United Airlines cancels 2000 flights Labor aristocracy: owning imperialism is not enough by MC5 The pilots of United Airlines own 25% of that company, but United Airlines has had to cancel 2000 flights out of Chicago as we go to press. The pilots say the company should hire more pilots while the company wants the pilots to work more overtime. Two members of the board of directors are union representatives. The average pilot receives $1400 a quarter in dividends from their stock, but still is causing a ruckus by asking for higher pay. What business writers find interesting is that pilots are hurting the value of their own stock by letting United cancel 2000 flights, not to mention allowing the public to see their conflicts over paying themselves. All the pilots had to do was volunteer for more overtime. Why they want higher pay when they are the ones receiving the profits is also of some hilarity value. According to the imperialist bourgeoisie, the labor aristocracy is being short- sighted and thus proving its incapacity for ruling. To the imperialists, it appears the pilots attach no value to owning their own company. It seems that the pilots ask for more and more out of thin air even after agreeing to buy their own company and getting major control of it. MIM has to agree that such difficult people would be difficult to work with and cooperate with under socialism as well, if parasitic expectations are built in. All the organizations calling themselves communist in the imperialist countries fail to direct their aim at this problem except for MIM. Organizations such as the Workers World, Progressive Labor Party, Spartacist League, "Communist Party"-USA are busy making this problem worse. MIM would say this problem of asking for things out of thin air is the very nature of imperialist parasitism. The pilots only learned it from people who believe that owning certain paper entitles a persyn to make a living without ever working. The only way that pilots and others will un-learn parasitism in the imperialist countries is through a re-civilizing stage of the international dictatorship of the proletariat. When force backs up the erasure of parasitism for a few generations, children will grow up with the correct values and people will be able to work together in harmony. The problem is not that the world has to be poor. That is not the point of the cleansing stage of the dictatorship of the proletariat, when the imperialist petty-bourgeoisie called "workers" unlearns parasitism. The best, sustainable and peaceful economy is built on harmonious work relations and they are impossible without understanding the labor theory of value practically speaking. People who are used to oinking for super- profits will never be progressive agents of peace, a sustainable environment and ethnic harmony. MIM finds this story interesting only to remind readers that the so-called workers in the imperialist countries do own a piece of imperialism. That is what enables them to take a share of superprofits and receive more than the value of their labor and labor-power. That is why they cannot be said to be exploited. In fact they are a conservative influence politically even while they cannot help but destabilize the economy, as an expression of the kernel of strife built into imperialism. Note: The New York Times 11 August 2000, p. C1.