"RCP"-USA and international communist movement update by MC5 December 6, 2000 MIM uses the occasion of the publication of "A World to Win" #26 by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and its Committee (CoRIM) to update MIM readers on the "Revolutionary Communist Party" or "RCP"-USA and the international communist movement more generally. International communist movement The international communist movement continues to show 20 times more fluidity than it did in the 1980s, but still not enough for MIM to believe there will be a favorable re-orientation any time soon except by MIM's own efforts and those of fraternal comrades. For explanatory ease, we may divide up the organizations of the alleged international communist movement into five parts: 1) Those upholding Stalin yet in fact practicing revisionism on the restoration of capitalism in the USSR after his death. Such would be the effort led by Ludo Martens in Belgium that attempts to draw in the Castroites and even a handful of Trotskyists here and there. 2) The right-wing of revisionism claiming Mao in the imperialist countries, unfortunately gathering itself around Filipino Jose Maria Sison. These parties are unclear to this day about Deng Xiaoping (despite the denunciation of him) and Hua Guofeng in the best cases and in other cases add lack of clarity on the labor aristocracy to the point where they obviously hate the mention of the phrase "labor aristocracy" in the same way the social-chauvinists Lenin had to fight to exclude from the Third International. Lenin's writings from the time are still applicable to these imperialist economists and social-chauvinists. 3) The Kautskyite-centrists calling themselves Maoists in the imperialist countries that are grouped in the RIM and the Third World comrades who tolerate them. 4) MIM and its fraternal comrades. 5) The ultraleft, anarchists, Progressive Labor Party etc. Currently, there is some fluidness in all the four parts mentioned above excluding MIM. Each has attractive and changing elements and each has incorrect history it is unwilling to part with. MIM is the junior element of the five, the one with the least history. For the far right wing of people with some possibility of coming to Maoism, we must say that Ludo Martens has dedicated himself to mending the Sino-Soviet split as the source of all evil. "Joma" Sison has taken persynal responsibility for the many confused people calling themselves "Maoist" and opposing the "Gang of Four," plus the MLP Germany which upholds the "Gang of Four." Joma Sison has also tended to group the imperialist country parties most like those Lenin fought to exclude from the Third International based on the question of the labor aristocracy. Sison gives rather too much credit to his imperialist country comrades. Bob Avakian and the RIM have undertaken to uphold the Cultural Revolution, including the so-called "Gang of Four." The associated "CoRIM" has written comments on the efforts of Joma Sison to regroup the international communist movement. These comments are indicative of the CoRIM's Kautskyite nature. In general, by criticizing revisionists and right opportunists, the Co-RIM makes mostly correct criticisms of substance in "Comments on the Resolutions Adopted by the Fifth Conference of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations" in "A World to Win" #26. 1) The distinction between imperialism and oppressed nations. 2) The labor aristocracy. 3) The lack of criticism of Hua Guofeng. 4) The lack of distinction between Maoist-led and other armed struggles. 5) Going beyond upholding Stalin in the ex-USSR, attacking Ludo Martens's "neo-revisionist" gang, dispelling myths about Cuba. The comments err in calling for the re-establishment of a COMINTERN, something Mao opposed in his lifetime. Furthermore, adding to the Kautskyite air of social-chauvinism, the CoRIM mentions the concept of labor aristocracy, but as usual, does not apply it. The words "split in the working class" are merely window-dressing to cover a Kautskyite agenda. Specifically, what the CoRIM seeks to do is lead the rightists and revisionists ever so slightly "leftward" in order to bring them back to revisionism at the last minute. Such revisionism is always the most dangerous. The CoRIM seeks to cut off a move toward MIM at the last minute through maneuver and positioning. MIM will add only a few comments on the situation of the international communist movement. 