MIM Notes 211 June 1, 2000 Letters The fight over Puerto Rican land I'm a proud Borinqueno (original name for Puerto Rico) and I'm ashamed at the thought of my peoples selling their country to the imperialist united snakes. The colony of Puerto Rico has been like a mistreated prostitute for ages. First raped by the Spaniards to then been taken by a stronger pimp (the u.s. won the Spanish Amerikan war). It's been 500 years and we still a people without a country. The people of Israel who lost their land ages ago never stopped fighting to gain their land until the declaration of the state of Israel in 1968. I know many disagree with how they treated Palestine but the point is, unlike Borinquenos, they fought for their land, unlike us Puerto Ricans who are willing to turn our only piece of heritage into a state. Israel at least fought for their country. Borinquenos are naturally a people of peace but will raise arms to the death to protect their home. The problem is we been blinded by the glamour of the wealth that association with the imperialist amerika has brought and the majority of the people are not educated to this facts. I was strongly motivated when I saw Borinquenos coming together to put a stop to the destruction of La Isla Nena "Vieques" by united snakes uranium bombs. The people of Vieques have a greater number of cancer patients per capita than any country. Thanks to uncle sam the people of Vieques are lab mice. I was further encouraged when I saw the u.s. puppet government of Puerto Rico stand firm to the president of the united snakes to stop these bombings. For a minute I believed the puppet strings were cut. But once again money meant more than country and for a few millions (cheap change to the imperialistas) Gov. Rosello approoved 3 more years of bombings When we finally give our country away to the imperialistas there won't be pride of country for there will be no country Borinquenos will be lost children with no country or pride. Time and generations will tell of borinquenos as a people who vanished after selling their country. I take this to heart, I may be a prisoner in a concentration camp in Walpole Mass. but I woke up from ignorance to self-educated, anti-imperialista. One night I formed a discussion group at night in the concentration camp P. Block AKA "Lublin" to discuss these political points on our land with fellow Boriquas. The SS officer sent me to SEG, they claim I was trying to organize an uprising so I was sent to DDU aka "Oswiecim" or control unit for a year for trying to educate others. I got to applaud MIM's effort for the creation of United Struggle from Within for knowledge and education is the power to set our self free not only from the bourgeois injustice system but oppression as a whole. We sometimes make it easy for the colonialists to conquer and control us by being ignorant and wasting our time on poison or fighting amongst ourselves. I hardly see Chicanos speaking their mind on anti-imperialism. They are a raza oppressed just like my own and should begin working towards goals of unity. I call all Boricuas to get involved in anti- imperialism and help save our land and those Boricuas like myself whom work up from blindness and ignorance while on the many u.s. concentration camps. Join those on the street trying to save our land from those blind borinquenos who want to give it away. You even can do a lot from the concentration camp, write family and friends to give them literature and lights. I cut articles of MIM and send to friends. Most of my own family is on point. La lucha never stops. -- A prisoner in Massachusetts 15 April 2000. MIM responds: This comrade righteously exposes the colonial position of Puerto Rico and it's imperialist-lackey Governor Rossello. The battle over u.s. naval occupation of Vieques has been very important for raising consciousness and activism both in Puerto Rico and within u.s. borders. MIM would not go as far as this comrade in saying that the people of Puerto Rico are not fighting for their land, but it is true that the population of Puerto Rico does not, for the most part, want independence from the u.s. This contradiction between wanting some autonomy (no Naval bombing or occupation of Vieques) but wanting to keep the strings to the u.s. is a result of the u.s. giving Puerto Rico some economic benefits from it's close ties to imperialism to keep the population from rising up in revolutionary struggle. Although Puerto Rico is not nearly as wealthy as the u.s., there are some significant benefits the u.s. has given this colony that it does not give to it's neo-colonies throughout Latin America. (For more on this send $1 for the RAIL pamphlet on Puerto Rico.) It is true that the people of Israel fought a long battle to gain their land. But unlike the struggle of the Puerto Rican people, the Jewish people who fought for Israel did so at the expense of the Palestinian people. This was not a battle against an imperialist occupier. In fact it has resulted in further oppression of Arabs throughout the Middle East as the u.s. has thrown it's full weight behind the very imperialist-friendly Israel. Although oppressed people everywhere can learn from the struggle over Palestine, this should not be the battle that the Puerto Rican people aspire to fight. Cinco de Mayo Stupid amerikkkans and the petty bourgeois nationalists in Aztlan again seem to have nothing interesting to say about the ridicule of Latino culture put on by the amerikkkan invaders: http://www.msnbc.com/msn/403827.asp While petty bourgeois assimilators look for 'positive' portrayals of Latino Nationals in the genocidal spectrum of amerikkkan holidays and while decadent white parasites look for Third World justification for once again enjoying the debachaury and frolic brought on by imperial loot, those who want to make real progress cannot let a holiday, here nor there, pass by without the proper analysis in the context of national opression under forgeign imperialism. Don't let the man have his way with Latin culture at the expense of the third world and internal colonies here in the united snakes. This round of 'cultural enrichment' is nought but insult upon injury to the proud people of Aztlan, Mexico and Latin America. It is proper to uphold National struggles (like the Battle of 5 