MIM Notes 226 January 15, 2001 Review: Quills Directed by Philip Kaufman, December 2000 The best and worst thing about Quills -- the new movie very loosely based on the life of the Marquis de Sade -- is that it is class- and gender-conscious. It's a wonderful example of how the ideologies of bourgeois Liberalism and male chauvinism mesh and support each other. The ludicrous thing is that Quills and most bourgeois reviewers think that the movie is saying something new, provocative, and intelligent. There is nothing new or rare about this stuff -- you can find it all behind the counter at 7-11 in Playboy or cluttering up the AM talk-radio dial. Here are some of the liberal dogmas Quills trumpets. (a) "Free speech" and individual "self expression" are absolute rights. (b) Porn/ideas and sex/action are completely distinct. Only a crazy persyn could mix the two up. (c) Sex is inherently good for men and wimmin, and only hypocritical prudes disagree. All of these shibboleths were criticized by Catharine MacKinnon in her book ITAL Feminism Unmodified END in the early 1980s.(1) MIM used her criticism as the starting point for its own radical critique of patriarchy.(2) Quills proceeds as if nobody has ever raised MacKinnon's critiques -- or ever could. Of course, that's how reactionaries work. What? The masses stopped arguing about MacKinnon (imperialism, socialism, party-building, etc.)? Great, let's dig up some old, defeated ideas and dress them up as new. They're tenacious, those reactionaries, you have to give them that -- so we must be as well. You can see just how disingenuous and shallow Quills is from the fact that it ITAL really END sanitizes de Sade. With one exception, the fictionalized de Sade comes off as simply a raunchy flirt -- sure, he talks like a prick, but as soon as the womyn he desires says "no," he stops. In real life, de Sade raped and whipped wimmin and children. And his "literature" glorified rape, torture, mutilation, and murder for pleasure. Indeed, de Sade and MacKinnon agree that sex is an act of power -- that much (if not all) of the pleasure men feel in sex comes from dominating and controlling wimmin. De Sade glorified this; MacKinnon decries it; Quills chooses to ignore power altogether. So already -- without even asking if wimmin are in a position to say "no" under patriarchy -- Quills has left the real material world behind in favor of Liberal idealism. It ignores the real de Sade; it ignores the fact that men do not stop when wimmin say "no"; it ignores the fact that lovers killing each other is the most common pattern of murder in Amerika;(3) etc. It's easy to say "anything goes" when your idea of "anything" is a light slap on the buttocks and a giggle. Furthermore, Quills' attempt to show "both sides of the censorship debate"(4) only succeeds in further illustrating its Liberal bias. The fictional de Sade dictates a story which involves the rape and mutilation of a womyn. ITAL Immediately END after hearing this story, one of the inmates of the madhouse where de Sade is imprisoned attacks and kills de Sade's chambermaid -- exactly as de Sade described in his story. The idea here is that if pornography is to be implicated in rape or gender oppression, there must be an immediate link between the porn and the act. MacKinnon argues -- and MIM agrees -- that that's not how pornography works. "[T]he view [in bourgeois legal circles] became that pornography must cause harm the way negligence causes car accidents or its effects are not cognizable as harm. The trouble with this individuated, atomistic, linear, isolated, tortlike -- in a word, positivistic -- conception of injury is that the way pornography targets and defines women for abuse and discrimination does not work like this. It does hurt individuals, not ITAL as END individuals in a one-at-a-time sense, but as members of the group 'women.'"(5) Looking for the smoking gun -- the one piece of porn that triggered a rape, say -- lets the bigger system off the hook. Usually there will be no one piece you can point to; but pornography contributes to a culture of rape and male chauvinism. Quills never really considers that perhaps "free speech" isn't always good and censorship isn't always "brutal."(4) MIM, on the other hand, takes the real de Sade and Quills as evidence for censorship. As we wrote in MIM Theory 6, in reference to gossipy and distorted biographies of Stalin, "The massive scribblings of these intellectuals, repeated in simplified forms in the bourgeois media, present an excellent case for the censorship of media and books. The more the material veers into National Enquirer [or Hustler or Playboy or Maxim] mode, the better censorship looks for progress of humanity's mental faculties. The masses deserve better entertainment than what sells on the grocery stands."(6) After the revolution against imperialism, there won't be billion dollar industries devoted to pornography or the ideological defense of male chauvinism. Pornographers will have to make an honest living. They will be able to make and distribute some kinds of porn in their spare time,(7) but the government will hire people to combat male chauvinist ideas. Notes: 1. Catharine MacKinnon, ITAL Feminism Unmodified, END Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987. See e.g. pp. 134-162. 2. "Getting clarity on what gender is," http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/wim/cong/gender98b.html. 3. MIM Theory 2/3, p. 120. 4. Promotional materials from Fox Searchlight. 5. MacKinnon, pp.156-157. 6. MIM Theory 6, p. 45. 7. "Sale of pornography will be forbidden. Distribution of nude photographs paid for by the photographer or persyn who signed a consent form to be displayed in photographs will always be legal, but government authorities may require a registration for financial bookkeeping purposes. Those publicly distributing nude photos of children 12 and under will be sent to re-education camp, whether money spent was their own or not." 1999 MIM Congress Resolution, "Free speech under the dictatorship of the proletariat," http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/wim/cong/freespeech.html.