Maoist Internationalist Movement

The Hatch Act and the Ward Churchill struggle

by Security Minister May 18 2007

The Hatch Act of 1939 took aim at corruption in the federal government, but what we are seeing in the Ward Churchill question is federal employees using federal files that are supposedly classified to "express opinions" that just so happen to service Lynne Cheney's and David Horowitz's agenda. This has not ceased despite the obvious use by Colorado's governor-at-the-time and candidates for president of the Ward Churchill issue.

In monarchist cronyism, the issue of politicking with government money is not quite as apparent as in the multi-party system of parliamentary democracy. If one party uses government money to promote its political fortunes, that is corruption, a fairly easy ideological principle to grasp one would think, once multiparty democracy has been achieved.

What it boils down to in the practice of cronyists is that federal agents can use classified files for political purposes while citizens cannot. This is completely back-assward. It is not legal in the first place for the FBI to publicize classified information. Moreover, what the FBI does is use information they have obtained with government money. So being able to "express opinions" does not give one legal excuse to "express opinions" about information they obtained with government money. That would be an example of cronyism.

When MIM objects, the self-interested federal agents claim MIM is violating the "Intelligence Identities Protection Act" or carrying out espionage. So when federal agents "express opinions" they are making a euphemism for using government power for extortion of various forms. The "Hatch Act" as explains, "forbids officials paid with federal funds from using promises of jobs, promotion, financial assistance, contracts, or any other benefit to coerce campaign contributions or political support."

MIM has explained many times the difference between the dictatorship of the proletariat and the current set up. One major difference is that in the dictatorship of the proletariat, politicians cannot profit from their political activities. So even though it is a one-party state, there is reduced motivation for corruption, because profiteering is illegal. In the system we have now, the politicians are trying to have the worst of both worlds by keeping both the motivation for corruption--the profit of a Halliburton for example--and the cronyist political system to intimidate or slow down those opposing politicians using issues for their own profit.

Aragorn left his sword broken in pieces and unclaimed for a long time. Legend said it "was" the flame of the West.