1) Ludo Martens has embarked on an energetic course to unite in neo-revisionism, a curious medley of beliefs based on his jumbled historical understanding of the Sino-Soviet split and his willingness to compromise with sentimental Brezhnevism, something we will have to return to at a later date as warranting further detail. To the advanced looking at this trend, MIM would only say that it is now the year 2000. It would be far better to let teenagers restart communist organizations than to continue to breathe life into those that cannot see Deng and Hua were wrong or that the bourgeoisie in the party restored capitalism in the USSR. (See another review by MIM showing Ludo Martens's party attempting to breathe life into various dead organizations in the United $tates who uphold Deng or Hua.) Whatever sentimental attachments we may have to certain comrades and organizations, they have demonstrated a lack of discernment, and even if they adopted fully correct Maoist positions today, they would not be appropriate vanguard material having taken so long to do so. 2) Similarly, the Filipino comrades may feel a certain responsibility toward parties that have been around a long time, and that they may have struggled with in the past. Yet it would be better for those parties supporting Deng or Hua to die and clear the way for parties of teenagers to start anew. Hence, we must recall what has been said about Liberalism and "old friends." There are Third World parties that have never undertaken armed struggle and never understood the restoration of capitalism in China or the Soviet Union. They have demonstrated a lack of scientific discernment inappropriate for vanguard leadership, even if they should convert to 100% Maoism today. The vanguard party cannot be composed of those of us least able to quickly apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to concrete conditions. To continue to wait patiently for the most slow-witted or sentimentally attached to revisionism is to block the unity of the genuine communists and to divert their energies from the issues they need to focus on to move forward instead of the issues they should have already understood from the past. Furthermore, waiting for unity is to legitimize leadership that blocks the growth of new Maoist leadership. 3) The imperialist country parties except for MIM's fraternal comrades are talking about establishing social-imperialism from the beginning of so-called socialist revolution. The contemporary Kautskyites and more blatant social-democrats propose to overthrow imperialism, but they have not the slightest notion of how to concretely measure their success. They do not know and intentionally ignore what percentage of their population is petty-bourgeoisie including labor aristocracy. Nor do they have any idea of how much profit stems from imperialist country workers and how much flows in from abroad; they also have no idea how much in new assets the imperialists accumulate each year. How will they know when they have abolished super-profits? How widely will abolishing super-profits affect the imperialist countries? How deeply? Not knowing the answer to this question is even more indicative than not knowing the quantity of the means of production and their location and then claiming that a majority or 100% were nationalized or taken over by the proletariat. The question alone of measuring the end of exploitation is enough to make a supposed Maoist party a party of social-imperialism for its failure to answer. Failure to answer definitively can only mean a preservation of the status quo of imperialism in the new clothes of Maoism. The Third World Maoist parties will be called on to lead the armed struggles giving the most blood and energy to the struggle. Yet while these parties do not live amongst entire nations that are parasites, so too these parties cannot claim to overthrow imperialism without knowing how they will know they have succeeded. Overthrowing imperialism is not merely replacing old political faces with new ones or winning an armed struggle. It means measurably and definitively bringing super-exploitation and exploitation to an end, and overthrowing U.$. imperialism and imperialism generally is something that should be done once and for all. To ask for a blood sacrifice to overthrow imperialism without knowing how to measure success is a crime in itself. Maoist parties in the Third World that do this will become comprador props of social-imperialism, sooner or later. Peru and CoRIM self-criticism On June 8th, 1997, MIM replied to "A World to Win" #22, rebutting its slipshod methods and drawing attention to the CoRIM's Liberalism toward counter-revolution in the guise of launching two-line struggle. (See http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/ms/corim.html )Since that time, and before that time, Luis Arce Borja has demolished the CoRIM's