MIM Notes No. 197 December 1, 1999 TDCJ responsible for inmate deaths On August 3, 1999. At 9:30 PM. Inmate David Osborn, TDCJ ID# 700935 died of an asthma attack which lead to a cardiac arrest. Brother Osborn was a known asthmatic amongst his peers. This specific day eye witnesses who will only talk to the media have stated the following: Brother Osborn had been complaining to the prison pigs about his problem. He was observed by the prison pigs to be in respiratory distress. After being denied help at the desk, Brother Osborn collapsed and went into a heart attack. One fellow female officer made an attempt to perform C.P.R. and shouted to her peers to assist or the inmate (Osborn) would die. Her peers told her that he was just an inmate and that they will not assist or perform C.P.R. on him. They told the female officer to back off. Slowly and reluctantly the female officer did as she was ordered and backed off. Another Comrade witnessed this from the recreation yard: After medical was finally called, they intentionally took their time getting to the inmate (Osborn). The medical response team of nurses and other medical personnel were observed making stops to chit chat with the prison pigs posted in the hallway. When they finally arrived they had trouble getting inmate Osborn on the gurney. A Lt. and 2 inmates had to assist them. Inmate Osborn's eyes had rolled back in signal of his death. Still for the sake of the camera that finally arrived they performed C.P.R., knowing this man was dead. Brother Osborn's death would never had happened if officers did not fail to render serious medical help. In many examples throughout this Unit, officers, including sergeants on the 2nd shift and now on the 1st shift, have an "I don't care" attitude when an inmate brings a problem to them. To further the evil done by this unit, Internal Affairs Department made an attempt to downplay the death of Osborn by having ready made statements for the inmate witnesses to sign. Two inmates refused to sign statements prepared by I.A.D. for obvious reasons. I.A.D. interviewer became angry and disregarded and eliminated the witnesses for being uncooperative. In other words, the inmates wanted to tell the complete truth of this matter and not a watered down version to keep the Terrell Unit out of hot water. This is why they won't talk to no one but outside sources. This same incident rings of similarity to the death of another inmate, Reginald Lavergnes, who was said to have died of respiratory infection. In reality, he had bruises all over his body where prison officials had beaten him. What did they do? They lied about the cause of death and then withheld evidence that could have proved differently. They made it obvious when the prison examiner refused to give up the body parts to Brother Lavergnes' family. MIM, I am asking for your help in this matter. I felt the death of brother Osborn because I am a steroid dependent asthmatic. I know how Osborn suffered. Don't turn your back. In Struggle, -- a Texas prisoner