"Stop Gatekeeper" campaign hits East Coast CAMBRIDGE, MA--An activist in the Boston area responded to the "Stop Gatekeeper" material on MIM's web site and collected 60 petition signatures in two hours on July 22nd. The comrade took the initiative of printing out the petition and showing up for political work in a tourist and student area. Many signatures are from people in other states and outside the Boston-area. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) launched the military-style "Operation Gatekeeper" in 1994 to stop undocumented immigrants crossing into the united $tates into Mexico. "Gatekeeper" includes increased patrolling using high-tech, military grade night- vision equipment and other interdictory measures, such as a triple wall built along the border in the Tijuana-San Diego area. This has forced migrants to cross in remote, wilderness areas. More than 500 people have died from exposure or border-guard violence since "Gatekeeper" began. This is more people than died attempting to cross the East/West German border -- much reviled in Amerikan propaganda -- in its entire 25+ year history. The Amerikan military was involved in "Gatekeeper" in the mid-nineties, to aid the INS in the so-called "War on Drugs." ("Gatekeeper" also gave the military a chance to train troops in a "live combat" situation.) In 1997, 17-year-old Ezekiel Hernandez was killed by a u.$. Marine sniper while he tended his family's sheep. After widespread public outcry following this and similar incidents, the Amerikan military withdrew from "Gatekeeper." MIM thinks that ending "Gatekeeper" and immigration restrictions generally are winnable, progressive reforms under imperialism. The border imposes artificial barriers on families, communities, and nations. As the popular t-shirt slogan says, "We didn't cross the borders, the borders crossed us." Not everyone in Cambridge supported the petition. One Black womyn made a point of stopping by to oppose the petition. When asked why, she said she opposed letting in immigrants, "because then there are fewer jobs for us." When asked whether she had a job, she answered that she does--as a welfare political activist. MIM would describe this womyn as a typical labor bureaucrat. She makes her living in labor politics and she lacks in internationalist perspective. The combination of advocating for the welfare state and opposing immigration is common--the economic nationalism of social-democracy rooted in the labor aristocracy. In substance, the willingness to divide the international proletariat for the benefit of the privileged of imperialism is the same whether it is Nazism or the social-democracy of this economic nationalist sort. Under socialism, everyone has a job. It's guaranteed, so economic competition for jobs becomes a thing of the past under socialism. Socialism is the least we can do to end racism, oppressive nationalism and war based in economic competition over jobs. Another persyn walking the streets of Cambridge opposed the petition because "my cousin is an INS worker." Once again, it seems that Amerikans have some sense that closing the borders directly provides them jobs. It's true that MIM plans on cutting back INS employment. It's sad how millions of people in the United $tates have wasteful jobs in guarding borders, staffing prisons in the largest prison state in the world per capita, and guarding property in security jobs--and what is worse is that some of these people cannot look forward and wish that their children and other future generations would not have the private property that makes borders and security jobs "necessary."