MIM Notes 211 June 1, 2000 Protect my ass The need for an Innocence Protection Act may seem ironic in a legal system based on the concept of innocent until proven guilty. However, the Innocence Protection Act only puts a Band-Aid on the decapitation of justice and democracy by capitalism. Due to the high numbers of innocent prisoners released from death row in Illinois, legislation has been passed to cease executions and perform DNA tests on death row prisoners to ensure they are not guilty of anything more than being poor and members of oppressed nations. Since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976, 85 people on death row have been found innocent and released. Given the state of injustice in the U.$. this can only be a small number of those who do not meet the imperialist standards for the death penalty. Being that executing innocent people in the name of justice is popular country-wide, Senators have introduced the Innocence Protection Act. With the number of people being released from death row reaching embarrassing levels, this legislation is being used to mask the evils of the injustice system. Along with the DNA tests to determine the innocence or guilt of a prisoner, the Act would also require that competent counsel be provided for charged persons, something one might assume as common sense. As groundbreaking (Ha!) as the legislation is, oppressed nationals are going to be murdered by the fascist prison system and injustice system as long as capitalist pigs run the world. Suspension of the death penalty buys some time for people to prove their innocence, but that will certainly not be a privilege available to all death row prisoners. There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that needs to specify that innocent people should not go to jail and that everyone should get decent representation in court. Note: Boston Globe: 12 February 2000, p .A04.