From aptly self-titled "socialism4ever" on Well, if Bob Avakian isn't good enough for you, why don't you name a leader who is? Name someone else you think is capable of leading a revolution and smashing U.S. Imperialism... Oh wait! You MIMers don't think a revolution is possible in the US because all the poor people in the US are just as bad as the bourgiosie... forgive me, I was trying to reason with someone who thinks that the starving homeless people on the streets are "exploiters". ************************************************* mim3 for MIM: I have to apologize, because it looks like some people intending to uphold MIM line earlier in the thread are nonetheless dragging out this thread when that is not our policy. Pro-MIM and pro-RCP people: it's really very simple. Send in your comments on RCP-related topics to mim3 for posting on the MIM page. You are outraged one way or another? Good, just send it in. Previous threads like this one have ended up getting removed. closed down soon after RCP line was exposed. was closed down as some attempted to expose the RCP=U$A line. PoFo deletes MIM threads even if MIM does not start them. Meanwhile, the MIM website has gone steady and has served as a longer archive/record than any of those. MIM is prepared to disown those carrying out this tit-for-tat with RCP=u$a outside the etext. People from Rcp=U$a who want to argue the MIM line against Avakian should just do it. Just say, "as devil's advocate, what about what MIM said here..." As for the substance of the question, I can easily name a better leader than Bob Avakian--Howard Dean. Bob Avakian represents exploiters and pollutes Marxism internally. Meanwhile, Howard Dean openly represents exploiters. It would be much better if Howard Dean took over RCP=U$A, because as an open representative of exploiters it would be easier to shoot him down. Open bourgeois politics is to be preferred to revisionism. That's another way of saying MIM has never been interested in contending for the RCP=U$a members, and that goes back to 1983. Over time, it has become more clear that this decision was correct. It is not just a leadership question. The rank- and-file RCP=u$a fans demonstrate no restiveness on the question of exploitation either. Now I'm going to turn this question to why they do this at RCP=U$a. It's a combination of Trotskyist and cop interests. First of all, the Trotsky/Wang Ming types see nothing cardinal to questions of conditions in their own countries/societies. These insecure types are more interested in mutual press releases than understanding conditions in imperialist countries. So for these Wang Ming types, the question arises why MIM's third cardinal on the labor aristocacy is really cardinal. They can't think of any reason why questions inside their own countries should be cardinal, even when it comes to separating exploited from exploiter. Secondly, the RCP=U$A has a people-oriented approach to politics instead of a line-oriented one. They tell you who is in charge and who is not. This allows anybody who likes vague pre- scientific philosophising by Avakian to call themselves a member of the RCp=U$A. The counterpart in Buddhism would be "pure land Buddhism," where they chant something a few times after instruction from a monk and allegedly attain highest consciousness. That's why MIM does not engage at that level. We don't want the equivalent of pure land Buddhists calling themselves Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. They belong in mass organizations led by the party, not the party itself. The people-oriented approach leads to a paradise for cops. First comes identity politics where people fixate on why Avakian is not Black. They can advocate that and ask all comers their race, age, height, eye color etc. They've already done that--bait MIM and others for cop information right on their website. RCP=U$A is training its members and followers to use the method of vouching for each other on security and tracking down info cops would want to know. That makes it much easier to spread info cops want to know, because it's being done in the guise of making revolution. Someone needs to tell these folks that doing things cops ordinarily do is not making revolution. That's the bourgeoisie's strength, not the proletariat's. MIM assumes a certain percentage of cops. MIM does not ask questions cops would want to know the answers to. RCP=U$A does and calls it service to Avakian. RCP=u$A liberals will never understand the correct line. They tire of the real issues and change the subject to individuals, their favorite one being Avakian with the cute cap.