What is the difference between the MIM and the "RCP-USA"? MIM answer: If you are in North Amerika deciding between MIM and "RCP-USA," and you believe the majority of the population within U.$. borders is exploited, then you should hook up with the "RCP-USA" or create something like it.* If you believe that the majority of the population within U.$. borders is bought-off, petty-bourgeoisie and parasitic, then you should join or work with MIM. Any party claiming to be Marxist has to take stands on all questions in the world, so it becomes imperative to locate the most central issues and not divide over peripheral ones. There is also a question of what you want and what MIM wants. MIM does not want people in its party who believe the U.$. majority is exploited. Some people believe the U.$. majority is exploited and choose to work with MIM anyway because of other issues that float their boat. That is OK and even great, but such people will never be in the party itself. Now it could be that someone does not care a whit about whether the U.$. population is exploited or not. So then the question is to figure out what such a persyn DOES think is a cardinal question. We offer help on defining "cardinal" here even for people who do not agree with MIM. We do this because we do not want people attempting to join MIM and then realizing that something else is really cardinal for them. That's a waste of everyone's time. *There are various scattered organizations and individuals who believe that the "RCP-USA" line on this question is correct but who believe that the CIA must have taken over the "RCP-USA" given how it handled Luis Arce Borja** and the question of the "peace letters" after the arrest of the leaders of revolution in Peru 1992. However, even a question so important as that must be subordinate to formulating one's own cardinal questions. First we have to set out goals and the analysis to achieve those goals. Then we must fight the battles necessary against infiltration, spies, cops etc. **Luis Arce Borja is the editor of El Diario International and he conducted the famous interview with Comrade Gonzalo on a wide variety of subjects thereby establishing in public the PCP (Communist Party of Peru) line.