Intro to Revolutionary Kingism By King Grim For a long while I had begun to lose faith. For those whom have held high rank in the ALKQN they will understand me when I say that all errors made are amplified, all achievements minimized. One begins to doubt his own effectiveness and even to question whether he is a revolutionary or even a good persyn for that matter; but then a newsletter like Royal Rage comes along and brings a renewed sense of strength. For LKPP's we live in a world (prison) that can make it easy to forget the purpose of our movement. Regardless of the longevity of a member the neo-colonial mentality becomes an unseen enemy. The proverbial "devil" that battles for your "soul." We struggle to keep our minds clear from negative thoughts and if you're like me, at times, we fail. This thing of being a revolutionary is no easy task; it is in fact a struggle because being in an imperialist stronghold our minds are assaulted with the worst of mankind's motives. I still remain in struggle to conquer my personal contradictions, to conquer the contradictions within the ALKQN, and foremost to conquer the principal contradiction, that between the oppressed and the oppressor. So I want to ask my comrades and the masses I serve to forgive me my failures and to aid me in my mission: liberation from imperialism. From this day forward we will gain more of two things: friends and enemies. Friends because all that we know of the revolutionary objective we will give to our fellow comrades. We will help to organize a truly revolutionary ALKQN, the kind that will be recognized nationally as truly the peoples movement. We will aid to build leaders and not credulous followers who fold at the sound of rank due to employee mentality. We will expect you to challenge our minds on revolutionary theory and practice and we in turn will challenge your minds to think about a revolutionary ALKQN as opposed to the unchanging traditions that opportunists seek to maintain. By doing these things we will gain enemies from such opportunists, individualists, "Bad Jackets," "Red-baiters," those of small-group mentality and powerful people comfortable in the status quo. Comfortability is not what's important here. Correct practice by an ALKQN who represent the masses is what takes precedence. Do not be mistaken, with nineteen years in the Nation, I too was part of that wrongful bureaucracy walking between half-measures and semi-progress, giving credence to the internal politics of power and making countermoves due to lack of trust. But enough is enough! The nation must analyze such errors and realize an effective line, tactic and strategy. It must recognize liberation for what it is and not speak of it as if it were some unattainable memory of a bygone era. We will make revolution and Royal Rage will help us to do so! For it is the voice of the people who rule and the leaders merely administrate the will of the people. The primary goal of Royal Rage has currently been established as anti- imperialism. In every article that we enter let us make sure that our words are in relation to this established goal. In order to realize our goal let's use Royal Rage to engender two important functions: 1) educate the membership and the ONC (Oppressed Nation Comrades) on correct revolutionary practice and theory. 2) Gain the popular support of the ONC in order to wage a successful protracted armed struggle against imperialism. The time has come for the Nation to set itself apart from those lumpen-organizations (LO) who claim themselves a movement of the people but only show a sluggish service at best and a chaos to the communities at worst. Royal Rage can also serve to correct erroneous practice. "If we have shortcomings, we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized, because we serve the people. Anyone, no matter who, may point out our shortcomings. If he is right we will correct them. If what he proposes will benefit the people, we will act upon it." (Mao Tse-Tung, 09/08/44) Remember that there are two types of criticisms among us, that against the oppressor [which is merciless] and that in support of your comrades better practice; "When we deal with criticism let it not be one-sided and unanswered however it is well to remember that in the course of debate every revolutionary should be good at thinking things out for himself and should develop the [anti-imperialist] spirit of daring to think, daring to speak, and daring to act on the premise that they have the same general orientation, the revolutionary should, for the sake of strengthening unity, avoid endless debate over side issues." (Chinese Communist Party, 11th Plenum). Criticism is a necessary part of any revolutionary group because the ONC is not the enemy therefore force would not be the way to go when trying to solve contradictions among the people "Since they are different in nature, the contradictions between ourselves and the enemy and the contradictions among the people must be resolved by different methods...the former are a matter of drawing a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy and the latter a matter of drawing a clear