de Mayo in Puebla) not as a token to educating the white invader, nor merely to educate Chicano children about Mexico (Chicanos would get enough history of Mexico in their own Chicano-run schools rather than in some hokey pokey cup-cake and jamaica party) -- instead the righteous bourgeois anti-colonial struggle for national autonomy in Mexico at the time should be emphasized and it should be placed in the historical context of the development of the Mexico from a land of First Nation empires, to a colony of spain, to bourgeois democracy and finally third world despotism under the guidance of amerikkkan and european finance capital.... This is the proper context in which to understand the battle of 5 de Mayo and what is more, this last understanding of the place of Mexico in the age of imperialism will help Chicanos and Latino Sojourners in the united snakes to see that 'cultural awareness' and 'enrichment' fall away to nothing but decadence and parasitism in light of imperial National, and therefore cultural, opression of our people (proletariat, bourgeois, peasant) and domination of our land. Fuck imperialism in all its forms. -- A reader in Berkeley, CA, 5 May 2000. More on mysticism & religion Dear MIM: Yes, I received "What is MIM?" and no, it did not answer my question on religion. You imply that communism and religion are not the same thing! Come on comrade, as much as you read, you mean to tell me you can't see that by extension EVERY organization (business, political or social) is religious in it's makeup. So when you say religion is the opium of the masses, what you are saying is organization is the opium of the masses! But yet you want to organize! Organize what? Organize thought which is belief...but I won't go there yet. First let me discuss your "stages." First stage: Seize state power. Second stage: Socialist period = teach unity, justice and materialism (the antithesis of unity) Now let me say on unity. You and I both know unity is not the ends but only a means to an end, which is POWER. You espouse unity as some utopia goal which is synounomous with peace in the minds of the masses, so while you appease and placate them with utopia, you achieve of the concrete ascending out OF the masses but OVER the masses. Now this mass, you ask to denounce their religion, their ethnicity, their culture, in effects identity for some colorless, odorless, "mass like gas" of people. But what can they achieve by denouncing his identity, his wholeness bo tbecome a part of another whole, another mass, another label, another religion, which communism is. And ironically, this mass goes against the third stage, dictatorship of proletariat. No, it is the dictatorship of the PARTY over the proletariat over the bourgeoisie. You and I both know communism is NOT democracy. Democracy isn't even democracy because people don't have the power but only the power to relinquish power. In communism, the religion, the party is god, and you better obey god! Like you yourself, you're only a pawn in the hands of the party. Men and women in which you don't know. You don't know their true intentions because many people have infiltrated organization and took over the reigns when in fact they were hypocrites who only used that organizations to further their own agenda. Now people like you , who may truly believe in this religion, are being duped, "opiated", and manipulated. You are a part of a mindless mass, devoid of an identity besides the one the party (your god) gives you! And Marx said, "let us make man in our own image" I know you, you the person, the individual human being will not answer this. Instead you'll probably send me more scripture, more dogma, more rhetoric that your god says MIM is like you yourself can't explain, can't conceptualize in a concrete manner. So in the closing, let the record revlect, islam is the only way. This is not the words of a zealot of fanatic, but the words of your worst enemy in a debate, anytime, but your greatest sympathizer individuallywake up, yo A RAIL comrade responds: Before I respond to what you wrote in your letter, I want to ask if you have anything to say about ITAL What is MIM? END that is not related to religion. There is a lot of information in the pamphlet, but you haven't really commented on any of it specifically. Communism and religion are not the same, as you say, because religion is based on mysticism and communism is based on materialism. Religion conflicts with and refuses to recognize scientific evidence as well as social progress. For example, religion refuses to recognize the fact of evolution and it (in most cases) condemns homosexuality. MIM and RAIL are not organizing thought, they are organizing people. They are not saying that people should "believe" something and then they'll be saved. They are saying to ACT on what is correct and to make a better world, not dream about one. I don't think that most people would think that MIM is espousing unity as its primary goal, at least not within u.s. borders. In fact, MIM does something of the opposite here in Amerika because MIM speaks the truth which most people in this country don't want to hear. And MIM never claims that socialism is utopia either. Religion can always have a better plan for utopia because it's only a dream and not reality. Socialism on the other hand, actually strives to achieve a real peace and justice for the majority of the world's people. As you say, dictatorship of the proletariat is not democracy. It is a dictatorship of the majority over the minority. The party is not God, as you say, and communism is not a religion because: 1. The party is made up of mere mortals who are accountable to the masses. 2. The party is not a static entity. It is one that progresses with the stages of revolution, with science and with the material conditions of the particular time. 3. The party uses materialism to determine its line and subsequently its actions. Please let us know if you have any other comments on MIM line. You don't explain in your most recent letter why Islam is the only answer, you only criticize MIM. If you think Islam is a better answer, why haven't you told us why? It is easy to criticize other people's ideas and work without providing an alternative. But MIM sees that as idealism that will lead the us nowhere.