MIM NOTES No. 196 October 15, 1999 Who owns Yeltsin? Yeltsin's daughter under investigation The USA Today has admitted that Russian organized crime has bilked the West for $15 billion. U.S., Russian and British law enforcement officials are now chasing after Yeltsin's daughter among others including the Bank of New York for money laundering. Money sent off to untraceable places includes money from the IMF, which was supposedly attempting to keep the Russian currency from collapsing and spreading economic crisis throughout the world. The exposure of this corruption in the Western media is a sign that the Western imperialists have had enough of Boris Yeltsin. Not a cheap lackey, Yeltsin has raised the question of whether competing imperialists can be bought off one at a time for several billion dollars a piece. MIM suggests that readers not believe that this information suddenly came to light. It would not have if the West felt it needed to protect Yeltsin. Nor is it likely that so many bankers and business people were simultaneously fooled. Note: USA Today 26 August 1999.