MIM Notes No. 197 December 1, 1999 Buchanan reveals fissure in ruling class by MC5 On October 25th, Patrick Buchanan quit the Republican Party. Buchanan has served in the presidencies of three different Republican Presidents. He is best known as a press corps spokespersyn and has had jobs as news and opinion commentators on the major television networks of the United $tates. His leaving the Republican Party conforms to MIM's analysis of the dynamics of intra-ruling class struggle. The fact that he was so important in Nixon and Reagan administrations only exposes the U.S. Government as well. On his way out the Republican door, Buchanan got himself embroiled in a controversy over World War II. According to Buchanan, England should have stuck with its Chamberlain policy of appeasement of Hitler in 1938 and not sided with Poland in 1939. Then Hitler would have attacked the Soviet Union next and Amerikan soldiers would not have died fighting for Stalin--he says in his new book called "A Republic, Not an Empire." He wants U.$. soldiers only to fight for Amerika, he says. In MIM Notes 96, January 1995, MIM explained, "Meanwhile, billionaire Ross Perot had said he would form a third party for sure as threatened if GATT passes. Hence, Ross Perot and Patrick Buchanan, who ran television commercials opposing GATT--these two are fighting for a ruling class realignment in which a settler/Amerika-first bourgeoisie is the pivot and the internationalist bourgeoisie gets left as the junior partner." The fact that Buchanan left his party to join up with Perot has proved MIM correct about one of the major forces really going on underneath the major parties' politics. The distinction between the Amerika-first and internationalist bourgeoisie is one of the few of interest to us. What we must understand is that Buchanan and Perot seek to represent the faction of the capitalist class that cannot compete internationally and is therefore unhappy with the post-World War II consensus of the U.$. ruling class for bourgeois internationalism. Their partners are the so- called workers who want the U.$. ruling class to have an exclusive or monogamous relationship with them. Buchanan and Perot represent the most chauvinist section of U.$. workers that believe they could maintain their living standard without importing the cheap goods of Third World countries where workers average 50 cents an hour. These chauvinists Amerikans believe they are so much more productive than Third World workers that they will do fine without trading with them. In April, 1996, we explained that Buchanan's ideology was national socialist--fascist. He won the New Hampshire primary in the Republican Party by singing the labor aristocracy song: "You cannot force American workers, who make 10 bucks an hour, 15 bucks an hour, 20 bucks an hour, to go into head-to-head competition with people who make a dollar an hour and 25 cents an hour. If you do, you will lose your working class jobs, and we've been losing them; if you do, your real wages will fall, and they're falling; if you do, your middle-class standard of income will begin to decline."(1) With regard to our strategy in dealing with the same issues, MIM said in issue 130, of January 15, 1997: "1. WHY DON'T YOU OPPOSE GATT /NAFTA/ EEC/ APEC? Answer: At this time, MIM cannot lead a revolutionary class alliance on the basis of this demand in the imperialist countries. Quite the contrary, the KKK, AFL-CIO bureaucrats--and even more significantly- -Ross Perot, Patrick Buchanan and Strom Thurmond all oppose free trade. They represent the Amerika-first bourgeoisie and the labor aristocracy afraid of losing jobs. The proletariat by definition is the class with nothing to lose and it is not threatened by the treaties between ruling classes. Capitalism was bad for the proletariat before any of these treaties existed." Spade work for fascism Buchanan stole the song of the social-democrats crying about free trade and the labor aristocracy in the dying industries. The capitalists and so-called workers from the distressed industries shared a common interest in protectionism and economic nationalism. When Buchanan stole their song, the democratic socialists and social- democrats did not change their song. They kept singing it louder than before and some wrote influential columns praising Buchanan. Some people such as Lenora Fulani and Fred Newman of the defunct New Alliance Party have joined up with him in the Reform Party and meet with Buchanan over lunch.(2) MIM warned about this in MIM Notes 111: "The social-democrats, phony communists and other labor aristocracy representatives would like to deny that they have anything in common with Buchanan. They don't want to admit their responsibility for unleashing his movement because they see that the strongest movement against NAFTA and GATT and for 'American jobs' is also against immigrants, gays/lesbians, women and internal oppressed nations." Once again, MIM is here to tell the Amerikan "Left" that it has not learned its lesson of history on fighting fascism. Rather than listen, the Amerikan "Left" goes on stoking up Buchanan's social base, so that he may reap the rewards of their work. Holocaust denial In October, in an ad campaign in the New York Times, the American Jewish Congress has renewed its condemnation of Buchanan and rightly so. Buchanan is part of Holocaust revisionism, the idea that the Holocaust of Jews never happened. Such revisionism is a favorite hobby of former and wannabe Nazis. In the New York Post, Buchanan denied that Ivan the Terrible gassed Jews to death. His supposed weapon was too weak Buchanan said: "Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody."