German Greens keep on proving the need for purges On November 16th, the German Green Party had the chance to vote out the current government of Germany in parliament over the decision to send 3,900 troops to Afghanistan. Instead a majority of parliamentary Greens supported Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. On November 24th, the party members confirmed the leaders' position by an overwhelming vote. While some representatives of the petty-bourgeoisie Lenin called "labor aristocracy" are still bemoaning the "treachery" of Gerhard Schroder, and other imperialist country social-democrats, the process of selling out has advanced to the next level. The Green Party offered itself as a new "alternative" for years and now it has joined up with the Social-Democratic Party in Germany to support the war in Afghanistan. The New York Times summed it all up this way: "Members of Germany's Green party defied their pacifist roots and voted overwhelmingly tonight in favor of sending German soldiers to Afghanistan."(1) Crucial to the reasoning of the Green "pragmatists" like Fischer is the fact that Schroder would probably make a coalition without the Greens to stay in power if the Greens voted Schroder out. By voting for imperialist war, the Greens continue to hold at least some power. A supposed ex-revolutionary Joschka Fischer is Foreign Minister and head of the Green Party. As a younger man, Fischer had himself videotaped beating up a cop and that videotape is in the hands of the daughter of Ulrike Meinhof, the same Meinhof famous in Germany for terrorist attacks.(2) After November 16th, the delegates at his Party Congress did not remove him and instead accepted his position in favor of the war. He received a standing ovation for his speech. When mushy-minded Greens say they have "pluralism," they do not kid. Sometimes the Greens support imperialist war against oppressed nations and sometimes they don't--just like the other imperialists. That is why the Green Party is a party of imperialism in Germany. The German Green Party shows Greens everywhere their future, because the German Green Party received more support in Germany than in other countries. The German Green Party is proof that purging parties is not just necessary when operating in secret in police-states like tsarist Russia. Purges are essential to preserving the quality of the party. Otherwise, everyone's work just gets wasted. MIM calls on the rank-and-file Greens who don't support the bombing of Kosovo and the invasion of Afghanistan like their leaders do to quit, take up Lenin's theory of imperialism and work with us Maoists. Note: 1. New York Times 25Nov2001. 2. See also MIM Notes 187 and 189 on the German Greens and their support for the bombing of Yugoslavia.