Para Bellum
You can toss to the right all the weak bullshit
All your fuckin jive
“the earth will be inherited by the meek”
Nah fuck that
The socialist revolution is what we seek
Know that we are toe tagged the minority
But really we are the majority
Victims of the imperialist war animal
That which destroys with the right
What the left creates
And the Proletariat?
Their left to pick up the pieces
And fight against the hate
So, fuck you capitalist lackeys!
It’s all over now
There is no more time for silence
We must stand
A red tide
Against the $ystem
That perpetuates our internal violence
Take the blinders from your eyes
That we are the downtrodden
And disenfranchised!
Alienation and exploitation
It’s all inherent
To the imperialist $ystem
Hell bent on subduing the masses
Wake up!
And quit enrolling into their stupidity classes
So raise your revolutionary consciousness
In time to Para Bellum
for only then may we fell them.