(3) This is not to mention Buchanan's other fascist social attributes including wanting to put a stop to immigration and not wanting to let homosexuals serve in his administration. In 1996, he won his campaign victory in Louisiana with the endorsement of David Duke, the former Klu Klux Klan leader still running a web page pointing to Nazi organizations.(4) His top campaign aid Larry Pratt attended neo-Nazi rallies and meetings.(5) The Nazis seek to deflect all criticism of the white nations' parasitism onto the Jews. In this way, they can maintain white nation dominance while still admitting flaws in a portion of it. That's why Jews are accused of being "nigger-lovers." For this reason, we counter with Lenin's thesis that whole nations are imperialist parasites, not just sections. Bourgeois internationalism Leaving the Republicans, Buchanan slammed the two-party system. The fact that bourgeois internationalists dominate both parties irks Buchanan. Foolish middle-class activists correctly believe MIM is alienating the middle-class by using the word "imperialism." Yet in this day of open ruling class conflict, "imperialism" is not just a word for proletarians anymore. The capitalist class is now openly and consciously aware of what is happening. On October 8, Investor's Business Daily reported as its lead headline "Is It Isolationist or Imperialist? GOP Debate Over Foreign Policy Opens Party Rift." Spokespersyn Mark Pfeifle of the Republican National Committee admitted Republicans are not "all on the same page" in foreign policy at the moment. No doubt the Amerikan "Left" will be fooled by Buchanan's new-found anti-imperialism. Speaking for the bourgeois internationalists against Buchanan, conservative magazine editor Irving Kristol said U.S. policy should be "'Benevolent global hegemony.'"(6) Speaking of Buchanan, Kristol said honestly, "'He wants the old pre-imperium Republic restored, which is not going to happen. . . We are not going to return to the pre-imperium state.'"(6) At this time, Clinton has also stepped up the conflict on the question by making a major speech accusing Republicans of "isolationism" after they rejected an international treaty on atomic weapons testing. It is rare for bourgeois internationalists to be partisan on foreign policy, but the vote against the test ban was partisan and Clinton has now reached out to seize the entirety of the bourgeois internationalist faction, with some encouragement from its leading members. The bourgeois internationalists are not happy with the Republicans when it comes to UN dues owed by Congress, the test ban treaty and the Congressional Republican majority opposition to intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo. Kosovo seems to have been the last straw for many Republicans in Congress who probably thought they were bourgeois internationalists before. They do not like the soft, "peace-keeping" side of bourgeois internationalism. At the same time, the peace-keeping role is in keeping with some Pentagon interests, interests that wish to find something to do to justify its expenditures. We deem it unlikely that Clinton will manage to seize the whole bourgeois internationalist faction for the Democratic Party. Especially with the ejection of Buchanan from the party, it's likely that the Republicans will find some way back into the fold, even if it means some Republicans lose their seats in Congress to be replaced by other bourgeois internationalists. At the same time, if Buchanan succeeds in the Reform Party, we cannot rule out that other Amerika-first Congress members will follow Buchanan into the Reform Party. Anyone who reads Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" will remember that Hitler too started in the 1920s by saying Germany should focus on its own republic and not pursue empire like England. He designed his party to appeal to elements of the German "Left." Three or four out of five of his platform planks would seem unobjectionable to the chauvinist Amerikan "Left." 1) End corruption. Support campaign finance reform. 2) "Protecting American jobs." 3) "Keeping our sons & daughters out of war." 4) "Protecting our borders." Buchanan cannot deliver on his anti-interventionist foreign policy anymore than Hitler could. Buchanan would come to power with capitalist and labor aristocracy backing and would adopt a more aggressive and chauvinist policy in order to bail out the industries and workers he represents. Only a proletarian-led united front has the proper self-interest to bring down U.$. imperialism, end interventionism and create solid conditions for world peace. Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains and do not have jobs in imperialist war industries or make profit selling bombs. Those that tolerate the competition of the monopoly capitalists as part of a "free market" cannot hold back imperialism. As an interest group, the imperialists must be abolished or there will always be war. It is the proletariat that does the dying and paying for war while the imperialists profit. Since Buchanan is an imperialist politician trying to cover for his class, he will never admit this. Notes: 1. Patrick Buchanan, spokesperson for the labor aristocracy as quoted in New York Times Feb. 20, 1996, p. A15. Readers can see our article on the subject at http://www. etext.org/archive/etext/mn/mn.php?issue=111 2. USA Today 27Sept99, p. 2a. 3. New York Post, 17Nov90. http://www.realchange.org/ holocaus.htm diesel 4. MIM Notes 110, http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/mn/mn.php?issue=110 5. http://www.realchange.org/ buchanan.htm staff 6. Investor's Business Daily 8Oct99, p. a26. 7. http://www.gopatgo2000.org/library/issues/issue4.htm