duke carried a majority of the white vote in the previous race for governor in 1991. Having won the Republican nomination, Duke, "former Nazi sympathizer and Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, lost the election, but he captured an astounding fifty- five percent of the white vote."(3) Readers can check on that in a book by Tyler Bridges. The David Duke support amongst whites is proof that white national chauvinism runs deep in Amerika. It is not something only in dusty history books. No one should be fooled by David Duke's claims to have changed. He published a book in 1998 that runs the same old thing against Blacks and Jews. His web page has links, the first of which is to www.stormfront.org, which is an avowed white nationalist group with sections including "Aryan women." The organization sells his book and also promotes literature on the Nazi view of the Holocaust of Jews and the ideology of "national socialism." Finally, "Stormfront" itself is just a front for other white nationalists and its links include the KKK. If David Duke truly disavowed his KKK past, he should have disavowed Stormfront too. In 1995, Foster only won 4% of the Black vote. The Black Democrat Rep. Cleo Fields won 17% of the white vote in opposing Foster. Foster won 63% to 27%.(4) Foster got his opening when the previous governor Edwin Edwards retired after 25 years in Louisiana political leadership. Edwards was under a legal cloud even as he ran for governor in 1991, but Black voters decided "better a lizard than a wizard," as the bumper-sticker said. Sheriff Harry Lee of Asian descent attempted to buy the list from David Duke and thought $250,000 was a fair price if it included Duke's endorsement for governor. The deal never came off, but other politicians also adopted a very pragmatic outlook toward Duke -- one that capitulates to his power instead of mobilizing against it on principle. Even a University president Bobby Jindal (University of Louisiana) defended Foster for his handling of Duke.(5) It demonstrates the complete lack of principles in Amerikan politics, a lack of principles that leaves the oppressed peoples oppressed by white nationalism. Notes: 1. Times-Picayune 25 May 1999. 2. USA Today 21 May 1999, p. 13a. 3. http://www.upress.state.ms.us/ catalogs/books/R/html/duke.html 4. USA Today http://www.usato day.com/news/washdc/elect/states/louisian/n95la004.htm 5. Times-Piacayune 22 May 1999, p. a8.