Help distribute MIM Notes! We at MIM Notes don't have any big capitalist advertisers, so we are free to speak the truth. This also means we don't have the resources of even the smallest bourgeois daily. We depend on volunteers to get MIM Notes out. Everybody in MIM's Central Committee distributes the newspaper. You can too. Send a few bucks a month to show us you're serious and take it upon yourself to make sure everyone in your neighborhood or nearest populace gets a chance to read the MIM Notes. We will send you a bundle of papers every two weeks and all you have to do is leave copies of the paper where people can pick them up (local colleges, coffee shops, laundrymats, doorways in the projects) or hand them out at rallies or wherever you can find people interested in reading the paper. Contact us at or write to us at MIM Distributors, P.O. Box 29670, Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670 if you want to help spread the revolutionary word.