distinction between right and wrong...The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature or controversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, the method of discussion, of criticism, of persuasion, and education." (Mao Tse-Tung, "On Correct Handling of Contradiction's Among the People", Selected Works, Vol I) This thing of criticism is critical because if the ALKQN is to be a representative of the oppressed then it should represent with the best of revolutionary practice. When I was first exposed to the concept of the revolution of the mind I didn't quite understand its meaning. Now I do, a revolution of the mind is a certain train of thought that is fundamentally different to how the collective, neo-colonial mentality Lumpen and semi-proletariat people currently think in the U.$. It implies that however you've been trained by nuclear family, U.$. institutions, friends, convicts, current status quo communities, in regards to your life (especially as a collective people), that's not the way a Latin King/Queen thinks or conducts his/her life; rather s/he lives in service to the ONC and masses by way of revolutionary practice. If your life practice can be similarly compared to how you lived before Kingism, then you are not reppin' the ALKQN correctly. I think comrades that we have become lost and we must find ourselves again. There is a Maoist saying: "dou-pi-gai" (struggle, criticism, transformation). We struggle with the various contradictions and gain material insight, we then achieve a form of dialectics that will involve criticism (not "against" oppressed comrades per se but the incorrect practices in this instance) and proceed to gain a new truth in unity which allows for the next transformation. It is only by such that the next social evolution and correct practice within the ALKQN can be achieved. Having said that you would be doing your bro. A great service (but more so the people) if we were to apply "dou-pi-gai" on the articles written about Vieques and hip-hop in Volume 1, Issue 1 of Royal Rage. While I would agree insofar as the splendid historical dialogue, I think we need to analyze how to set in store the meaning of culture for the revolutionary and whether identity politics are taking center stage as opposed to the peoples more important revolutionary international struggle. How is culture and revolution compatible? Write Royal Rage and comment. Next subject, throughout the year 2000 I was able to correspond with our New LCI (Las Coronas Internacional) with great difficulty and I'd like to mention that this man gives me the impression that he is revolutionary in the anti- imperialist sense, nevertheless I bring him up because he gave me a criticism which I took to heart; that when I write articles I should not mention any names. This criticism is important not because we have a consciousness of guilt but because the ALKQN specifically is subjected to oppression. I use my tag because I've been to a certain limit verified to do so. But most of you are not so remaining underground is a strategic advantage against pig aggression. One of the downfalls of the Black Panther Party was that they went above ground. Identities exposed, the FBI pigs were able to apply COINTELPRO effectively against the BPP. Comrades, if you're going to use nicknames do not use the one that people know you by. Pick up a new "nom de plume" (author's alias) and use that name only when you write the articles and not in social situations otherwise all a pig's gotta do is wait around and see who answers to what nickname and you're exposed. Even if you are exposed use an alias anyway. Furthermore there is no need to describe your geography specifically. When writing, do not put your name and address on the letter. Put it on the envelope and use your alias. Street comrades with a PO Box should correlate your alias with your actual name and address on a list so all one has to do is send a letter with your alias on it and they'll know who to send it to. Also please do not send me or anyone else in prison any specifics on your internal chapter (i.e. geography, names and questionable acts). All correspondence should be political, secure-social, dialectical in revolutionary practice and Kingism practice etc... Royal Rage must establish a way to confirm membership so that agent provocateurs, "red- baiters," and "bad jackets" don't get the best of us or Royal Rage. We must be responsible. So let us be reminded that the code of silence means no public exposure of internal functions, identities and internal literature of the ALKQN to the knowledge of non- members. The editors will be responsible to this effect and more so the writers. Lastly, I'd like to give a shout out to all those lumpen organizations like UBN, Asosacion Pro-derecho del Confinado - Neta, The Five Percenters, Insane Vice Lords, Mandingo Warriors, Mis Carnales en TX., FLA, AZ., SLALA-S.B., and all those in Finball, and last but not least the only truly communist vanguard of North Amerika: MIM! Pa' bajo with my leadership, pa' arriba with OUR leadership!!! We the Almighty King Grim c/o MIM PO Box 20796 Los Angeles, CA 90029