Capitalism still thrives on genocide REVIEW: Year 501: The Conquest Continues, by Noam Chomsky Boston: South End Press, 1993, 331pp. pb. Reviewed by an Illinois prisoner, 16 May, 2000 As a man of African descent, whose knowledge of world events is, at best, elementary, I find this book to be a serious eye opener. Although I do not agree with the author's political stance of anarchism, I have to respect the fact that "raw truth" is universal, no matter who is telling or exposing that truth. I highly recommend that all progressive people obtain a copy of this book and include it in your study and in your overstanding. This is must-read stuff. Year 501 starts off with a chapter called "The Great Work of Subjugation and Conquest," which is a powerful eye-opener on the "art" of demented men doing evil to humanity for money. This chapter dwells on the destruction of the African continent as well as the First Nation people of North and South America, The author explains the how institution of chattel slavery, set up by the Portuguese and Spanish colonists, was eventually taken over by white Amerikans. This chapter shows how Europeans "justified" their actions as well as the expose of the extent and beginnings of "open capitalism" and world conquest. The author comes at you from the standpoint that capitalism is the main reason for actions such as oppressing, subjugating, controlling, and destroying people. I don't fully agree with him here. Yes, I agree that capitalism is a driving force for the evil that men do in the matter of imperialism, colonialism, and raw ugliness, but the foundation of these actions comes from a diseased, mutated, devil-like mentality, which is not taught at first, but is born naturally. [MIM strongly disagrees with the reviewer on this point. See the response below -- ed.] It is taught in later times as cultural norms and necessity. The savagery of the European man, drunk on devil knowledge and blinded by capitalist concepts of power, did some very devastating and super ugly acts and atrocities to the First Nation peoples of the Western Hemisphere. It reminded me of how Hitler and his crew "taught, seduced, tricked, and serenaded" almost the entire German population into wiping out an entire "race" of people with false philosophies, fake science, fear, hatred, and miseducation. The Indigenous people of the western hemisphere were almost wiped out of existence because of the Caucasian man's desire to achieve monetary gain and power form a Eurocentric perspective. In capitalism, the message that the author is trying to convey is that in capitalism, human life has no value other than as a commodity to obtain money with. The author, after explaining the actions of the Europeans of the 18th and 19th Centuries, masterfully ties together the struggle of world conquest of those days with the struggle for world domination today. He goes on to explain how the different European Nations struggle for domination and control of non-Caucasian people and their lands, and he exposes real instances of how they achieved it, quoting from true sources, so that veracity will not be an issue. He explains how Europeans violated each other's agreements, treaties, and pacts in order to gain dominance and how they used and destroyed large segments of the Afrikan and First Nation peoples in the process. What moved me was a quoted statement that he repeated from the person who engineered the "Trail of Tears" death walks that were forced on First Nation people. Another part that moved me was when the author exposed how the United $tates has totally manipulated countries in Central and South America to oppress and murder their own people to satisfy America's interests, using Guatemala and Brazil as examples. The author also uses Mummar Gadahfi and Saddam Hussein to illustrate how the United $tates continues even today on its conquest towards Manifest Destiny. Today the super rich of America are at the forefront of monopoly capitalism in the world with the IMF, World Bank, WTO and NATO operations. The author shows proof that the United $tates is basically the enforcer of the Rich Men's Club and their striving for world domination through economic and/or military force, terror, starvation. No corner or spot of the world is left untouched by the United $tates' struggle for total domination, no natural resource is spared. The author documents again and again how the government destroys a country of its right to self-destiny and independence, using Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico as examples. The African and the First Nation peoples were capitalism's first "theatre of operations" in the art of world dominance. As the book righteously says, after 500 years, the conquest continues. The U.$. is, without question, the world power and all other European-dominated countries are playing minor partners, henchmen, or dupes in the scheme of things. Chomsky gives enough information to convince anyone that capitalism is in need of destruction by any and every means necessary. But as he also states, "the masses have to be educated and taught on these realities, for only the masses can shut it down." I truly recommend this book, for if you can get around the fact that Noam Chomsky is an anarchist, you can truly increase your knowledge of the "heart, mind and soul of capitalism" on a local, national, and world level, as well as how it affects absolutely everyone on this planet. Capitalism is truly the enemy of humanity! It must be destroyed! All progressive elements and rational independents should read this book. MIM adds: We thank this comrade for h study and contribution to the Under Lock & Key 2000 campaign. In July we are focusing on the situation of Latino and Indigenous Nations in Amerika's prisons. While Year 501 does not address the situation of prisoners specifically, its subject is the centuries of conquest that have made the Latino and Indigenous nations within u.$. borders the semi-colonies they are today. We have asked prisoners to study and review books that relate to the conditions of the Latino and Indigenous semi-colonies in preparation for this month because understanding the relationship between imperialism and the oppressed nations is necessary to understanding the imprisonment of semi-colonial peoples. MIM argues that this country's history of genocide makes Amerika unfit to judge or imprison any member of an Indigenous or Latino semi-colony. The united snakes is not the legitimate government of the oppressed nations. MIM disagrees with the reviewer on one major point: evil is not inherent in any humyn being. As materialists, we believe in science and the physical world. Greed and selfishness are indeed characteristics taught to people under capitalism. These social traits go well with a society in which neither a job nor a place to live is guaranteed. But we call these social traits because they are learned and because they can be eradicated through socialist revolution and the development of socialist society into communism. For example, when there is no monetary incentive for possessing an excess share of land, the motivation for genocide that the reviewer and Chomsky describe will be gone. For a more in depth discussion, see "Maoism on human nature," in MIM Theory 9. We also add that MIM is very happy to work with anarchists. Although we disagree on the methods of getting there, anarchists and Maoists do share the same basic goal: An end to oppression.