Drugs, Denied Grievances and Crumbling Services in Federal BOP Women's Prison
As of right now here at Federal Correctional Institution Waseca, we are flooded with Suboxone, so those articles in ULK 77 really hit home. It is the K2 more that keeps this compound going. We do have 1% of our population on the “MAT” program, where a few of the females here go and get their monthly fix of Suboxone and continue their stint, nodding off at random places.
Another major issue here is that our grievance process here is a joke. Everything gets denied and in D-Unit, the programming unit, the ladies have constantly got cursed at when requesting the first step or any of our administrative remedies.
I have spent over 10 years in Texas prisons (TDCJ). The way the BOP is falling apart, except that Texas doesn’t pay their prisoners, it would probably be better down there than here. We have no mental health services, women report suicide ideations and nothing gets done, stating a shortage of staff. The Unicor sweatshop is mandating overtime for 7AM-8PM and most Saturdays.