positions on Peru and the RIM discredited itself widely by allowing the CoRIM to publish the kind of material it published in #22 of "A World to Win." Now the CoRIM has made self-criticism for Peru articles in #22. However, it has only said that it was a matter of publicly airing difficulties and it has not said who corrected CoRIM--a mark of insincere and less-than-thorough self-criticism. "A World to Win" gyrates in its positions wildly. While the "RCP"-USA had speculated that Gonzalo was behind the peace accords idea, the CoRIM and apparently the RIM claim to oppose that idea now in "A World to Win" #26. (See page 6.) Already in "A World to Win #25" the CoRIM staged an interview that contradicted its position in #22 about what it called right opportunism and a matter of two-line struggle within the party. Asking about prisoners advocating the peace accords, the CoRIM received the following reply from a Peruvian in its own interview in "A World to Win" #25. "In the first place we must clarify some concepts. The two-line struggle goes on inside the Party, it is the motive force for the development of the Party, it is its motor. But it is impossible to develop a two-line struggle with these prisoners who have separated themselves from the Party, by their own choice. It would be absurd to do so."("A World to Win", #25, p. 26) The fact that the "A World to Win" contradicted its own line so readily and without explanation is further proof of opportunism of some sort. It took till issue #26 to get some further insight into what "A World to Win" was thinking about in its own change of line. In 1997, MIM said, in its rebuttal of the Canto Grande statement of prisoners for a peace accord, laying down of arms and destruction of people's organizations: "1. Capitulationism is counterrevolutionary, not merely right-opportunist "R. Voina repeatedly asserts that MIM and others have 'opposed the struggle against the Right Opportunist Line' and have in fact engaged in 'denunciation of the fight against the Right Opportunist Line (ROL)....' In fact, the Right Opportunist Line that the CoRIM/A World to Win/R. Voina is talking about is not the same one the PCP is talking about. The CoRIM is referring to counterrevolution as mere Right Opportunism and then saying MIM opposes the struggle against Right Opportunism! However, MIM is attacking the counterrevolutionary line. "The RCP-USA [should have been so-called RCP-USA, ed.] and company, in contrast, are in metaphysical denial of the fact that the line in question is counterrevolutionary and not merely right opportunist. AWTW #21 made it clear that CoRIM considers outright capitulationist documents to be "documents from the Right Opportunist Line." The current A World to Win (which, though dated Dec 1996, was released in North America in April 1997) contains the following from CoRIM: "We have noted that some tendencies still exist to underestimate the importance of the two-line struggle in the PCP, to see it as something of the past, or to believe that it is enough to passively support the position of the CoRIM. Comrades, this is dangerous thinking!" (AWTW #22, Dec 1996, p. 35.) In sum, the CoRIM insists, even in the face of criticism, that the counterrevolutionary line of capitulation is currently to be found within the ranks of the PCP. This is quite an accusation for the CoRIM to be making of its supposed comrades, and is quite an accusation to be making without proof. "As another example, in footnote #9, Voina refers to a 'pro- Right Opportunist Line edition of El Diario (Lima).' To MIM's knowledge, the 'El Diario (Lima)' that Voina is speaking of calls for peace negotiations quite blatantly and changes the format including credits to comrade Luis Arce Borja that used to exist in that paper. "Now CoRIM is calling that work merely 'right opportunist'? The revisionist swindlers of the CoRIM seek to use discussion of the 'right opportunist line' to smuggle any counterrevolutionary into the ranks of the PCP and the movement abroad by extension. "Voina presents the line that 'RIM supports the line of peace negotiations' as evidence of CoRIM critics' dishonesty. But to the extent that RIM has said that the Canto Grande weed is mere right opportunism, it can be said that the RIM supports the peace negotiations. It uses a cover like all revisionists do. RIM claims to be Maoist while it seeks to admit counterrevolutionaries into the ranks to dilute the party and the international communist movement. "Not all line struggle is a police plot. However, Voina and CoRIM go on and on about this subject without getting specific. In fact, CoRIM nowhere defends its decision to call the Canto