Surrounded by Indoctrination
by State Baby
Why must I act
A certain way?Why must I speak
your vocabulary?I refuse to follow
your made up unjust
Laws!Meanwhile, my people
lay in project cubicles
called Public Housing -
infested with roaches
and rats.As the blocks become
land mines with strong
weapons of Genocide
such as guns, drugs, and
misdirected Anger -
that speaks out loud,
danger.But don’t worry
crime is down!The police said on
the news they seized
1,000,000,000 dollars
in cocaine from the
street but, they said
6,000,000,000 was
lost.Surrounded by
IndoctrinationsWhose gonna stand
up so the kids can
grow up right?And whose gonna reach
the political captives
behind the wall with the
pen we can fight?I will, we can,
and MIMs
will not stand any
more to be… Surrounded by Indoctrinations