Pseudo-feminists beat the war tambourines by International Minister, September 14th, 12:15 a.m. Instead of pointing out how going to war against Afghanistan will kill innocent wimmin and children, major leaders of the so-called "feminists" are doing their bit to supplement the men beating the war drums in the wake of the World Trade Center/Pentagon bombing. While they do not openly call for war against Afghanistan, because the U.$. government has not while it is still collecting evidence, the pseudo-feminists have indicated their readiness for it. A case in point is former president of the National Organization of Women (NOW), Eleanore Smeal. Speaking for an organization called the "Feminist Majority," Smeal said, "While at this time we cannot definitely say that the Taliban and Osama bin Laden have committed the horrific acts of September 11, we do know that they have been leading campaigns of terror against women, women's rights, ethnic and religious minorities, and the Western world for many years."(1) The worst part of what these pseudo-feminists do is say correct things at the wrong time. On September 12th when Smeal wrote her article, the task should be to oppose the war the imperialists are preparing. Instead, Smeal is going all out to give reasons for that war. She says that Arabs, Afghanis and people of Islamic faith in general should not be blamed, but there is no way at this time to be backing a war against Afghanistan that will accomplish anything other than attacks on Arabs, Afghanis and people of Islamic faith in general. Not surprisingly, FOX News highlighted a column from the which is specifically for "individualist feminism,"(2) a complete contradiction in terms. In her "ifeminist" column of September 13th, Wendy McElroy made the correct observation that the people hijacking the planes were not "cowards," because they were perfectly willing to die. Despite the truth of this "duh" statement that eluded many including President George Bush, McElroy's real point is that any statement about the actuality of general oppression is wrong: "To the terrorists, there were no innocent people in the WTC towers. "The burning question this tragedy poses is whether individuals are personally responsible for their own acts or whether they share a class guilt based on being white, male, American, Jewish, gay...whatever."(2) This sort of individualism is always the ideology of the oppressor. The strongest individuals know that as long as the weaker ones do not band together, the strong individuals may exploit the weak. That is why people like McElroy write their brand of "ifeminism," which is so predictably bad it probably comes from reading MIM Theory and saying everything MIM criticized. These same "ifeminists" are connected to the advocating a belief in "God" and the mythical "freedom" of the United $tates. They are so opposed to rational thought about groups of people that they are innocently unaware that the United $tates is the world's leading prison-state per capita and therefore the least "free" country. While former Bush Sr. (41st president) Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger called for war against Iran, Syria and Iraq on the 13th(3) in addition to the obvious of Afghanistan, these pseudo-feminists beat the tambourines. It goes to show why people aspiring to real feminism cannot leave it in the hands of the leaders calling themselves feminists. Going against the tide of war in the United $tates means accounting for the following and exerting leadership: "ABC found 94% of Americans in support of military action against 'the groups or nations responsible for the attacks,' and 92% of this group would support military action even if it means 'getting into a war.' CBS found somewhat lower support for military strikes when a reference to the possible killing of innocent civilians was included in the question wording. In this context, just 66% of those interviewed told CBS that 'the United States should take military action against whomever is responsible for the attacks, even if it means that innocent people are killed.'"(4) That means that 66% of the Amerikan public is in its usual mood of supporting state- terrorism and they will contribute to the cycle of violence instead of eliminating its causes in private property and economic competition. Despite noise about being against violence against wimmin, these pseudo- feminists have never, ever been prepared to lead a struggle against violence and patriarchy. They just go along with the tide. The real feminism will be achieved by proletarian- feminist leadership, as it was done in China by Mao Zedong and not by the people calling themselves "feminist." These types of "feminists" have no historical track record of accomplishing anything for wimmin's equality. They do, however, fool many people into supporting the status quo, including state- terrorism against Third World wimmin. Notes: 1. asp?id=5796 2. 3.,2933,34352,00.html 4.