MIM Notes 193 September 1, 1999 MIM gains supporters in Seattle Dear MIM, I would be delighted to distribute MIM Notes in Seattle. Send a bundle of 200 and any pointers you have, if any, from past experience of distributors. Though I suppose the process is self- explanatory. I'm pleased to participate in an activity that brings a communist view to the light of day. Lack of an organized communist voice leads many potential revolutionaries into escapism (mysticism, eastern religion, the occult, suicide, and sports utility vehicles.) I've seen it happen in my own family. ... Thanks for your offer of MIM Theory for volunteer labor. Since I have the money now, I'll send it to MIM as a gesture of support. Though in tighter times an exchange would be a welcome way to obtain revolutionary literature. So here's $22... Keep up the good work. I like MIM's kung fu! -- a new Seattle reader. MIM responds: All our readers should be helping to distribute MIM Notes in their cities to get the paper into the hands of the people. We encourage you to distribute them in person and ask for donations. Some people help to pay for the production of the paper this way, others go beyond that and support political education costs or some costs for the Books for Prisoners Program. You can also distribute MIM Notes by leaving them on local college campuses, in laundromats, record and book stores, cafes, entrances to apartment buildings and anywhere else that people might pick them up. As we free drop, we typically sell the paper along the sidewalks and leave revolutionary flyers on poles and phone booths. MIM's call for increased distribution of MIM Notes has received positive responses. Our goal is to expand distribution and its necessary funding by 25% by the end of 1999. We have not yet achieved this goal, but are getting closer. Consider distributing and funding 100 copies of each issue. This would take approximately 30 minutes in a populated area and $20 each month. Face to face distribution would take more time, but yield better results and help with the funding. Revolution best opposes imperialist death penalty Dear MIM: A referendum to abolish the death penalty will be on the Missouri ballot this fall. I am aware that MIM does not participate in electoral politics, but would MIM recommend that people vote for this referendum because MIM is also anti-death penalty (at least now, here, for those who typically get it in the U$)? -- a prisoner in Missouri MIM responds: The death penalty under imperialism is a reactionary tool in the hands of the bourgeoisie. It is used to increase control of oppressed nations. Abolition of the death penalty under imperialism is a progressive step. But reliance on Amerikan public opinion is not the best chance for stopping the imperialist death penalty. The majority of voters are white settler nationals. They benefit from the criminal injustice system and national oppression in general. Some settlers may oppose the death penalty. We should struggle with these to oppose the entire system of injustice. But MIM does not rely on the majority of settlers to bring about justice. MIM would rather see revolutionaries devoting time and material resources toward advancing the revolutionary line. Supporters should build anti-imperialist organizations of the people as a part of the proletarian-led United Front rather than "getting out the vote." So we won't be organizing for the victory of this referendum directly by advocating electoral change. However, as part of our ongoing anti-imperialist struggle we are exposing the injustice of the imperialist death penalty. This work by revolutionaries is the most important contribution we can make to the fight to eliminate the imperialist death penalty. The passage of this referendum will mean a little less power for the imperialist injustice system. We know that the work we are doing to fight the criminal injustice system and the imperialist death penalty will make this victory more likely. We suggest that readers interested in understanding the relationship between revolutionary organizing and agitating on single issues order "What is the Maoist Internationalist Movement?" ($2) from MIM Distributors and check out the essay "The Pitfalls of Single Issue Organizing."