Red Banner Society of Brazil writes again [ adds: I took the liberty of editing this into English for discussion purposes, because again, the native language might be Portuguese and we simply cannot carry on at length in Portuguese.] Mentors of MIM's, It seems that some points of the last e-mail were not understood by the MIM... Firstly the Red Banner Society is a society of persons who are studying and spreading the marxism- leninism. It's basis is marxist-leninist, and as the comrade Will Bland pointed, it's a reason to be proud to be called stalinist and say to be it. In the Red Page, as the members of MIM will see soon, there's a lot of works doing not just a formal, but a concrete defence of the Vozhd, who represent to us communists a synonym of greatness in revolution, in the theory and in the building of communism. To reinforce our positions we use articles created by ourselves and also extracted from numerous communist pages (despite some divergences), because we are not sectarians and before to be communists we are scientists, because the marxist communism is a science, what mean that we are not sectarians, we are people who say "we support this position until it shows as scientific and proven." In debates we are not people who enter to say "We won! Let's commemorate!", but people who say "good, I agree with your position", sure, if it's well based and proved as correct, but sure that if we prove our position correct we say "against proofs there is not argumentation" and so we hold our position, if the other side accept or not. A big problem in the Communist movement today is that there is a lot of people who don't understand that the marxism-leninism is a science, so we are in a world where it is more easy for somebody to say "Go to the hell you're an idiot, I don't believe in your positions!" than to say "I accept your position, you are correct". Like the first position the MIM acts... replies: Well no, as you claim you also do, MIM composes its webpages from the correct pages of others. As I already mentioned we have linked to the NSC that we have criticized for Brezhnevism here: They did something good at NSC. We support it. That's what opposing sectarianism in practice means. Most of our critics do no such thing. You did not rebut our criticism of the Progressive Labor Party for example. You used them against us, but they have not supported a single armed struggle in the whole world for a generation. What about you? That would seem to me to be serious sectarianism, much more serious than what you are raising about MIM. Red Banner continues: I must state that each member of Red Banner Society as well as each marxist-leninists from each part of the world understand what is the brezhnevism. The line of 1965 to 1982 we understand and condemn it with vehemency as a not socialist period! Despite this, we understand that some socialist forms were conserved, and this is not a position similar to the trotskyism, because in reality the citizens already had free education, a free wealth [welfare?] system and other guarantees, but this doesn't mean that we support the Brezhnevites and CPSU at that period. It's also important to remember that in the same period there were still true marxists-leninists in the CPSU fighting for the ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Still there was workers and peasants. We, true communists, support USSR, as well as all other socialist countries (or countries which were socialist during a certain period of time), for everything that it showed to be, mainly the Soviet Union, the first country of Socialism, the country where happened a massive socialist revolution. The first country of "soviets." The country which knew free education, free health and food to the people, as well as the country which gave great technological jumps and developed a red army wich could crush any enemy of the proletarians, as well as built socialism, won the WWII and brought morale to it's people and also to other peoples! For this reason we communists are acompaining [sic?] and studying it's history, knowing that was from 1917 to 1957 it's a socialist period, but we are not metaphysicians to say that "in 'xx:xx' o'clock it ceased to be socialist as well as everything in the country, including it's citizens"... For this reason we communists also show the advances of the post periods, as for example the fact that in Brezhnev's era the women had many rights; we cannot forget this, despite our position against him. It's important to understand that Marx recognized the contributions of capitalism and conceived of communism as an evolution of humanity, not as "another way" but as "the only and inevitable way." The teacher Lenin(V Tome of Collected Works) showed us that the communists must build socialism "with the bricks laid by capitalism." This is our mentality, the fact of our stud [stand?] on the post-socialist era doesn't mean that we are brezhnevite, but just that we are not people who say "after this the USSR were not socialist, let's put it in the cross and burn it!". I'm sure that the comrades from NSC will agree with me, a compass wich not just atacks Gorbachev and Yeltsin, but also Brezhnev and Khruschev, as shown before. It's also important to remember that the NSC published in English an article of Mario Souza, from the Communist Marxist- Leninist Party of Sweden, wich dismantled the "great trues" concerning the history of Soviet Union, a document published in Portuguese language, in the Red Page. replies for MIM: Marx never said to burn down Germany either, but he did not say it was socialist despite some progressive sprouts. When the Soviet people preserved certain advances under Brezhnev, it was a question of advances in class struggle, not a socialist mode of production or "socialist forms." That is the distinction between revisionism and Marxism when it comes to the Brezhnev era. The