MIM Notes # 222 Nov 15, 2000 Lawyers and law students needed! Help fight censorship in prisons Department of Corrections around the country are illegally censoring political materials sent to prisoners. Jailhouse lawyers are fighting this on the inside, and they need the help of activists and lawyers on the outside. The censorship includes many prisoners, especially those that are most political conscious. MIM and RAIL send political reading materials, letters and newspapers to prisoners through MIM's Free Books for Prisoners Program. Prisoners cannot receive these necessary political materials anywhere else. The attack on books, letters and newspapers amounts to state sponsored censorship of political ideas. The DOCs justify their censorship by touting "security threat" rhetoric. The reality is the materials we send do NOT advocate any type of illegal activity at this time and have actually been shown to decrease prisoner on prisoner violence. We at MIM and RAIL know that the real reasons the materials are censored: the positive effects revolutionary politics have on prisoners to stop the violence, build unity and a political ideology aimed at ending oppression. The state has a whole army of prosecutors, armed goons and policy pigs to ensure that political ideas are censored. This is where we need help. Things we need: ¥ help researching recent, relevant case law about censorship ¥ lawyers willing to take on cases for prisoners ¥ help writing a form letter to be sent to the prison after acts of censorship. The idea would be to force the prison to justify their actions or be taken to court by the prisoner. ¥ help educating others about the censorship ¥ creating materials to help prisoners fight these legal battles themselves. If you can help with any of the above, or have other ideas, contact the MIM.