President Nixon a bigot: What did you expect? The late-President Richard M. Nixon taped himself by accident on October 7, 1971 in a conversation with sociologist-turned New York Senator Democrat Patrick Moynihan, who was known for the idea that emasculation of Black men caused problems in the Black family which led to crime and other social problems. At the time that Moynihan spoke with Nixon he was at Harvard and helping out George Bush (Sr.) at the United Nations. Still alive, Moynihan was unwilling to speak to the Chicago Tribune about the secret tape that turned up and published in 2001.(1) The tape was apparently an accident because Nixon said repeatedly that no one should know of their conversation. Nixon said he admired Black Senator Edward Brooke, a Republican in Massacusetts but that generally, minorities and Catholics did not have the intellectual power to be equal. He pointed to the pseudo-science of Herrnstein and Jensen which he said "'is probably very close to the truth.'" Herrnstein and Jensen claimed that some "racial" groups were "smarter" than others, on the basis of their genes. The infamous "Bell Curve" tried to rehabilitate many of their arguments.(2) Even in front of Moynihan, Nixon insulted the intelligence of the Irish whose war he found to be a result of lack of intelligence. "'I'm not saying blacks cannot govern,' Nixon says. 'I'm saying that they had a helluva time. Now that must demonstrate something. Now, having said that, let's look at Latin America. Latin America has had 150 years of trying at it and they don't have much going down there, either.'" In the same quote, Nixon shows that he knows the government of Chile is the only one that is not a dictatorship by his own standards -- the one under Salvador Allende, which Nixon called "elected but communist." Of course, Allende was never a communist, just a mushy "socialist," but Nixon was the one to send the troops to help assist or carry out the killing of Allende after wrecking the economy internally and imposing an embargo. It shows that Nixon was not the Reagan type who could claim not to know what was going on. Nixon knew Allende was the only elected official leading a Latin American country. As a result of the U.$.- sponsored coup, the U.$. military, intelligence and a faction of the Chilean military killed 30,000 people to make Chile safe for U.$. business. The example of Chile shows why elections are not the road forward: if Uncle Sam does not win, he does not respect the outcome. It takes a People's War against U.$.-led imperialism for a people to seize its own destiny. Nixon said: "'The Italians aren't any good at government. The Spanish aren't any good at government. . . '[Moynihan: 'Yuh.'] The French have had a helluva time and they're half-Latin, and all of Latin America is not any good at government. . . [Moynihan: 'Ah, huh.'] . . . What I'm getting back, the long way around, is this: I think something that is eventually going to come out here is this, and it's right beneath the surface, this whole black- white deal, is going to come out is the fact that Asians are capable of governing themselves, one way or another. . . [Moynihan: 'Sure.'] The Latins do it in a miserable way, but they do it. But the Africans just can't run things. That's a very, very fundamental point, in the international scene." After saying that and referring to supposedly innate intelligence again and getting a "right, damn right" from Moynihan, Nixon says "the responsibility of a president is to first know all these things . . . I must do everything that I possibly can to deny that" [in reference to general group differences] and "but nobody must ever say that" [in reference to why Blacks would not add anything to a political ticket running for office]. Nixon was the inventor of pc liberalism. He says he will point to equal opportunity and Black geniuses without ever saying he believes the group as a whole is inferior. Once again, we see the political agenda of science to such an extent that pseudo-science gets support at the highest level of government, contrary to the myth that bourgeois pseudo-science is neutral or value-free in its production and use. We also see Democrats and Republicans united in white supremacy, the real basis of the U.$. political system. Notes: 1. Chicago Tribune 10June2001. 2. See Stephen J. Gould's book, The Mismeasure of Man and Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin et. al., Not in Our Genes for a refutation of Herrnstein and Jensen.