MIM Notes 193 September 1, 1999 Activists gather to organize for justice and Peltier's freedom by MIM The Leonard Peltier Defense Organizing Conference sponsored by the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (LPDC) in June successfully underscored Amerika's perpetration of violence and injustice against indigenous peoples. Attended by over 150 participants, the conference launched an intensified campaign to free Peltier. The conference educated attendees about Amerika's history of genocide, the FBI Counter Intelligence Programs (COINTELPRO), and details of Peltier's framing, extradition and unfair trial for murder. Discussion focused on the continuing campaign for Peltier's freedom. Peltier wrote in his introductory statement to the conference: "This constitution of the US does not apply to everyone, it does not apply to my people. We cannot allow this government to continue. This affects more than me, [this affects] more than [my] people now. This is the same way the US treats other countries." MIM attended the conference to build unity with those opposed to the imperialist repression. We agree with Peltier that Amerikan law does not apply to indigenous peoples. Our support for his freedom is part of the struggle against imperialism and white settler nation domination. Imprisonment of political leaders like Leonard Peltier is an oppressive tool to thwart anti-imperialist organizing. But such attacks on political leaders can only prolong the cancerous life of the imperialist system, they cannot make it live forever. Repression breeds resistance The conference presented a clear indictment against the Amerikan prison system. Many also emphasized the need for an internationalist perspective in fighting injustice. The FBI's COINTELPROs have attacked nationalists, revolutionaries, and radical activists. This war includes unjust imprisonment, torture and assassination of political leaders. Though COINTELPROs aim to destroy resistance, the movement continues to grow. During the prison issues panel, former prisoner Ida Robinson said, "colonialism has alienated oppressed peoples. If we don't fight it, they will continue to kill us one by one. It may be different from how it happened 40 or 80 years ago, [but] it's still genocide." Damning imperialism for its anti-people politics, LPDC organizer and former prisoner Bobby Castillo said "we're tired of the lies. They attack people trying to change [their own living conditions]. They are at war." Ramona Africa added: "this government manipulates public opinion to make resistance criminal." Dennis Brutus, who was imprisoned in South Africa because of his involvement in the anti-apartheid movement, also spoke at the conference. He eloquently linked the battle for Peltier's freedom from the u.$. prisons to continued opposition to Amerika's atrocities world-wide. Brutus said it is significant that Amnesty International (AI) is now taking a clear stand on Peltier's case. AI decided in April 1999 to call for Peltier's immediate release. This is a positive step forward, but as Brutus pointed out, there is much more work to do. He emphasized the need for youth to organize. He said that "youth focus on political prisoners in other countries, but believe the myth that there are no political prisoners in the U.S." The repressive Amerikan lockdown only breeds the resistance it attempts to quell. White Amerika will continue to attack progressive victories as they are won. For this reason, MIM fights winnable battles that contribute to the overall struggle to dismantle imperialism. Proletarian-led armed struggle to seize state power is ultimately the only way oppressed nations will gain freedom from imperialist control. Unity and struggle to advance anti-imperialism MIM discussed many aspects of organizing with activists during the LPOC. Many had not heard of MIM and many were initially leery of communist organizing. Much of their mistrust arose from experience with revisionist organizations. Revisionists claim to be communist, but do more harm than good to the reputation of Marxism by fundamentally revising Marxist principles. MIM dispelled myths about Maoism and explained that during the era of imperialism, genuine communists work for liberation of oppressed nations from imperialist control -- the first step toward the end of all group oppression. We organize to stop the flow of superprofits from the Third World to the imperialist nations and support the oppressed nations' struggles for land and reparations. We oppose all demands for increased wealth for the imperialists, as this wealth can only be gained at the expense of colonized peoples. Many so-called communists have raised the masses' suspicions by infiltrating the leadership of mass organizations to advance their party politics within the mass organization. This has led mass organizations to lose focus on their basic points of unity and split over issues of party politics. MIM has published our own criticisms of this practice so we can be held accountable to organizing in an honest, principled and correct way.(Order a copy of our 16-page What is MIM? pamphlet for our policy on working with mass organizations.) Though the Party and mass organizations may disagree on ideology strategy, MIM sees the progressive role mass organizations play in developing and radicalizing activists. There are many points of unity on which we can combine our efforts with non-Communist, progressive organizations. MIM urges activists to look at the historical advances in the masses' living conditions made by proletarian revolutions. Compare the changes in the Chinese people's material conditions from 1949- 1976 to the material advances made by movements whose ideology you agree with. All revolutionary movements have made mistakes. MIM learns from historical mistakes. We take our lumps for these mistakes when we say that at the end of the day, Marxism-Leninism- Maoism has the best proven record of ending oppression. We urge radicals to judge us by our line and by history, and to acknowledge the real gains of Maoism for the world's people. One of MIM's fundamental positions is opposition to white nation chauvinism in Amerika. In this we found unity with a supporter of the Makah nation and environmentalists from Earth First!. We discussed the chauvinism of pseudo-environmentalists who have attacked indigenous peoples under the guise of protecting whales. Genuine environmentalists fight for the end of environmental destruction and the end to all oppression. Imperialist plunder of natural resources and militarism are the main dangers to the environment today. Pseudo-environmentalists who would strip oppressed nations of the right to national self-determination are standing in the way of anti-imperialism and ensuring the continued decimation of this planet. Others started to understand Maoism as MIM discussed struggles of prisoners. In Amerika, the INjustice system is a tool of oppression. Wimmin who had lived on reservations and had seen First Nation men rounded up and sent to prison agreed that Amerikan prisons are not about rehabilitation, they are about social control. Many were surprised to hear that the Chinese Communist Party of 1949-76 ran prisons for rehabilitation instead of repression. Comparing misinformation about communism to misinformation about Peltier's case, one womyn noted how the bourgeoisie uses its media outlets to divide the oppressed from genuine struggles for justice. MIM encourages mass organizations and individual progressives to recognize our common goals and work with us. In working together, MIM respects the independence of mass organizations and retain our own independence. All work in which MIM participates must promote proletarian politics, but those working with us are not required to promote communism or armed struggle. We only refuse to take part in work that denounces proletarian politics, or builds support in any way for imperialism. We commend the LPDC for organizing this conference and we urge readers to work with MIM to advance anti-imperialism toward socialism. The LPDC is planning several actions. During the month of November, they plan a continuous protest in Washington D.C. climaxing with a march on so-called Thanksgiving weekend. MIM will continue organizing work on the streets, through our media, and through continued education for the masses. We will organize a proletarian anti-imperialist contingent for the D.C. march to build support for Peltier's freedom and the freedom of all oppressed peoples of the world. Contact mim@mim.org for more information on local organizing against settler nation domination. The LPDC can be contacted at: P.O. Box 583, Lawrence, KS 66044; phone (785) 842-5774.