Letters Illinois prisoners mourn NPA fighters We also send our condolences to the comrades, family and friends of Ka Paking and his three companions/NPA, and all martyrs sacrificing their lives in the world-wide/international struggle against imperialism. --Illinois prisoner, 8 October, 1999 WTO protests discussed Greetings Comrades, I am optimistic that MIM will critique the WTO protests that have erupted in Seattle and London. I deem any protest against the imperialists infrastructure to be constructive, but I question the fate of the protesters. As one protester had explained to the imperialist media, "I am defending what me forefathers had fought for." Don't give up the fight! --Indiana Prisoner, 2 December 1999 MIM responds: As the WTO protests are discussed by activists and the outcomes are evaluated, MIM takes this opportunity to reiterate our views. White nation chauvinism dominated the protests in Seattle. The people demanding better trade terms for Amerika, protectionism to keep high paying jobs within u.$. borders, and shouting slogans stoking up anti-China sentiments are not working for constructive change. As MIM Notes reported after the Seattle demonstrations, prominent slogans included large mobile billboards hired by the United Steelworkers which read " WTO: Destroying millions of American jobs." Amerikan jobs pay higher wages higher than anywhere in the world because corporations extract superprofits from Third World workers. The u.s. has developed a system where some of the profits stolen from the Third World are shared with u.s. workers. This has created a labor aristocracy that has a strong allegiance to imperialism. The WTO is an instrument for dictating trade policy to Third World countries, requiring them to drastically reduce or eliminate tariffs. But the WTO is not significantly different from the many trade agreements and bodies that have been in place in the past fifty years. It is imperialism that is behind the reactionary policy of imperialists dominating the world and setting up unfair trade deals to exploit Third World countries. MIM opposes the imperialist system but will not get behind chauvinist sloganeering to rally the white working class. A response from the ALKQN: Addressing Misconceptions From Lord Grim On 01 Dec 99 (MIM Notes 199), MIM Notes published a letter of a prisoner who criticized the ALKQN: "and similar gangs" as he called them. While this scribe addresses him it is to be considered an open letter. We will call the author of said letter: "The critic." The critic stated: "The ALKQN does encourage unity but only with Latins and they practice prejudism against all other races and even sexual orientations (gays/lesbians)... How can you be successful in abolishing oppression when you're doing the job of the oppressor." The ALKQN believes in Latin American nationalism. We believe that Latin Americans (the mestizo product of three races) are essentially "oppressed" by imperialism and we seek to educate our people and prepare them to overcome this oppressive plight. This belief attracts primarily Latin Americans and it is for this reason that we are primarily Latino in membership. However, we do maintain quite vehemently that we serve and accept membership regardless of cultural ethnicity. We are working to become an anti-imperialist vanguard for the third world and believe in an internationalist United Front against imperialism. This should be upheld by all membership or else risk prosecution by the ALKQN judicial process. Neo-colonialism is present in all areas where the lumpen proletariat reside and it is an educated guess that the critic viewed such membership that still suffer the neo-colonial mentality. One thing is for certain, the Lion Tribe will not sit down in a passive state accepting violence from any form of unprovoked aggression. Eso es cobardia! The critic speaks against us claiming "we are against gays/lesbians." While homosexuality is prohibited within the membership this is due to an ingrained religious belief. Though we do not support the practice of this lifestyle in the sense of membership we do respect the right for anyone outside the membership to practice said lifestyle. We would also rally with anyone of the Third World against anti-imperialism and we would not exclude working with an anti-imperialist because of his sexual preference. We would not oppress gays/lesbians because of their lifestyle. And we ask this community not to agree with us, merely to respect our beliefs. While prison rape is not an issue of the gay community it is a result of predatory homosexuals and this plague serves to enforce no gay relations in prison. This should not be a dividing line in our common goal to destroy imperialism. The critic blames Latino organizations such as ALKQN for the cause of our violent communities. I'm not a bullshitter and neither is my nation. We are the first to agree that we face a struggle of neo-colonial mentality. Inevitably whatever resides in an oppressed community is touched by the positives and negatives within it. It's contradictions as Mao would say. The critic needs to acknowledge the economic and social factors, the cause and hence the effect of what he labels "gang mentality." Understanding violence means understanding that poverty will bring forth a dismal plight, dismal plights will bring despair, ultimately despair will bring forth crimes against the people. These are the ingredients that promote the fruition of the neo- colonial mentality. Without the demise of the neo-colonial mentality there can be no viable solution to urban violence and self-oppression. The critic attempts to blame the ALKQN but this chaotic mentality existed in New York before the ALKQN or 'Chingaling' or 'Fifty Mad Dog', etc. And it will remain this way until the fundamental solution is realized. I pose no excuses for the neo-colonial mind but instead