Free Speech, G8-Style 19 July 2001 -- The Maoist Internationalist Movement strongly condemns the brutal murder of Carlo Giuliani, an anti-G8 protester by Italian police today. The 23-year old was shot twice in the head and then run over by a police jeep, according to witnesses. This follows the shooting of a 19-year old in June at the European Summit in Sweden, where thousands marched against Amerikan militarism and Amerika's refusal to uphold the Kyoto environmental agreement. Also in June, police shot seventeen students in Papua New Guinea, who were peacefully protesting the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Three died. During the April World Trade Organization meeting in Quebec City, police rampantly tear-gassed crowds, often aiming to hit protesters with tear gas canisters. In vilifying, disrupting, and attacking these various demonstrators, the Italian police -- and their counterparts in Sweden, Canada, the united $tates, etc. -- are doing the bidding of their masters, the big monopoly bourgeoisie, which would rather ride roughshod over the world's majority unimpeded and call it "progress." "The world in which we are preparing the G8 summit in Genoa is one full of deep injustices," writes the Genoa Social Forum, which organized "non-violent" protests during the G8 summit. "One-fifth of the world's population -- in countries with advanced capitalism -- wastes 83% of the resources of our planet. Eleven million children die every year of malnutrition, and 1.3 billion people live on less than one dollar per day." These simple sentences illustrate the violence inherent in the status quo and amply justify -- in fact, demand -- the loudest, most militant protests. Coupled with the recognition that those who benefit from the status quo will defend it with all the means of modern militarism, they make a compelling argument for revolution. After we have disarmed and defeated the exploiters, we can set about the important tasks of organizing reparations to the four- fifths of the worlds' population which currently labors for the benefit of others and eradicating hunger, poverty and disease worldwide. Maoist Internationalist Movement - PO Box 29670 - Los Angeles CA 90029-0670