Learn the revolutionary lessons of the defeat of Amerikan imperialism in Vietnam! April 30 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the collapse of the puppet south Vietnamese government and the military defeat of Amerikan imperialism in Vietnam. Over 3,000,000 people in southeast Asia died because of Amerika's overt and covert war against the desire of the Vietnamese people for independence. By firmly grasping the weapon of people's war, the Vietnamese Communists placed the Vietnamese people on the road to victory over two imperialist powers (the French and then the Amerikans). This is still a shining example to the oppressed peoples of the world; a small, technologically backward country can defeat the largest, most technologically advanced army in the world. (How bad things were for the imperialists can been seen in the title of a 1971 article from the Armed Forces Journal: "The Collapse of the Army.") The success of future national liberation struggles are bound to weaken Amerikan imperialism and pave the way for revolution here in the belly of the beast. In this issue we review several books about Amerika's war of aggression in Vietnam. Over the last twenty years the Amerikan militarists and imperialists have tried to overturn old verdicts and sweep the criminality, brutality, and futility of the war in Vietnam under the rug. We must not let them succeed. It is especially important that the youth -- most born after the war was over -- take the time to learn the lessons of Vietnam and the anti-war movement here.