Grande weed merely 'right opportunist.' But that is the concrete situation; there is no general philosophy about two-line struggle worth debating. We should be talking about the Canto Grande weed specifically as MIM already has, but the CoRIM needs to dodge this subject and turn it into one of philosophy detached from the realities of struggle, the realities of what the rest of us are talking about." The above lengthy excerpt from MIM remains true today. The fact that "A World to Win" has not admitted that the criticism hit the nail on the head is further proof of the insincerity of the self-criticism the CoRIM made and the validity of Luis Arce Borja's dismissal of these Kautskyite swindlers now being forced to repair their "left" mask. The "RCP"-USA's "Notes on Political Economy: Our Analysis of the 1980s, Issues of Methodology, and the Current World Situation" Although this document has been much discussed by the "RCP"-USA and MIM has noted some disgust expressed by Peruvians in its regard, MIM is most surprised by just how little of any substance the document has to discuss. The 53 page document purports to re-orient the "RCP"-USA since predictions of the 1980s went awry. MIM covers many of the same subjects at much greater length in "Imperialism and Its Class Structure in 1997." (http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/mt/imp97/index.html) One of the main self-criticisms that the "RCP"-USA makes is that "the phenomenon of two blocs going to all-out military confrontation is not an inevitable invariant feature of spiral/conjuncture motion."(p. 9) Noting that various conflicts of imperialists are not inevitable, the "RCP"-USA rightly steers away from Kautsky on his thesis of ultra-imperialism, while continuing secretly to uphold his general approach to World War I. (Kautsky's ultra-imperialism theory held that imperialism could reform itself into being peaceful with regard to inter-imperialist conflict.) Since to the "RCP"-USA a war does not exist unless lots of white people die on white-owned soil, the "RCP"-USA self-criticism says, "It was wrong, however, to issue a 'tornado warning (ital)"--to declare that a tornado (war) was definitely coming unless prevented by revolution."(p. 12) MIM would say that the "RCP"-USA made a mistake for sure: there was war going on, and MIM calls it World War III to this day. It's fundamental character of imperialism against the oppressed nations has not changed. In contrast, the "RCP"-USA says its mistake was to see war at all. Only later does it mention "proxy" wars; even though more people have died in wars since World War II in the Third World than died in either World War I or World War II. Then the "Notes" reveal the contradiction in the "RCP"-USA version of Kautskyite straddling. Kautsky tried to straddle those supporting and opposing World War I and ended up supporting it. The "RCP"-USA likes to straddle the issue of whether or not the Euro-Amerikan workers are parasites. The newspaper "Revolutionary Worker" of July 30, 2000 said, "One of the main changes since our previous Programme was written is that U.S. society has become even more parasitic--sucking even more blood from the people of the world." On the other hand, "Notes" yammers on and on about labor aristocracy fairytales of downsizing (p. 22) as if those truly downsized (and we mean people who did not go on to better jobs, not people who are so conservative they consider themselves "downsized" if they had to change jobs) were at all representative of a class. Even worse, these social-democrats masquerading as Maoists then inform us that the welfare system is coming apart in the United $tates and that the portion of workers bourgeoisified has declined.(pp. 32-3, 45-6) It would appear that the "RCP"-USA is prepared for merger with its social-democratic brethren in Europe. What they are saying in "Notes" now is nothing the social-democrats have not been saying the last 80 years. Perhaps Ludo Martens and Workers World will join up with the RIM as well. As a party concerned with making revolution in the United $tates, MIM is pleased that there are so many social-democrats in Europe tantalizing the "RCP"-USA with dreams of a new COMINTERN to lead the labor aristocracy. The possibility of oppressor nation petty-bourgeois unity offsets the pressure the "RCP"-USA feels from the MIM and the proletariat. We can only hope that the possibility of a RIM-led imperialist country labor aristocracy unity leaves MIM alone in the field and that the oppressed masses will more easily see the difference. Why bother with window-dressing when there is so much potential for social-chauvinist unity for the "RCP"-USA?