Another critic of MIM, Lurigancho says at "But when they exercise that right to self-determination, a whole lot of investigation into the concrete conditions of the situation shows (in the good old Maoist sense of going to the masses and sharing weal and woe with them, not cooking up statistics on surplus value in some effort to make me or my group look scientific) that the vast majority of Black people (and with higher numbers among Black proletarians (that is, of course, if don't count people in the projects as labor aristocrats)) do not want a separate Black republic." replies for MIM: The above is pretty explicit that the "RCP-USA" has no use for the labor theory of value anymore. We say fine, as long as all their members renounce Marxism. The minute the "RCP-USA" renounces Marxism, they will become internationalist social- democrats, models for the many Europeans who need to support People's Wars while putting forward their economic reformism. After renouncing Marxism, the "RCP-USA" will become allies of the international proletariat instead of revisionists trying to smuggle the enemy into the fort of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The above statement from Lurigancho has special neo-colonial significance in two ways. One is that the "RCP-USA" takes the easy road to parasitism, by "sharing weal and woe." Can't you just hear them saying: "Don't tell me about that surplus-value shit! All I care about is right here and now!" Do they expect to hear people offer that they are parasites in an opinion poll? If "right here and now" is parasitism, the "RCP-USA" is not going to help sort that out. While Marx told people they would have to dig below the commodity relations, "RCP-USA" is here telling us to accept what people say about themselves--thus accepting identity politics. Secondly, the above statement is neo-colonialism because it leaves out a stage in the process of Black liberation. That is what happens most of the time when people claim they have surpassed the Black Panthers of 1966 to 1969 instead of just referring to them. Eldridge Cleaver already explained why it is that the BPP was for self-determination. There has to be a couple stages before we know what Black people really want, contrary to what the "RCP-USA" is saying above. See, when people like the "RCP-USA"'s Lurigancho accept facts as stated by people under conditions of oppression, they become what we Maoists called "subjectivist- empiricists." In contrast, we have to see what happens when the oppressor takes the knife out of the back of the oppressed before we know what the oppressed really wants. It's hard to make out what the people are saying while the knife is still in their back. Are they saying what they say because they have to? Because we can't hear what they are really saying amidst pain? Or because they will say the same thing when the knife is removed? Usually communist scientists are in favor of plebiscites to resolve these questions--after the development of suitable conditions to hold the plebiscite, and those suitable conditions are tantamount to national liberation in themselves. You can only have a choice when you really have a choice, and not a knife in your back. What MIM is saying is consistent with the BPP of 1966 to 1969, because MIM sees some stages that have to happen that the "RCP-USA" leaves out. We see some major problems that have to be addressed through the use of state power. We do not believe the severe problems of white chauvinism that we see today can be settled by talking with people or with cultural movements BEFORE the seizure of state power and the re-distribution of assets and opening of borders. In contrast, the "RCP-USA" believes that whites are mostly exploited and about to express revolutionary consciousness at any moment. This led them to their 1974 "smash busing" "error" (when it was a problem of general line, not just an "error") and their 2002 references to Stalin's and Peking Review's line on World War II Germany from 1943 to 1945 as "wack." In other words, this leads them to rename fascism as revolution or evidence of the stirrings of the white proletariat. Finally, did Lurigancho try to ask Black people whether they wanted to stay integrated with whites because they want to share in super-profits that a united imperialist state can obtain? Sorry, Lurigancho, but your comments on surplus-value, and the "RCP-USA"'s attitude toward the question leave me thinking you didn't. for the Maoist Internationalist Movement