Fake cops as bad as real ones "A South Florida man is in jail after he posed as a police officer and pulled over a Mercury Sable containing two off-duty cops." People posing as cops pull over cars, often to obtain money for phony traffic tickets or to rape victims. Phony cops, KKK cops and cops who are real cops but nonetheless carrying out "duties" that are not part of their jobs -- all are reasons why it is not appropriate to trust the state. MIM supports "civil liberties" and "privacy," but only against any capitalist state corrupted by money and sexual motivations for domination. Even cops carrying out their "jobs" as defined by the imperialist state deserve no trust. Proof of this is that lying cops and prosecutors never receive life sentences, death sentences or any sentences for framing people they put on death row and subsequently freed by DNA evidence. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, people will have real jobs and no reason to scam others. In addition, the plethora of local authorities, each operating a ticket-and- tow operation in the family (one police officer and one garage owner) will be abolished, so there will be no reason to ever pay a ticket to someone claiming to want the money on the spot. Note: Reuters in Metro (Boston edition), 26June2001, p. 13.