MIM's Revolutionary Film & Discussion Series opens in Detroit Last March, MIM held its first event in Detroit successfully building public support for the Filipino revolutionary struggle by hosting Detroit's debut showing of "Golf War" with Director Jen Schradie on hand. We continue to build opposition to imperialism and invite you to attend MIM's first revolutionary film and discussion series in Detroit, MI. We have also secured venues for future shows/poetry readings to benefit MIM's Serve the People Free Books for Prisoners Program; we need assistance for these events. * January 16th -- Serve the People & National Liberation Struggles * February 20th -- Amerikkkan Political Repression through Prisons * March 20th -- Apartheid in Amerikkka * April 17th -- Revolutionary Education vs. Amerikan Imperialism * May 15th -- Prison Labor and Exploited Third World Labor funds Amerikkkan Parasitism Our core events will be held at the First Unitarian Universalist Church at 4605 Cass Avenue every 3rd Tuesday of the month starting at 6 p.m. For additional Detroit meetings and study group information, contact mim@mim.org