From "socialism4ever" on the forum said in January 2005: "If MIM beleives that the majority of amerikans have no revolutionary potential, and that revolution is impossible in the USA, then what is the point of MIM? What is the point? If you beleive revolution can't ever happen in this country, what is the point of existing? . . . OUR IDEOLOGY IS MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM OUR VANGUARD IS THE REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST PARTY OUR LEADER IS CHAIRMAN AVAKIAN" mim3 for MIM: The point is to end exploitation. The point is not to win a U.$. popularity contest for the Avakian cult. Depending on which of the above two goals I had --ending exploitation or getting a persynality cult some fans-- I would do different things. For MIM, part of the goal is eliminating the labor aristocracy class as a class, (not as people), as a strata of the petty-bourgeoisie. For the RCP=U$A, the point is to rally the labor aristocracy for Avakian. Ending exploitation dictates that I do "my share" as Lenin said--globally. He didn't say do "my share" "only if you are not outnumbered." He did not say RCP=U$A's capitulationism giving up the goal was ever justified in any strategic situation. And Lenin never said the "truth" would win over the exploiters, unlike Avakian today. That's promoting pacifism--another aspect of capitulationism when pacifism calls itself Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, even if mixed in with other scatter-brained revolutionary imagery. The above is typical of the RCP=U$A members and circles' gross pragmatism. They just never know when it is appropriate to discuss goals and when strategy. Other observant members of the above forum noticed that this persyn who has been around awhile in Internet forums has a name that opposes going to communism. That pretty much explains what the RCP=U$A is all about, social-imperialism and it's evident in how their circles name themselves. This persyn and other RCP=U$A fans are social-democrats not only in name as with "socialism4ever." They oppose Mao on his polemics with the Italians and others on having "strategic confidence" in the Asian, Latin American and African exploited and oppressed, that there is never any reason to rally the exploiters. The Eurocommunists did not listen and look where they ended up despite winning popularity for a while. Gorbachev was wildly popular in the united $tates too, so the real question, to socialism4ever is "what's your point?"--that Amerikans cannot fight as a minority in their context but as people doing their share in the international context? So they should give up? It's either rally the exploiters or cease existing says socialism4ever? Finally, below you will see we already answered this question years ago and socialism4ever does not read and respond--again typical for RCP=U$A circles, because of the line that RCP=U$A has rallying the labor aristocracy philistines. [From the "RCP-USA"'s on September 30th 2002:] Hello, Sorry that this is not really a thorough answer to your question, but the main difference is that RCP wants revolution, while MIM lumps together the people with the rulers & is therefore filled with disdain for them (in fact they think that all white proletarians are either really petit bourgeois or at least labour aristocracy -- RCP says there is a multinational proletariat within the borders of the US) MIM sees no revolution here in the future at all. Please check the debates on this site between supporters of RCP & those of MIM in the 'Liberation Of Oppressed Nationalities' forum. - Laddo Kecxoveli *********************************************************** replies for MIM: Of course MIM believes there is going to be a revolution here, but the real question is why the "RCP-USA" keeps saying: "MIM sees no revolution here in the future at all." Check it out: why would the "RCP-USA" say this about MIM unless the "RCP-USA"'s definition of revolution REQUIRES that the majority of forces of revolution come from within U.$. borders and NOT fighting for national liberation (which they oppose with the possible exception of Blacks)--i.e. white participation in nine digit figures. The answer is that they plan on fighting AGAINST a revolution that would really bring down imperialism, and this is their way of making that promise. The "RCP-USA" is promising to fend off any attack against U.$. imperialism on its soil. The key is their definition of the word "revolution." Their very definition of revolution EXCLUDES what happened in eastern Germany as one example, which is one reason why they have ridiculed Stalin right on the Internet. It's the "RCP-USA"'s patriotism that creates the definition of "revolution" that it uses. It's objectively white nationalist, whether the persyn spouting the "RCP" line is Carl Dix or not. That's why it's important to hold out for the truth of anti-imperialist, anti-parasitic revolution. The bottom line is that the "RCP-USA" is not going to the same place as MIM. The principal economic content of the principal contradiction is the struggle against super-exploitation. MIM plans on ending super-exploitation. The "RCP-USA" does not. That's why it always refuses to answer how much surplus-labor the U$A is sucking in TOTAL from the Third World and how that impacts the OVERALL class structure of the united $tates. They have to fudge that question or answer that question partially so that their followers don't notice in order to maintain their definition of revolution as coming principally from white workers (who are the bulk of what they call the "multinational proletariat") within u.$. borders. They disagree with MIM, because we of the Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao tradition said, to the followers of Hitler in the 1930s and 1940s: you had your chance to see the light, but you kept on with your imperialist rampaging. Now the solution to your problem is going to come from both inside and OUTSIDE Germany. As we all know, Soviet troops in Germany itself were the MAIN force of the solution to the problem. However, the "RCP-USA" whines in sympathy for the German majority that backed Hitler. Moreover, after all the decades of continuous imperialist marauding by the united $tates backed by the imperialist country majority, the phony internationalists who are really social-patriots of the "RCP-USA" have the gall to say the international proletariat, the truly multi-national proletariat of the world does not have the right to put down the u.$. imperialists and their allies themselves at the source. The "RCP-USA" believes the international proletariat has to confine itself to revolutions outside the united $tates and not do what the Red Army did and finish off Hitler and Nazism at the source. We have news for the "RCP-USA": even with you and various other phony communists on its side, imperialism is doomed.