by HC116 and expanded by Particular crypto-Trotskyists and social-democrats in the united $tates apparently believe that two combines into one when the u.$. population is faced with the specter of Christian theocratic fascism imposed from the top down--despite evidence to the contrary, such as the Euro- Amerikan so-called workers' Minuteman Project. The Minuteman Project refutes two things: the notion that fascism has only been initiated from the top down, and the notion that there is not already a split within the broad u.$. population with the vast majority bought off and engorged with super-profits as MIM has shown. MIM recognizes that the international proletariat and some of the u.$. petty bourgeoisie both support civil rights, the separation of church and state, and the separation of powers, in the united $tates, but that does not mean that these classes have common needs or points. Rather the imperialist country petty- bourgeoisie vacillates somewhat towards the proletariat sometimes while it is in general alliance with the imperialists. Even if the principal contradiction were with fascism, which it is not--the principal contradiction still being between imperialism and the oppressed nations--the international proletariat and the u.$. petty bourgeoisie have different interests relationally speaking, and it is disgusting and dangerous opportunism to cover this up by blurring the difference between the alignment of actions and the alignment of interests. The fact that undocumented migrant proletarians, for instance, and some of the imperialist-country petty-bourgeois so-called workers both oppose fascism does not mean that there is any lasting unity between these two classes or that their structural motivations for opposing fascism are the same. Just in ideological terms, there sometimes appears to be points of agreement between communism and Liberalism in the face of a dry run for fascism, but Liberalism is a thoroughly capitalist ideology. Revolutionaries in the majority-exploiter countries must put forth their own, revolutionary ideology and must always concentrate on the revolutionary forces in doing this. The united front that exists targets the oppressor nation and for this purpose talk of a multinational proletariat leads only to confusion inconsistent with the principal contradiction as all Maoists in the world see it. One result of the confusion spread by the enemy in the ranks of the proletarian movement is the type of thing we saw with the Red Lake shooting, where a confused medley of nationalist and integrationist ideas flew apart at the cost of the First Nations. Of course, the larger issue is that the various crypto-Trotskyists and social-democrats, who believe that two combine into one under the threat of fascism, count u.$. petty-bourgeois so-called workers as proletarians despite the petty-bourgeois so-called workers' exploiter status. Supposedly, there is only one "multinational proletariat" in the united $tates despite the internal semi-colonies, Euro-Amerikan workers' level of parasitism, the principal contradiction, between imperialism and oppressed nations, and the large Euro-Amerikan labor aristocracy's oppressor-nation nationalism.]

Note: 1. "Undercover With The Minuteman Project," April 8, 2005, ?S=3188000&nav=14RTYTLb