Fighting Police Murders in Ferguson and Beyond
The recent murder of Michael Brown by Ferguson police, and subsequent violence in Ferguson, Missouri highlights how far of a divide there is between the police and the citizenry. Racial bias, disparity, the militarization of police and the growing anger of misconduct has opened or reopened wounds from the Trayvon Martin killing and other police executions in the last few years.
For many of us this is a cry that we should have been making against this police treatment long ago. While the media and all of its minions have been paying lip service to the murder of a young man, and the various “activists” have been attempting to bring attention to militarization of police and prison racial disparities, when this is all said and done, we will have nothing that has been accomplished.
Racism is a tool used by the system to distract people from its root problems. We should all be concerned about 1) the justification for murder by police which is embraced so gratefully by many, and 2) how those who don’t live in communities where police brutality is common apologize for the wrong-doers and demonize those who are under injustice.
The killing of an 18-year-old happened. He was unarmed and killed in cold blood by a cop who was supposed to be protecting and serving.
How can anyone call for peace when so many young children have been murdered by police? He came from a lumpen community who now all share in the call for justice. No more police murders.
Cops are killing our kids, what are we going to do to get justice if another killer walks?
MIM(Prisons) responds: This writer makes an important point about racism as a tool used by the imperialist system. Racism is an attitude, and the root problem is national oppression. Michael Brown was a victim of national oppression, a system in the United $tates which puts the white nation in a position of power and wealth while the New Afrikan, Chican@ and First Nations as groups receive vastly inferior education, public services, and income. And the public perception of oppressed nations is a result of centuries of “education” so that police and regular citizens believe that Black youth are inherently dangerous.
We must demand justice, but not just for Michael Brown. One killer cop being prosecuted will not change the system of national oppression. We can’t use the criminal injustice system to defeat national oppression. Only by fighting imperialism, the very system that perpetuates national oppression both at home and around the world, do we have a real chance of ending police murders.
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