of blaming the cause of this plight to particular groups, I would explain the true cause of self-oppression. I read the critic as divisive; he would condemn the mistakes and disregard the possibilities. The critic would have us believe that self-oppression is the "cause" of our plight when in fact it is the "effect" of imperialism. The critic further states: "Why don't I see any of these people teaching each other the truth about history or speaking about gaining a proper education so that they can survive once they hit the streets..." MIM Notes has been used as a forum by the ALKQN to educate their comrades. The critic needs to make up his mind, either he approves of ALKQN educating via revolutionary papers or he does not. Word of mouth isn't the only way one can educate. The critic condemns us using this podium and yet condemns us for not educating... keep it real! The critic emphasizes that ALKQN is a gang. It is obvious that he has made his judgements on a superficial perceptual stage. The word gang is a word that the oppressor use to categorize any inner-city, non-assimilated, organization. The motive is to criminalize us and through their experts, polls, media, etc. convince us that we are exactly that... a worthless group of youths unable to unite and form progressive movements. Unfortunately many youths become subjected to this socializing influence and a "self-fulfilling prophecy" ensues. If the pigs can get you to call yourself or your people "gang" then they have already won a mental battle within you. You have legitimized them and have validated the pigs expertise. The ALKQN is not a gang...we recognize that and we become more than that! ADR! Take a good look at us...we are brown, we are the people END !! Recognize this part of us and work to destroy the neo-colonial plague. I know that we will realize our goal to become the Latin Nations anti-imperialist vanguard party in North Amerika and abroad. Member and non-member alike we ask for your unity and your support to make this an irrevocable reality because as it stands the critic will not tell you that fundamental progress has been made within "the Lion Tribe" The ALKQN uses MIM Notes as an educational podium and for truthful propaganda. This is not media stardom or recruitment tactic. This is the peoples voice whether or not you are socialist. The sooner the critic differentiates the "New York Times" from a written forum of Brown and Black force, the better off he'll be. Amor De Rey Antes de cerrar, quiero extender junto con "Sir Pakal" (MA SRO) et. al. un poderoso saludo nacional a Lord Gino y Lord B.K. en reconocimiento de su retiracion de funci—n administrativa entre La Coronas (ILL.). "The old man" fue tremendo hombre en estos varios a–os de liderato y represento a su gente como luz brillante y guerrero mortal. Tampoco se le puede quitar el tremendo esfuerzo de dicho Mexicano, B.K.... La luz del southside. Dos hombres que dieron su todo y sacrificaron mucho. En la misma vena damos la bendicion nacional a nuestros nuevos senderos luminosos entre las coronas internacional (Ill.) aquellos vienen siendo Lord ALKQN Tiger y su compa–ero Lord Tino. Dos veteranos revolucionarios que nos llevaran a nuevos horizontes entre la meta de anti- imperialismo. Boinas a la izquierda su ejercito se para en formaci—n estricta transformados como Intis' resplandentes. Recibimos a ustedes nuestras coronas internacionales. Poder y Gloria al tribu de leones. MIM responds: We thank Lord Grim for adding what we left out in the response to this critic of the ALKQN. Particularly the point about the neo-colonial mentality of people from oppressed nations and the use of the term "gang" to criminalize any organization of oppressed nationalities. MIM takes this opportunity to explain our own position on membership with regards to sexual orientation. MIM believes that a policy of exclusion based on sexual orientation is incorrect and should definitively not be a dividing line question for a Maoist party. A vanguard organization leading the people to end class, nation and gender oppression must base itself in progressive policies. MIM's policies regarding membership are based in Leninism and do not replicate the patriarchal heterosexism. Exclusion of people based on their sexual orientation would also slow progress towards ending gender oppression. The principal contradiction now in the world is between oppressed nations and imperialism. The greatest advance we can make to ending class, nation and gender oppression is to advance proletarian-led national liberation. We agree with Grim that the difference between the ALKQN policy of excluding homosexuals from membership and MIM's policy of membership for all regardless of sexual orientation should not prevent our organizations from working together or prevent individuals from working with us. So while we will continue to argue against incorrect ideas regarding homosexuality wherever they crop up, we will also we will also unite with anti-imperialist individuals and organizations like the ALKQN on issues of mutual concern. Some people have asked MIM why we print articles by the ALKQN in our publications which have the explicit purpose of promoting Maoism. A big part of building Maoist revolution is building the United Front against imperialism, led by the communist vanguard party. MIM considers the ALKQN an ally in the battle against imperialism. And printing the history of the people's movements helps build and advance political organization. For those interested in joining the fight against imperialism MIM maintains that the most effective organizing work is done by building the Maoist vanguard. For those who are not Maoist, you should build proletarian-led United Front organizations. For those committed to other organizations we encourage you to work with your groups to become a part of the United Front against imperialism