Tactics for the new geopolitical realities: Making u.$. imperialism the principal enemy in practice by International Minister, May 27, 2006 Lately some fraudulent organizations calling themselves "Marxist-Leninist- Maoist" are serving the u.$. imperialists and spreading confusion. Here MIM explains how we know we are dealing with real Maoists or not. False consciousness is spreading regarding power struggle, because our side of the struggle, the proletarian side is shackled by ignorance, dogmatism and lack of experience with power struggle. That's why we are still losing overall. Understanding how power works is key to winning. If the international proletariat does not quickly improve its class consciousness, it is possible imperialism will destroy the planet beyond humyn use. The ineffective turning into pawns The situation in Iran is an example of what happens when political ineffectiveness persists for a long time. If we are not careful, if we fail in the power struggle over a long period of time, we can turn into the opposite-- pawns of imperialism. Today, the fake followers of Lenin, Stalin and Mao have turned totally upside- down into extensions of the State Department. When it comes to Iran, they treat it as a totalitarian imperialist country, where we must support the anti- militarist struggle and oppose nationalism. When it comes to the united $tates, the fake Marxist-Leninist-Maoists encourage the war fervor against Iran by demonstrating for wimmin's rights in Iran and against the nuclear energy program. These tactics are exactly upside-down from those prescribed by Marxism- Leninism-Maoism for oppressed nations and imperialist countries respectively. Instead, these are the tactics of imperialism, tactics that are doomed to long- run failure. Never underestimating the rage of the people against u.$. imperialism In the oppressed nations, the fake Maoists act as if the local oppressors have all the cards and the international proletariat have none. This leads the fake Maoists who in fact echo Trotsky to play a strategy of coming to power in Iran and Afghanistan on the backs of U.$. tanks. When the fakes have prisoners to care for, they go crying to the U.$. State Department to beg for their help in getting them released from u.$. lackey regimes. Now, if people want to try that in their countries and can't see how to do what MIM is saying, they should try it, but they definitely should not call themselves Maoists. Going begging to the State Department may make political sense to the naive, but it waters down Maoism beyond repair. It wastes the time of the proletariat, which needs to keep straight what strategy goes with what. There's nothing wrong with demanding the State Department have its lackey regimes release prisoners, but if there appears to be some deal made to accomplish that, then Maoism becomes wrongly tarnished. In the Middle East and Central Asia, Uncle $am has provided an unparalleled opportunity. There it is possible to volunteer to fight Uncle $am in the name of anti-imperialism or pan-Arabic or pan-Islamic unity. If the Islamic regime is holding prisoners, one tactic to apply is to ask for their release to hunt down u.$. spotter troops now inside Iran. Should our comrades actually find these Amerikans, they can claim victory to the whole world. This will boost the status of our comrades in the eyes of Iranians. Our critics might say the Islamic regime will turn down the offer. That is fine. That is politics and how politics works. If the Islamic regime in Iran turns down help to hunt down invaders from the united $tates, then MIM is willing to assist any organization wanting to publicize that fact. A press release names a prisoner and secular organization and an offer to hunt u.$. invaders. Then the Iran regime turns down the patriotic offer and our comrades, our real comrades will then counter with a flyer on how the regime is not going all out to fight Great Satan. In other words, even if the regime turns down the offer, it makes good politics. Then those comrades should find something else to do, if need be in another part of the world. If the Iranian regime turns down patriotic offers to search for u.$. invaders, that should be harped on non-stop until the regime relents or crumbles. The Iranian regime should allow secular people to wage their own independent struggle against u.$. imperialism. It is true there are people throughout the world who like Mickey Mouse and McDonald's, and some even like the pornography purveyor Hollywood. That is not the same thing as sympathizing with invaders. Egypt and Syria are also subject to these tactics. If you have comrades in prison or if Syria has resources it should be delivering to the struggle, ask that the comrades be freed and resources go to the struggle--and do it publicly but from a position of safety. Then, when the Syrian or Egyptian regime turns down your offer, it stands exposed as a stooge of imperialism. More controversially, Turkey is also liable to pressure along these tactics. We warn the Kurds not to put themselves in a position where they get wedged between the imperialists and the wrath of oppressed nations. What does not work is having prisoners in some Middle East country and then crying to the united $tates to be more liberal and thereby making Maoism look unpatriotic in those countries. In the imperialist countries, Maoism should look anti-militarist or unpatriotic to those who still think in feudal terms. Summary Currently, the Middle East is under the boot of u.$. imperialism. The correct strategy is united front with cautious independence and mobility. In the worst- case scenario, all the Middle East regimes turn down offers of patriotic assistance. In the ideal situation, good comrades get out of prison, organize the fight against imperialism, score some successes and claim the credit in front of the whole world, but especially the oppressed nation in question. Even in the worst-case scenario, there should be unrelenting public opinion work about allowing secular communist forces to fight the u.$. invaders. Having the regimes turn down the offer of assistance should be made into the political lesson of the day. That would be the worst possible outcome of the real Maoist strategy--not a bad outcome at all really. In the fake Maoist strategy, everyone turns into a pawn of imperialism, regardless of the situation, a true disaster. The alternative to the real Maoist strategy against u.$. invaders is not kissing up to imperialism, but focussing on domestic class issues. If comrades cannot carry out either an attack on u.$. imperialism as the principal enemy or the class structure of one's country, there is no crime in giving up the struggle in that particular country and taking up a struggle somewhere else. The last thing that any Maoists should be doing is opposing the nationalism of the oppressed nations of the Middle East and advocating anti-militarism in those countries. Doing that is a crime against Maoism.