Ludo Martens gang is confused on this point and adopts Trotskyist theses as you alluded to that separate the economic base from the superstructure. The same underlying confusion explains why Ludo Martens does not actually apply Mao's theses on the bourgeoisie in the party to any practical ends. You have yet to reply directly whether or not Khruschev was part of the bourgeoisie in the party despite our making that the first point of our article. It might be a good thing for the united $tates and certain other imperialist powers to have public transport, solar energy, subways and national health care systems, but no matter how many advances do occur the system is still capitalist. When we say the French Revolution was in 1789, we do not adopt the intellectual pettifogging of Trotskyism to say, "well they got this piece in 1789, then that piece later, and another piece later, so 1789 is not a very important year after all." No, there is a year that marks the qualitative transition of the whole French Revolution. Likewise, there is a year that marks the transition to capitalism in the Soviet Union after Stalin. Your phrase "evolution of humanity" is very revealing of an overall approach to dialectics. We Marxists see qualitative breaks, not just an unending series of advances in degree. The "evolution of humanity" position on dialectics counterposed against MIM is clearly the backdoor to social-democracy and Brezhnevism. Red Banner Society continues: As said before, we from the Red Banner Society are not sectarian people, for this reason some parts of The Red Page are being changed and the English version is being constructed. I must also remind the petit- bourgeoisie of the MIM that to a people in Brazil who lives with a salary (which is currently about $ 100), it's not easy to count with a good computer! We accept the contribution of Mao, and who doesn't theoretical errors? Sure that this part was a little error of the author during his writings, but there is a little difference between making small errors and big errors... The Cultural Revolution allowed the rise of the bourgeoisie in the CPCh and on this question, it's very important to remember that after this China didn't have a World War III to send the leaders of it's party to the front battle(as happened with CPSU during the terrible days of Second World War)! On the other hand, Mao sent his son to die in Korea right after to coming to power in 1949, a war that killed many of the best communists in China. Your Bill Bland character called Mao a "comprador" despite that. You should reply to: Bill Bland, Hari Kumar, Alliance: Kremlinologists not scientific socialists

Red Banner Society: It's important to ask a question, what does the MIM do to build socialism in China and take the revisionists from the power?(the same question can't be asked of the members of Red Banner Society because we are in a very small number if compared with MIM, as well as many of us lives in small and retrograde cities, but we actuate.) replies: As we state here, MIM does not consider itself to be active outside the imperialist world (except for its internal semi-colonies) and in fact, we are not much active in Japan at all either, though we have a document from Mao for the Japanese as well on our web page. So to answer your question, we are not attempting to organize the Maoists in China. On the other hand, it's no secret that we have many texts available in Chinese on our web page to combat revisionism. We would like the comrades in the Third World to know that MIM exists and to know the basic line of the MIM, but we have said many times in many places that MIM's approaches would not be strategically or tactically valid in the Third World. The people over at the pseudo-Comintern called the "RIM" have on occasion issued documents equating conditions in separate countries. We at MIM have broken with that line. Specifically, I realize you wonder about the necessity of what Ludo Martens does for China. It is our opinion that the existing Maoists in China are far better than anything that Ludo Martens references. What he does can only add to confusion, and this is yet another case where it would be better to trust in the comrades already there in China and not making a show as Ludo Martens does to parade with the Deng Xiaoping-style revisionists. Red Banner Society continues: We marxist-leninists think that ML, communist, stalinist is an enought denomination, we automatically accept the propositions of Enver Hodja, how about you, is the denomination "maoists" really apropriated? As every communist knows, the comrade Mao Tse Tung wrote a very famous book called "Stalin, friend of Chinese people", what shows a friendship between to peoples, a proletarian internationalism, but in the reply of MIM we see constantly the term "russophiles"... The author of this reply already wrote some articles on this question and about the slavs, but, what was the essence? The comrade Lenin shows in his works, through an article of Karl Kautsky, that the center of gravity of communist movement moved to the Eastern Europe, to the slavs, to a region that was the bastion of reaction, but now is the center of gravity of communist movement. Marx also emphasized the fact that Russia could be the leading revolutionary force in the east. Were Marx, Lenin and Stalin "russophiles"? I think that MIM don't want to appear that is full of theoretical contraditions... I also remember your that this was the accusation used by trotskiytes against some members of RBS. replies for MIM: Ugh, as Lenin and Stalin both explained many times, "love of your own country" is well and good when it is socialist and needs defense against imperialist attack! To continue with love of Russia after it has had capitalism restored is reactionary sentimentalism! We cannot keep beating on the door of a lover who has turned its back on us. The CPSU