MIM NOTES No. 196 October 15, 1999 Pot rally needs proletarian politics Forty thousand people attended the Pot Rally of Boston, September 18th according to bourgeois television and 60,000 according to the rally organizers. MIM and RAIL attended specifically as a part of the End the Amerikkkan Lockdown month to build consciousness around the criminal injustice system. We injected some proletarian politics into the event dominated by libertarians and the local radio station, WBCN, 104.1 FM. We brought a banner opposing the "Amerikkkan lockdown," handed out over 1,000 flyers for upcoming events on national oppression and distributed hundreds of MIM Notes. The Libertarian Party provided speakers and a large banner across the main podium at the event. Libertarians believe there should be "less government" and more persynal "liberty" to smoke pot and do other things as long as they don't harm others. They tend to overlook the harm that people with private property do, such as destroying the environment for profit. They do not understand that the cause of the growth of government is underlying social conflicts. As long as anyone's life is endangered by other people and as long as there is not economic cooperation giving rise to peaceful social relations, there will be those seeking to build governments to repress others. In fact, we communists ourselves will build governments and do so openly (thereby accountably) -- knowing that we cannot do otherwise until we succeed in creating economic cooperation of the nationalities and an end to patriarchy. Conflicts over property etc. must be resolved in order that government may disappear. The Libertarians and Republicans in the United $tates talk a lot about reducing big government, but they never address the underlying causes for why big government arises and so they are consistent failures as judged by their rhetoric or original principles. Only the communists address the causes and have an actual scientific plan for abolishing government in the long-run. We do not want people to smoke pot, because we believe it is mostly a form of escapism. The solution is to address why people feel such a need to escape. Yet the need to escape is also caused by the existence of repressive government and boring workplaces -- again something addressed fully by communism. The reactionaries talk about pot as a "gateway drug," which means they believe smoking pot leads to using other more dangerous drugs. Yet, if the government were more accountable or gone completely, there would be no pseudo-rebellion and no "cool" factor in smoking pot. Pot would be no more a gateway to serious drugs than caffeine is. The widespread use of pot signifies the people's distrust for scientific and school authorities who warned for decades about the dire consequences of using pot. Just as religious politics blocks the proper teaching of evolution in biology classes, high school students can see from experience that the marijuana-related science of their teachers is a poor excuse for politics of another sort. We Maoists of North Amerika believe the government's war on pot is a huge waste of people's time and money for the benefit of those who police and prosecutors do not dare to hassle. The waste of the criminal injustice system is much greater than the damage of pot- smoking escapism. "Of the 695,200 marijuana arrests in 1997, approximately 87% (604,824) were for simple possession. The remaining 13% (90,376) were for "sale/manufacture", an FBI category which includes marijuana grown for personal use or purely medical purposes. These new FBI statistics indicate that one marijuana smoker is arrested every 45 seconds in America."(1) As usual there is no way to pretend that the laws are enforced equally. Hence, the marijuana laws are just another tool of national oppression. "Blacks and Hispanics make up 20 percent of the marijuana smokers in the United States, but comprise 58 percent of the marijuana offenders sentenced under federal law last year."(2) 18 million U.$. people have smoked marijuana in the last year, but the law targets those oppressed nationalities that have not been caught for other offenses. The law is not serious about putting 18 million people into prison; it only serves as another excuse for the police and prosecutors to put away whoever they want -- as proved by the national chauvinist results. White people should look out, because the rush to lock up so- called minorities rubs off on them too. Even without counting oppressed nationality peoples, the United $tates would be the second-worst state in the world per capita imprisonment-wise. The war on pot is one big reason why. The attendees of these rallies organized by the libertarians and NORML (the lobby effort to legalize marijuana) are usually very open minded. However, they lack the drive or political consciousness to bring victory very quickly. We dare surmise that if 50,000 people had shown up in Boston "waving pictures of Chairman Mao" as the counterrevolutionary Beatles used to say, there'd be some reforms thrown their way in a hurry. Every year the marijuana activists organize huge rallies and fail in their narrowly focussed goals. Only now with the help of the medical establishment are they making headway in California, Arizona and New Mexico. Beyond the embarrassment of organizing so many people with so little to show for it, it's about time the pot rally organizers started to notice some deeper aspects of U.$. society. For instance, they should not talk about preserving liberty in a country where the rate of imprisonment is the highest in the world. The libertarians in particular just do not get it. There is nothing in their philosophy that prepares them for the fact that it is the United $tates that leads the world in imprisonment, contrary to "free country" rhetoric being spewed everywhere. The Maoist analysis of the class and nation reasons for repression are necessary to understand why government is so big when it comes to cracking down on pot and everything else. Notes: 1. www.norml.org/legal/index.shtml 2. www.norml.org/facts/index.shtml