Wisconsin censors try to defend policy After several months of protest letters from MIM and our supporters MIM finally received a response from the warden of the supermax prison at Boscobel Wisconsin where they are censoring MIM Notes and other mail that MIM sends to politically active prisoners there.(MIM Notes 226, 15 Jan 2001) The warden wrote: February 2, 2001 To whom it may concern, I am in receipt of your correspondence dated January 9, 2001. As there is no contact person identified in the letter or signature signing the letter, I address this with hope it is routed to the appropriate staff. The denial is based on MIM's philosophy that armed struggle is an avenue to end oppression of all groups over other groups. If an organization promotes violence as a means to an end, it does directly effect the safety and security of a correctional institution. If one so chooses to "practice" this belief/philosophy, then it is feasible that one may opt to chose violence towards staff to gain your objectives. Sincerely, Gerald A. Berge, Warden MIM responded: Dear Warden Berge, We received your letter dated February 2, 2001 and appreciate you taking the time to respond to our protest of your censorship of MIM Notes. As your stated reason is our advocacy of armed struggle as an avenue to end oppression of groups over other groups, would we be correct to assume that you also censor the Declaration of Independence? We need to know your policy on this for our books for prisoners program as well as our censorship lawsuit. Advocating revolutionary struggle as a means to end tyranny is no less than the founders of this country did in the Declaration of Independence so presumably you would also censor that document because readers might misinterpret it to advocate violence against your staff. Perhaps you would have to censor Abraham Lincoln as well? ""Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable,---a most sacred right---a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government, may choose to exercise it." (Speech in the United States House of Representatives, Jan. 12, 1848) What you neglect to mention in your letter is that we expressly state that violence at this time is not a way of gaining an end of oppression. In actual fact, MIM has opposed undertaking armed struggle in the imperialist countries since MIM formed in 1984. Sincerely, MIM MIM also takes this opportunity to note that the slam against us for not putting a contact persyn's name on the previous letters to the warden is downright silly considering the source. The warden is an integral part of the system that persecutes political activists. MIM does not need to hand over names of our activists to the state. We encourage readers to support this battle against censorship in Wisconsin by sending letters of protest to Warden Berge at: Supermax Correctional Institution, 1101 Morrison Drive, PO Box 1000, Boscobel, WI 53805-1000. Also send MIM a copy of your letter.