is no more what we loved. Red Banner Society continues: It was very good that you reminded me of the question of Chechnya in your reply to attack the VKPB... The MIM and the RMP shows the VKPB as chauvinists for the condemnation for the war in Chechnya, it also does a mechanical citation of a position of Lenin concerning the Muslim question. As we know, in the V Tome of Collected Works, Lenin says in "The Colonial Question" that is a task of the communist parties to reject and condemn the action of all "mulahs", because they are feudalistic elements in the struggle of peoples. As we know, the Chechen rebels as Shamil Bassayev are not separatists, but bandits linked with International Terrorism(as themselves admitted). replies: Comrades, since you are in Brazil you should know that we do not believe that MIM strategy and tactics really apply to you. In addition, we may not have much to say after the above statement. Putin, Bush and you refer to "international terrorism" by the Chechens. We have enough of that kind of talk to fight here in the u$a without adding more from Brazilian Hoxhaites. We have no way of knowing if you are for real at all or a pure concoction, maybe even within the united $tates. What is more important, we must leave this task to the RMP in Russia. It's just unlikely that we will know it as well as they and we have trust that Russians can decide how to handle the national question. If they can't the cause is lost anyway, because we certainly cannot direct it from here, if Stalin and Mao could not direct the global revolution in their days and decided to break up the Comintern. If you are truly interested in Stalin, Khruschev and Mao, then what we say you will study. You will either decide that we can do without Mao on capitalist restoration or we can't. Red Banner Society continues: In Chechnya fight Albanians, Chechens, Arabians, Afghans and ultil Africans (!!!) not because they believe in "proletarian internationalism", but because they are fighting for the establishment of a new "taliban power" in Chechnya! To defend these terrorists are more than a ANTI-MARXIST position, but a support to the INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM, which contains in it's essence extremism of the lumpem- proletariat and great bourgeoisie, the same classes which conducted nazism to power in Germany in the 30's... The Putin's Russia is not a socialist country, but the capitalism is more advanced than feudalism. replies: This last sentence we agree with. Red Banner Society continues: Sure that we, marxist-leninists, are against the war. We understand that this war is motivated by capitalism, by a conflict of the Chechen bourgeoisie with the Russian. In Chechnya lived Chechens, Russians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Germans, Daguestaneses and another people in full harmony, but today with capitalism, a war happens. We understand that to stop this thing, the USSR must be restored, and for this to happen, it's very important to happen a unification of Russia, Ukraine, Belarussia, nations with practically the same cultural traditions (despite some diferences in their languages) and the same history, something very well known by those who are not afraid to study the history of these 3 countries and the formation of Slav states, and we from the RBS are not afraid! Before to put in question all these questions, it's important before all to do a reflection: what's the essence of the attacks of MIM, are they ML? The reply of MIM has in it's density an impressing arrogance, as well as an infantile fury, something that never was pointed by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hodja, Bland or Ludo Martens, something completely distant of 2 cardinal principles of socialist science, which I must remember: the proletarian internationalism and the SOLIDARITY BETWEEN THE WORKERS, something that Marx referred with enphasis! I think that all this fury of MIM is nothing more than a proof of it's inconsistence and instability in it's discussion. We communists must ask: Who are you to say what is correct and wrong line? Who are you to condemn all the marxist-leninists parties over the world? Who are you to condemn that who follows the examples of Lenin and Stalin? replies: This reminds me of the criticism of Stalin as "rude" used over and over again by the Trotskyists to avoid political substance. The question is not "who" MIM is but "what" MIM is saying. There is a fairly constant post-modernist undertone of social relativism underlying both the first and second message of the Red Banner Society. We at MIM are either correct or not. Our lines and explanations are all available in our magazines and web page. If we were Martians it would hardly matter as to whether we are correct or not. We have chosen the big questions to divide over--three plus democratic centralism! You only agree with us on one, the restoration of capitalism in the USSR. Either you or we are wrong on the Cultural Revolution and the imperialist country labor aristocracy. Fortunately, there can only be so many splits justified by the largest experiences with revolution and the conditions of the imperialist countries themselves. We just happen to believe we stand on the correct side of both splits. Again, comrade, we believe a patient approach would be appropriate in the Third World. In some sense, you have stumbled upon MIM, but MIM tailors its work for the imperialist countries. Please keep that in mind. Please understand that we are in constant battle with the labor aristocracy and that the people would not have anything but a "revolutionary arrogance" in its leaders claiming to take on nuclear-weapons-owning imperialists who seem so fearsome but have feet of clay. That is our specific thesis for the imperialist countries. We do not claim it necessary where the exploited are in such large numerical preponderance