New twist in Peruvian exile movement caused by fall of Fujimori "Red Sun" hodgepodge changes masks by International Minister Enemies of the people Fujimori and Montesinos have left power in Peru. Fujimori left November 20th, 2000 and Montesinos put up a little more of a fight, but it appears his political fortune has ended. It now comes to light in the Washington Post of December 7th for example, that the United $tates allowed Fujimori to claim credit for capturing great Maoist leader Comrade Gonzalo when the CIA was in control all along. Such a claim by the United $tates government could be self-serving since now the United $tates is tired of its lackey Fujimori and wants to remove itself from the blame of being associated with him. Nonetheless, we believe the reports that claim a Yankee spy was central to the capture of Gonzalo. In this regard, MIM again informs the world that no one should be allowed to speak in the name of MIM and then given high security clearance. Yankee spies should not be able to adopt a Maoist cover to carry out their work. This does not mean comrades should not debate and work with communists from within U.$. borders. It only means that security clearance should be low and if there is no way for a struggle to operate openly, then it should reject contact with the comrades from imperialist countries. We assure comrades anywhere that there are creative ways to support the People's Wars from wherever a comrade lives. There is no need to travel. The organization calling itself "Red Sun" and claiming to uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought has launched an attack on comrade Luis Arce Borja of El Diario Internacional regarding what to do about the capture of Gonzalo. Comrade Luis Arce Borja has stood firm for the People's War in Peru through all twists and turns in the struggle and he was the one to conduct the world-famous interview with Comrade Gonzalo on a range of subjects important to Maoism. The purpose of "Red Sun"'s attack is to confuse the international proletariat, usually with minute points that do not stand up to research but which certainly sidetrack the struggle. For example, "Red Sun" now accuses Luis Arce Borja of not upholding Marxism- Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, but a quick look at El Diario Internacional's web site shows that this is not true.(1) It will not be possible to shoot down Comrade Luis Arce Borja with reference to the printed word the way "Red Sun" has tried. Failure to uphold Gonzalo Thought would indeed be a serious matter for the Peruvian revolution, a cardinal question. The "Red Sun" organization has taken a number of odd stances, sometimes the very stances it is criticizing Luis Arce Borja for. "Red Sun" has criticized Luis Arce Borja for proposing to visit Comrade Gonzalo who is the great leader of the Peruvian People's War which is the greatest revolutionary movement in Latin America this past 100 years. At the same time, Red Sun has proposed doing the same thing as Luis Arce Borja.(2) If "Red Sun" had retracted its previous position and made self-criticism and then criticized Luis Arce Borja, we could take "Red Sun" more seriously. Even though Huey Newton and W.E.B. Du Bois had serious failings, even they admitted them, so now we are able to uphold proudly at least portions of their lives now. In one publication on the Internet, the "Red Sun" claims there are only two Maoist People's Wars in the world, Peru's and Nepal's. In another publication they mention "Turkey etc." It seems they are not much concerned with entire People's Wars, but they do criticize Luis Arce Borja. The "Red Sun" touches on important points only to confuse the people. For example, Gonzalo Thought or criticism of the CoRIM are very important matters.(3) To uphold Gonzalo Thought and criticize CoRIM or RIM revisionism are essential. Yet a mask would be worthless it did not have some correct aspects to fool the people. Through long experience, the proletariat has learned that the bourgeoisie comes forward with minute points to divide the proletariat and this is what "Red Sun" does. "Red Sun" can be recognized for the gutter approach to politics that pigs thrive so well in. While Gonzalo Thought and CoRIM leadership are important questions, what the "Red Sun" website leaves out is important. "Red Sun" has dedicated an huge article to attacking Luis Arce Borja, but no where on the website does it cover any mistakes made by anyone else in the exile movement! "Red Sun" claims to link Luis Arce Borja to right opportunism, but has nothing to say against any previous right opportunism or counterrevolution in the exile movement! That is how we can figure out for ourselves with confidence that "Red Sun" is only adopting a "left" mask to attack Luis Arce Borja. It's what "Red Sun" leaves out that clues us in to what its agenda is--opportunist unity. There is no need to name names, but the lines of organizations, cells and anonymous individuals should be criticized and self-criticized if "Red Sun" expects to be taken seriously. "Red Sun" expects us to believe that only Luis Arce Borja has promoted revisionism in the Peruvian exile movement since the arrest of Gonazalo in 1992? For this alone, "Red Sun" cannot be taken seriously. It is correct to be somewhat anxious about the fall of Fujimori and Montesinos. The moment is rife with political opportunity and danger, not unlike the fall of Marcos in the Philippines. MIM places its trust in Luis Arce Borja, for even if he did make a mistake at this anxious moment, it would be the mistake of a comrade in error. A real comrade can always demonstrate by example, even in error. Those with jumbled lines and histories only leave confusion in their wake, in line with the enemy's plans. The criticisms of comrade Luis Arce Borja would be difficult to evaluate by us who are not Peruvians if they had to do with internal matters of the People's War. However, MIM knows enough about "Red Sun" and who is contained within it to know that it needs to make public self-criticisms before it could be taken seriously for attacking Luis Arce Borja from the side of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism, Gonzalo Thought. Notes: 1. 2. 3.