MIM Notes No. 197 December 1, 1999 Humyn Rights Day 1999 for the U$: DENYING Humyn Rights Around the WORLD December 10 marks 51 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations (without dissent). This document supposedly guarantees everyone in the world the right to freedom from oppression and torture, access to education, freedom of expression and the right to life and liberty. It also guarantees the right to private property and other bourgeois rights that are fundamental to capitalism and that make it impossible to achieve equality for all people of the world. MIM highlights the following accomplishments of the united snakes to celebrate this anniversary -- and to demonstrate that the system of capitalism is incompatible with universal humyn rights. * By 1996, US spending on prisons ($1.6 billion) had surpassed US spending on colleges ($1.3 billion). * As of early 1998, there were 13,500 political detainees in US prisons seeking asylum. * The US is one of five countries with the death penalty against juveniles. * There are 5.5 million US adults under control of the US prison system. * One out of nine US children have one or both parents in prison. * One out of three Black man age 18-35 is in prison, on parole or probation. * 88% of those sentenced for crack are Black, 4.1% are white-- even though more than 50% of crack users are white. * Black political leader, Mumia Abu-Jamal, was denied a new trial and faces state execution. * At least 7,000 Iraqi children a month die from US sanctions. * About 60,000 Latin American army officials and death squad leaders linked to human rights violations have been trained at the School of the Americas -- for about $18.4 million per year * Between 1987 and 1990, the US sent $1.3 billion in military aid to the Philippines. * US aid accounts for more than 80% of the military budget of thePhilippines, used against peasant and worker mass mobilization. * The Indonesian government, backed heavily by the US, has murdered over 1/3 of the people of East Timor since 1971 -- 53% of Indonesia's weapons imports are from the US. * In 1997, the US gave $120 million of military aid to the government of Columbia to repress peasants and workers -- under the guise of the war on drugs. * In August 1998, the US bombed Sudan -- a country where 2.6 million people face death from famine.