as in Brazil. Red Banner Society continues: A political struggle must be done against the rightist and leftist opportunism, against the trotskiyte and the revisionists, but the so called "MIM" moves a theoretical struggle against the marxist-leninist parties. This can be explained not by the scientific socialism, but also by the psychology... The members of MIM who reply to the articles show something called "masochism super-ego"(I think that this is the denomination in English). They show that they are not interested in a fight for the people, but to prove that they are correct, something very strange to marxist- leninist circles. The selfishism of MIM shows that is more important to attack the sovietist circles as "brezhnevites" and give replies with aggressions than to contribute to the marxist-leninist practical theory. replies: For the record, MIM had nothing to say to the Red Banner Society at all. RBS sent the first salvo already listed in the previous message. We will let readers judge "aggression." We do not consider the Ludo Martens affiliated "ML" parties to be Marxist-Leninist. In any case, again, we see this post-modernist undercurrent when Red Banner Society takes this position that we fight "to prove that they [we] are correct." That's what all parties should do and they must set aside a valuable place for such science, and swallow their pride even if it means public beatings and counter-beatings. We have been told that we are now the only organization in the world distributing the allegedly Hoxhaite book on the restoration of capitalism in the USSR by Bill Bland on the web. That proves not only that we can work with those we find extremely distasteful but that in fact MIM plays something of a pathbreaking role by doing the ordinary in its practice. We urge our readers not to adopt any facile notions of what "sectarianism" is. It's been all wrong for a couple generations now, and that is how we have found the international communist movement in deep revisionist shit with the blood sacrifices of many surrendered in the revolutions of China, the USSR and elsewhere. Red Banner Society continues: We conclude that the method used by the trotskiytes is just scissionism. They are not interested in the reunions of Marxist-Leninist Parties, as the Seminars of Brussels and Athens, but to do scission and attack marxist- leninist organizations. The TIM(the most appropriate name for the organization) doesn't show interest in the building of a revolutionary party, and for this reason, we marxist-leninists have as a task to be engaged in a theoretical struggle against every kind of opportunism, as shown by Stalin and Lenin, to edificate [?] the union of marxist-leninist parties from all the world, as well as in each country, to act with all energies, as did Che Guevara, to make the socialist revolution in the XXI Century! replies: It is unfortunate about how truth advances that in many cases the old and habit-inclined cannot face new truths. The lessons of the dissolution of the USSR and Albania can be moderately slowly digested by the proletariat and its allies. On this point, it would be wrong to be pushy or arrogant even as time might be running out for nuclear war. However, in 2003 to have alleged vanguard organizations still in denial on basic points of there being a bourgeoisie that restored capitalism--such organizations are more or less hopeless. They are rather like an organization that would lose a million comrades in combat before noticing that the enemy fired a gun. It will be better for teenagers to look at this all fresh and go from there as long as they do not relinquish the gains possible from studying history. At best some members of these slow organizations could be good rank-and-file members but not leaders of new proletarian parties. So for this reason, we proudly conform to the label of "scissionist," because we are splitting away from the politics of parasitism both for the imperialist countries and the ex-socialist countries. It may be a long time before the MIM line comes to bear fruit in the imperialist countries and before the Third World Maoists recognize its necessity and it's more than likely that in the meantime we will suffer another round or two of revisionist international centers, Brezhnevism without Brezhnev. The comrade errs in thinking that we are a large organization. We are not. We simply have cleared the way scientifically for efficient contributions from a small number of comrades. We look developed in regard to our central task, but we are rather undeveloped especially compared with the Maoist parties conducting People's Wars in the Third World--in many, many areas. We do believe that our per comrade efficiency is better than in other organizations competing with us in the imperialist countries. A large part of efficiency is "cutting losses." Spending time on old revisionist organizations is very wasteful of time, money and energy that could be spent on talking to completely new people, in some cases teenagers. Comrades of the Red Banner Society, may I suggest that we refocus this discussion: 1) Please answer where you stand on the Progressive Labor Party and its stance on there being no armed struggles worth supporting in the last generation. 2) Please give us your own stance on armed struggles existing in the whole world of the last 30 years. Are there any you find worth supporting? 3) Please answer point-blank whether or not Khruschev was a member of the bourgeoisie in the party. Thank you and again please remember that we do not claim to have the correct path for Brazil. That would be something comrade Gonzalo in Peru would be much closer to. Nonetheless on the universally important questions of Stalin and Mao, the vanguard of Brazil must have the most able leaders of the proletariat--"the best sons and daughters"-- not people stuck in the past or sentimental Russophilia.