Attorney General of California trivializes rape California Attorney General Bill Lockyer says, "I would love to personally escort Lay [Enron energy company chair--MC5] to an 8-by-10 cell that he could share with a tattooed dude who says, 'Hi, my name is Spike, honey.'" Even Chicago Tribune editorial board bourgeois mouthpiece Steve Chapman thought that was too much repression and indecent to say about any potential prisoner. "Suppose we take a conservative estimate and say that one of every 10 inmates suffers this misfortune. With more than 1.8 million men behind bars at any given time, that means at least 180,000 inmates are forcibly violated every year. And that's not counting what goes on in juvenile facilities. For comparison's sake, in the entire United States, there were 124,730 rapes of females in 1999." The point Chapman makes is an example of why MIM says that gender is not just genitalia. Prisoners raped are facing gender oppression -- and as Chapman also points out, most prisoners are there for non-violent offenses. Since rape can easily lead to AIDS and other diseases, it means prison authorities are winking at additional punishment of prisoners -- perhaps including a death sentence. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Enron chair may be in prison, but we communists will not be creating oppressed genders in any context. Rape will not be tolerated in prison or anywhere else. Note: Chicago Tribune 7June2001, p. 29.